@permanentrose @Ellupelluellu @NRowe @Belalucina @mcrudd @Skeilah
Clem woke up in a bad mood. It had been a week and there was still no news of his boxing match. Oh sure, he had a personal trainer, but even his personal trainer knew nothing about the match.
Clem felt he had been making good progress on his report on the Willow Creek residents, and only had a few more to visit. The last time he had a meeting with Dennis Racket, Dennis seemed to be especially interested in the Pancakes and the Goths. Clem thought about the Pancakes, especially Eliza Pancakes, and dreaded having to go into that house again. But, he needed to speak with Iggy, so, after eating some breakfast, he decided to head to the Pancakes house. Hopefully Eliza wouldn't be home.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The day was overcast and it had started to rain when Clem knocked on the Pancakes door. Luckily for him, Iggy was downstairs and answered it. Clem told Iggy he was a friend of Iggy's father.
Iggy was a teen and before long, Clem had Iggy telling him all about high school, and how Iggy wanted to get on the computer team. Iggy even confided in Clem that he had a crush on a girl in school but that she didn't seem to know that Iggy existed.
With a hug of understanding on Iggy's romantic woes, Clem planted the listening bug. Since he was there, Clem decided to have a visit with Bob and Iggy told Clem that his father was upstairs.
Clem climbed the stairs and saw Bob wearing his housecoat playing a game of chess on the balcony. It was the middle of the day and Bob was still in his housecoat? Oh geez! Clem feared that Bob was going through a depression over his marriage breakdown. Clem was just about to head out to the balcony when he saw Eliza get up from the other chair. Oh no! He didn't want to see her again!
But it was too late, and as soon as Eliza saw him, she started shouting forbidden words at him. Clem really didn't want a confrontation and was only here to see Bob, but she wouldn't let up. Geez Eliza...get over it...I don't want to be with you...and frankly, neither does Bob.
Clem told Bob that he would call him, and quickly left the house and headed home. Clem didn't really need all this drama and was thinking of heading to the gym to work out when he heard a knock on the door. He answered it to find three sims standing there. Well, two actually, because one other sim was down the street a bit showering in the rain.
Clem invited them inside figuring they were other neighbors welcoming him to the neighborhood. They hadn't brought any fruitcake with them or other gifts, but they seemed friendly enough. They introduced themselves as Nancy Landgraab, Jacques Villareal and Jeffrey Holmes, and enquired how Clem was settling in. Clem invited them to have some lunch.
Then Nancy switched on the stereo and started dancing. Soon there was a dance party going on.
Clem noticed that Jeffrey had gotten up and went around the house looking in various rooms and stopped at his "office" that was locked.
Clem thought he heard a rattling sound: "Hey! You looking for something?"
Jeffrey: "Oh, sorry, I should have said something. I was just looking for the restroom. Is it in here, because the door seems locked..."
Clem: "No, that's my office. The restroom is just across from there..."
Jeffrey: "Yeah, okay, thanks Clem..." Clem didn't notice it, but Nancy and Jeffrey exchanged a knowing look.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Once Jeffrey was done in the restroom, Jacques remarked that he had seen a basketball hoop outside and wondered if Clem wanted to have a hoops competition.
Clem looked at Jacques questioningly, "Well, no offence, but I work out everyday and I'm pretty good at basketball..."
Jacques: "Oh, so you think I'm not fit? On the contrary, I played on a basketball team in my younger days, and I still have the moves. Unless you're afraid that I might beat you..."
Clem laughed: "No way, you're on!"
Jacques and Clem headed out to the basketball court, followed by Jeffrey and Nancy. Clem did a nice layout and scored the first basket.
Jeffrey followed, but he wasn't very good...and neither was Jacques. Nancy preferred to just watch.
Clem: "You sure you guys don't need to warm up first? How many years' ago did you say you played, Jacques?"
Jacques: "It seems like just yesterday...I was known for my defensive dribbling moves...look at this!"
Clem had to admit that Jacques did have some dribbling skills...or maybe it was drooling skills because the guy was sweating profusely.
They continued playing and it had started to get dark. But Jacques said that he was fine and that he was going to win the next challenge. Clem had been so caught up in playing basketball that he hadn't noticed that both Nancy and Jeffrey had gone inside.
Clem: "Hey, Jacques, you want to take a breather? Maybe drink some water? You don't want to overdo it!"
Jacques: "You young whipper-snappers think you know everything. You just want me to give up because YOU are the one who is tired. Bring it on, kid!."
As Clem went into his layout, he noticed that Jacques had suddenly gone down on his knees and then was laying on the ground.
Clem: "Jacques! Hey...you okay? Jacques?" Clem felt his eyes tear up. This couldn't be happening!
But there was no response, and suddenly this guy dressed all in black appeared out of nowhere and went over beside Jacques.
Clem: "Hey you!"
The black figure turned towards him, "The name's Grim...Grim Reaper..."
Clem: "Yeah, you, Grim! Leave him alone. I gotta call 9-1-1. Don't move the body! The guy will be fine...he just overdid it...he'll be fine! Don't take him anywhere!"
Grim just shook his head and Clem suddenly knew that there was nothing they could do for Jacques anymore.
Clem was so angry with what had happened that he went over and kicked over the garbage can. Clem should have known that Jacques was tired. He saw the signs, and he should have stopped the basketball game. But he hadn't and now Jacques was dead.
Grim came over and gave Clem a hug and Clem impulsively planted a bug on him.
Clem: "Keep your distance. I don't want you coming anywhere near me!"
Grim didn't answer and Clem continued to yell at him, "Is this how you get your kicks? I bet it is! Why are you still here? Are you waiting for one of us to keel over next? Well, that ain't gonna happen."
And with that, Clem shoved Grim hard. Very hard.
And Clem's anger just seemed to take over, and before Clem knew what he was doing, he was beating up this Grim dude.
And he won! Grim just smiled at Clem and pointed at him. Suddenly, Clem had a...um...accident...and peed himself. Clem, if I was you, I wouldn't mess with the Grim Reaper. I guess you could call your little accident, Grim's revenge!
Clem huffed off and went inside to the restroom.
And I guess after reaping a soul and getting beaten up, Grim needed a drink.
Clem came out of the restroom and that Grim dude was still there.
Clem: "Obviously you didn't get the message. You're not welcome here. I guess I have to show you I mean business..."
And Clem and Grim get in another fight, with Jeffrey watching and cheering. Not sure who Jeffrey was cheering for.
Clem wins again and finally Grim gets the hint and leaves. Jeffrey and Nancy decide it's a good time to head out, too.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
When they had all left, Clem went into his office to see what that Grim guy was up to. As he looked around, things seemed a bit "off"." Was it Clem's imagination, or had some items been moved? Nah, probably just upset about Jacques' death. Clem didn't even know if Jacques had any family.
Clem put down the headset. Dang! This Grim Reaper was bad...really bad. Who the heck did he work for? Clem had a nagging feeling that perhaps he shouldn't have tangled with this Grim Reaper guy afterall.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Jacques Villareal, Nancy Landgraab and Jeffrey Holmes are Clem's co-workers in the Criminal Career. Clem actually invited them over to increase his relationship with them to advance in the Criminal Career, but for story purposes, they just showed up at his door.
For the Public Enemy Aspiration, Clem had to witness the death of another sim. In another save file, I had an elder die on a basketball court from over-exertion, so I got an idea. I figured that Clem and Jacques could have a hoops competition, and then Jacques would get tired that way. I wasn't sure it was going to work at first, because Jacques kept stopping, but Clem just kept queuing up "challenge to hoops competition" with Jacques. This finally wore Jacques down and boom, he died on the court.
When Grim appeared, I did have Clem plead for Jacques, but it didn't work. I wasn't sure if it was possible, but I wanted Clem to get into a fight with Grim, which he did. He also planted a bug on Grim, and I almost fell off of my chair laughing when I saw the pop-up of what Grim said on the listening device. This was too funny!
And I guess after beating up Grim, Clem now has an Atrocious Reputation! Clem is definitely Bad Santa.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Jeffrey Holmes made by this simmer. I just needed some other "bad guys" in the save.