5 years ago
My ideas for Generation EP
Open schools like careers in GTW. With Prom Event that would take place at School every other weekend or so. Return of the Slow Dance for the prom. And open School Teacher career.
Instead of growing up to have adult aspiration teen should be more like kids. Have their own aspiration categories and temporary bonus trait for that aspiration. Like "rebellious teen" if the teen chooses the Rebellion category growing up. I would suggest "Popularity", "Romance", "Mischief", "Rebellion", "Sport", "Art" and "Knowledge" teen categories with one or two aspirations in each one.
Some new activities for kids and toddlers and new child aspiration would be nice. BUT NO IMAGINARE FRIEND IT WAS CREEPY.
Negative traits if the sims grew up badly. Not the parenthood ones. I would like the game to "punish" a player a bit for not developing kids skills and not pursuing their deams.
For example if the kid has less then 12 skill points in total when growing up, the game will give him a extra trait of "slow learner". Similar to the way game rewards a toddler for having skills it could punish kids for not having them. But there should be a way to overcome this as a teen. If a teen completes a knowledge teen aspirations, the bad trait is gone.
Traits for completing a teen aspiration should be more a mark than a bonus.
Then if the teen never completes at least first step of his teen aspiration, they game gives a "looser" trait. It makes sim more insecure as an adult and actually makes their life harder. And there should be a way to overcome it. Like a therapy.
This is the feature that should be optinal and easy to turn off of course. And it should not be applied to unplayable sims.
Midlife crisis. A few days before growing up to adult SOME sim starts to worry if they are doing ok. Especialy if they haven't even started on their aspiration. Sims with midlife crisis are oftenly tense and sometimes very sad. They whims indicate they want some life changes. It could wear off by itself or develop into something extreme that needs therapy.
I would like to see a legit depression with +20 sad moodlets, energy dropping quickly, whims are gone for depressed sims. I don't want it to happen to every sim, maybe it should be tied to sim beeing sad for too long. But if it happens it should be something you need to take care about because the sim really suffers.
Therapy should me more than going to the rabbit hole one time and it's over. If it is a rabbit hole, maybe sim would come home with "therapy goals". Goals like "meet someone new", "compliment somebody", "raise a skill", "write in the diary" (if you have parenthood). The Sims 4 is based on checklist systems, why not use it strenghts? The whole process could take 3-5 days.
It would make sense to add a therapist career, allow sims in this career be able to help others, etc.
Elder sims have an extra age specific trait. Like "grumpy grandpa" - this sims likes to complain all the time. "Hippy lady" - this sims are very cheerfull and fun in their old age.
I would love for videocameras to come back. Making home movies was cute.
I think that sims 4 has VERY strong systems, it already knows how to give traits depending on some conditions, it already has open careers, it alredy can have age specific aspiration and age specific traits, so everything I've listed can be done with existing engine. The game has some serious muscle (this is why there so many cool mods for sims 4). I would love to see the game use this muscles at their full strengh, so to speak.
I am hoping snowy escape is not the last EP and that we could still have Generations. The Sims 4 is a good game and I love it, and I want Generations EP to make it even better.
Open schools like careers in GTW. With Prom Event that would take place at School every other weekend or so. Return of the Slow Dance for the prom. And open School Teacher career.
Instead of growing up to have adult aspiration teen should be more like kids. Have their own aspiration categories and temporary bonus trait for that aspiration. Like "rebellious teen" if the teen chooses the Rebellion category growing up. I would suggest "Popularity", "Romance", "Mischief", "Rebellion", "Sport", "Art" and "Knowledge" teen categories with one or two aspirations in each one.
Some new activities for kids and toddlers and new child aspiration would be nice. BUT NO IMAGINARE FRIEND IT WAS CREEPY.
Negative traits if the sims grew up badly. Not the parenthood ones. I would like the game to "punish" a player a bit for not developing kids skills and not pursuing their deams.
For example if the kid has less then 12 skill points in total when growing up, the game will give him a extra trait of "slow learner". Similar to the way game rewards a toddler for having skills it could punish kids for not having them. But there should be a way to overcome this as a teen. If a teen completes a knowledge teen aspirations, the bad trait is gone.
Traits for completing a teen aspiration should be more a mark than a bonus.
Then if the teen never completes at least first step of his teen aspiration, they game gives a "looser" trait. It makes sim more insecure as an adult and actually makes their life harder. And there should be a way to overcome it. Like a therapy.
This is the feature that should be optinal and easy to turn off of course. And it should not be applied to unplayable sims.
Midlife crisis. A few days before growing up to adult SOME sim starts to worry if they are doing ok. Especialy if they haven't even started on their aspiration. Sims with midlife crisis are oftenly tense and sometimes very sad. They whims indicate they want some life changes. It could wear off by itself or develop into something extreme that needs therapy.
I would like to see a legit depression with +20 sad moodlets, energy dropping quickly, whims are gone for depressed sims. I don't want it to happen to every sim, maybe it should be tied to sim beeing sad for too long. But if it happens it should be something you need to take care about because the sim really suffers.
Therapy should me more than going to the rabbit hole one time and it's over. If it is a rabbit hole, maybe sim would come home with "therapy goals". Goals like "meet someone new", "compliment somebody", "raise a skill", "write in the diary" (if you have parenthood). The Sims 4 is based on checklist systems, why not use it strenghts? The whole process could take 3-5 days.
It would make sense to add a therapist career, allow sims in this career be able to help others, etc.
Elder sims have an extra age specific trait. Like "grumpy grandpa" - this sims likes to complain all the time. "Hippy lady" - this sims are very cheerfull and fun in their old age.
I would love for videocameras to come back. Making home movies was cute.
I think that sims 4 has VERY strong systems, it already knows how to give traits depending on some conditions, it already has open careers, it alredy can have age specific aspiration and age specific traits, so everything I've listed can be done with existing engine. The game has some serious muscle (this is why there so many cool mods for sims 4). I would love to see the game use this muscles at their full strengh, so to speak.
I am hoping snowy escape is not the last EP and that we could still have Generations. The Sims 4 is a good game and I love it, and I want Generations EP to make it even better.