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terrylinn's avatar
11 years ago

Mooch off your Neighbor Challenge! :)

Mooch your way to the top!

There are all kinds of ways to make money in this version of the sims. I love playing the Sims 4 Room Challenge & live off the land type challenges and thought:

"Hum! How about live off thy Neighbor!"

After doing the Awesome Room Challenge designed by katoregama I thought it would be interesting to try by not living on your lot until you have your mansion. Live with your friends & neighbors! ;)

The Sims 4 Room Challenge can be found here:

Make your sim any way you wish, any traits you wish. The Aspiration is going to be tricky. You can start with any aspiration you wish but the final aspiration will be Mansion Baron. Bear in mind that your sim cannot get a job so you can do aspirations only to that point then switch. You can switch between aspirations anytime you want. I have no problem with using satisfaction points for rewards (your sim earned them). It is up to you how much of a challenge you want. 
Pick a bare lot to build your mansion. Any lot you like. You cannot stay on this lot until your mansion is finished, you have to mooch off of your neighbors living in their homes! Before you leave the lot to befriend your neighbors you may purchase anything you would like, that will fit in your inventory, as in Guitar, tablet etc.... After you get what you want in your personal inventory set your money to $300 using the ctrl+shft+c - testingcheats true – money 300 - testingcheats false

1 Befriend your neighbors: You can eat, sleep and mooch off of any/as many neighbors as you wish. +2 points for every neighbor you befriend and stay with mooching while your mansion is being planned/built.

2 You can work on aspirations at the library, gym, museum, bar, neighbor’s homes even a community park. +1 point for every goal of a aspiration completed; as in there are goals for each level of the aspiration + 1 point for each goal of the 4 levels. +20 for a completed aspiration. (Some aspirations only have 3 goals per level so if you complete an aspiration you get a small bonus by getting a full 20 points for completing it. There will only be a couple aspirations that can be completed)

3 +1 point for any skill point earned. Level 10 would be + 10 points. You can gain at least 4 skill levels in all skills by reading the books at the library. Remember to get the all the skills from a skill book you have to reread it.

4 You may complete the mansions baron aspiration in 2 ways. If you are not that good a builder or just don't want to build your mansion then you may purchase your mansion with your horded/mooched earnings getting only +100 points. Or you may build on your lot anytime you wish adding room by room. +20 points for every room you add to your mansion +30 points for landscaped garden/patio area.

5 You may not use collectables (fishing, gardening, frogs, crystals I think you get the idea) to make money. The idea is to mooch and work through the skills to make money. As in doing; writing at the library, painting at the museum or woodworking at whatever location you place it. (I placed a woodworking bench at the museum) You can also do any of the above at the house you are stay at if they have the easel or computer there also. You can go to your lot only to publish books or to add rooms. Play the piano at the bar or your guitar/violin for tips. Any skill object needed for skill building (such as work bench) may be added to a venue or park to use.

6 Subtract -1 point per day to completion excluding the first day.

My sim has been camping out at the Spencer-Kim-Lewis home for a couple of weeks now!  Making money on their computers and befriending them and also goes to the museum to paint! The occasional bar trip to get some tips and well of course drink juice and get close to the women! ;) Interesting twist to rotational gameplay!

Haven’t decided about getting married yet. What do you guys think? I do know that you cannot have children because they will be on your lot and well you cannot live there yet!

I am doing this challenge now so have no idea how long it will take. After doing the Room Challenge I do have some tips and any others would be so very welcome **cough cough @katoregama**

If you are painting at a venue before you leave start another painting so nobody can take the easel. Every time I went back to paint some schmuck was hogging the easel. ;) If you leave a painting it will be waiting for your return. If you go to a venue to paint and there is a paintings on the easels you can either delete them or put them on a wall in build/buy mode.

Don’t start building right away unless it is just bare rooms because items depreciate at a rapid rate in this silly game. :/ Plus with only the lot your bills will be at the minimum.  (weekly bills have been $138 so far for the $5,500 lot so avoid building for as long as you can or build to add extra challenge as you wish)

Eating can and is mostly free. Somebody almost always cooks at the parks, Pancake Bob does all the time in my town, not so much in the house you are mooching at but your meals are cheap either way.

Do a “Save As” at least once a wk with your sim on their home lot for safety reasons and save regularly through the week. That way you only lose 1 week if your game crashes/corrupts. I say this because after 14 yrs of The Sims you learn a trick or two. Never trust just one save!

Have more than enough to meet the mansion Barons requirements before you build/buy your home. Again depreciation is our enemy here. Remember you cannot live there until you complete the Mansion Barons aspiration so coming up short could hurt you by having to mooch those last few dollars with the bills coming for a $350,000 home! :o

What do you guys think? Wanna Try?? 

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