A playthrough of the No skills, no problem scenario Technicalities: [ Spoiler ] Sim name: Fred Collins Occult Type: Animal Empath with song-based magic (currently dormant) Traits: Animal En...
Summer Year 1 Narrated by Fred to his various pen pals
“See? This is why Rika and me is a match made in heaven! She cleaned away the puddles I had left after watering my lilies! Everyone else always drones on about “only a neat freak will mop an outdoors puddle”, but Rika gets it. We aren’t even “Neat Freaks”, in fact, I don’t care much about cleanness, but I value order. I suppose this is why I became a cop in my younger years. Nowadays I dream of running a ranch. (Saying “nowadays” might sound silly coming from an objectively young man, but believe me, 17 and 23 makes a huge difference.)”
“Our wedding in the Yacht Club of Brindleton Bay… I feel we rushed into this, when in truth this is the natural end point of having known each other for six years and a relationship that evolved over time. From Rika’s perspective, anyway. Me, I can only watch our old videos like one watches a romance movie. But the heart knows what it wants and the old closeness is definitely still there, even though my memory is gone. And the important thing is that we are forging new memories together from now on. Unlike skills, memories stick.”
“I have forgotten what my house and the landscaping looked like, and in turn the spell made everything vanish. What is left now is a tent stuffed with my few newly purchased belongings, in close proximity to a very convenient sight-blocking bush. My home thus looks no different from a homeless’ camp, with the difference that I own the lot.
I sheltered the lilies I had planted at the beginning of summer with a simple roof resting on four wooden pillars from home depot – the pinnacle of my handiness skills these days.
Why the need for growing flowers on an almost commercial scale? I’ll tell you: The doctors called back, saying there was a therapy available for me. Full restoration of my episodic memories and the ability to learn skills and magic again, although I’ll have to start anew in both. But the therapy will cost me, 400,000 simoleons, to be specific. I need to scrounge every penny I can lay my hand on! And absolutely no building a house, to save even more!”
Note: In basegame gardening might be the best way to tackle this scenario, even though the sim cannot build gardening skill. But for Fred I’m really sold on a combination of my favorite career and homesteading.
“At work I tend to use the computer in forensics, since they are less contested than the ones in the main office. - Huh? What’s Captain Fowler doing in the crime lab with a drink in hand?”
“Haha! The whole police station was celebrating that day, as if me turning twenty-four was a national holiday! Granted, I am on friendly terms with most of them normally, but so briefly after my epic fight against the Tabula Rasa spellcaster I was still something like a local celebrity.”
“Birthday or not, work was work, and I even had to teleport as far as Del Sol Valley today. Fortunately it is summer here, too, otherwise I might have caught a cold from the sudden change in temperature. I wouldn’t have been the first of our unit for that to happen to.
Thinking of temperatures so much, I opted for a honey cake for my birthday cake (because honey makes for great protection against both heat and cold). Rika even sampled a slice of her own, despite not needing to eat.”
“I admit I’ve taken a liking to outdoors living, to the point of calling it my lifestyle.”
Rika: “Why the bush, when you have a perfectly good tent right next to it?”
Fred: “To… uh… appreciate the tent even more, after having experienced bush woohoo in all its pointy branches and bug-ridden leaves glory?”
Rika: “Haha, nice save! But, honestly, you’ll want a house by winter, lest your “lifestyle” becomes your certified cause of death. Deathstyle isn’t cool, my love!” She has a point, hasn’t she?
“The computers at work are a godsend, being fully enabled for private use, especially for impoverished officers or those like me, who are sitting on a 10,764 simoleons reserve of cash, that they cannot dip into for medical reasons. I use the work stations to keep up with the friends I made across the globe in the line of my work and now also to apply for scholarships. Maybe I won’t need the 400K therapy, after all, maybe strict academic learning is all that’s required to teach me some solid skills again!”
“There was a slight change this C-student, skill-less cop could have gotten into a distinguished program, but he didn’t. Too bad, but I of course understand. What I do not understand is why I wasn’t considered for Helping Hand, Education for Everybody and Citizen of Newcrest. I may live in a tent, but I have a legal address and never failed to pay property tax! With only a single scholarship – workplace student - I’d have to cover the difference for even a single class out of my own pocket. I’ll have to think about whether I really want to do this.”
Fred may have doubts, but I really want to try uni with this sim. It just took a while to level up his career for the workplace student scholarship. As for the pen pals, I maintain them to complete the postcard collection for the Collector aspiration. It’s more difficult than expected, because the cards aren’t getting delivered when I’m at work. I only have a single one so far.
“Exercises! What’s the point of them, if I do not build muscle memory? I only get tired needlessly… Yet my Lawful Neutral brain stubbornly makes me go though my old routines. I feel as if after the high from my marriage, the universe is now piling a c-ton of negatives on me to balance out the bill.”
“I used to do a lot of the repairs at work myself, even though we are supposed to call the repairman for insurance reasons. When my co-workers saw me do my “guerilla repairing” again today, that confirmed their impression that I was back to my old self. They know I’m not, for example it is hard to overlook that I’m not a spellcaster anymore, but I still deceive them about the exact extent of my impairment. I feel bad about lying, but I need to keep this job. I have hope for a therapy now, and for a normal family life some day!”
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