A challenge for those looking to explore the more nefarious elements of game play in the sims. The rules are simple: 1. Create a sim teen or older 2. Your sim must have either the mean, evil, ...
I have a small update, but my game crashed, so none of this actually happened. :D (or, I'll just have to do it again, really).
Ulrike started by researching her options. Her art career was getting her nowhere; she had no cash and Maaike had taken all the food with her when she moved out. The nerve. She needed a new job fast so she could make some good money while still being able to focus on her painting.
There was a position open as an agency clerk at S.I.M.S. and that seemed like a good option. Plus, browsing the intelligence database was interesting and left her feeling very focused. https://i.ibb.co/tsWpYMJ/Screenshot-343.png https://i.ibb.co/D4bZpVB/Screenshot-344.png
The only thing decent in the fridge to eat were some leftover cold cuts, but Ulrike had an idea. https://i.ibb.co/qxn2jgf/12-31-23-8-39-38-PM.png
Maaike had left her furniture when she moved out, saying she'd "come get it when I need it," but Ulrike thought she probably needed it more. She'd just sell Maaike's bed and that would get her some cash to start on. Maaike would probably be mad when she found out, but whatever. It was just a bed. https://i.ibb.co/gJT3Lxp/12-31-23-8-40-32-PM.png
That gave her enough money to buy some canvases for some paintings. She was still feeling focused, so she made a mathematical diagram. She figured the logic skill would probably come in handy as a secret agent. https://i.ibb.co/g6QP7yv/12-31-23-8-42-24-PM.png
And with a painting under her belt, she settled in for a good night's sleep. https://i.ibb.co/DWdzQS9/12-31-23-8-43-24-PM.png