A playthrough of the No skills, no problem scenario Technicalities: [ Spoiler ] Sim name: Fred Collins Occult Type: Animal Empath with song-based magic (currently dormant) Traits: Animal En...
Back to work! (Winter Year 2) https://abload.de/img/07.05.23_01-15-18jsfag.png
“Crime map routines with the wife – normally we do not feel comfortable to tackle a criminal case together. Doing everything as a unit sooner or later suffocates love, so we take care to remain separate at work at least. But so briefly after the holidays it is hard to follow that policy.”
Fred: “Shouldn’t that Gina-gal’s trial be today? You know, the thief I apprehended before the holidays?”
Rika: “I think so. But she hasn’t shown her face so far.”
The arrested sim had vanished from the holding cell after two days of me not having shown up for work because of the holidays. Fred had to re-issue the APB.
Fred: “Think you can evade justice by holing up in Strangerville? Tell you what: EVERYONE thinks that. This town is in my quick-jump list in the teleporter!”
Gina: “PLUM technology!!!”
“The Tropical Experience in Brindleton Bay… No amount of laps is sufficient to improve my swim strokes. I’m stuck at a beginner’s doggy paddle. It’s embarrassing and also saddening. No more diving for seashells, spear fishing or taking photos with the underwater camera…”
“Sitting here, pondering my life choices. I finished the semester with a C, but I do not want to blame this on the Tabula Rasa yet. After all, I missed two lectures.
Uh… I’m smelling in my uniform. Do I want to pursue my current career, even though I hardly have time to change into my everyday outfit between classes, work, caring for the chickens and gardening? It might be wiser to drop at least one of those… the least productive. What’s one cop less in the streets? I can’t be THAT important that me going homesteader fulltime would hurt the city.
Plus, I’d have more time for Rika and my friends, including new ones. I’m not sure if this Close-Knit lifestyle with just two friends is right for me.”
“You noticed it’s dark already? That’s right, I don’t sleep much. Never did. Maybe it’s a spellcaster thing, like dormant elf blood or something. Anyway, I managed to fulfill my New Year’s Resolution the very last day of winter. Now I know what all the exercise and swimming is good for, even if I don’t learn anything from it: Stay (or get again) fit!”
I could finally afford Never Weary for Fred. No more losing out on the nights! The career really wasn’t a good idea. I overvalued the free swag from the early promotions, now it’s just a drag.
A chance meeting & our golden rooster grows up (Spring Year 2)
When I loaded my game, one of the three sages stood right in front of Fred’s lot!
Morgyn started walking and wouldn’t stop at getting yelled at: “Morgyn? Morgyn Ember? Wait up! Wait for meeeeee!”
Morgyn: “Magister emeritus Collins… You called my name. I take it you remember me again?”
Fred: “That would be the day! No, I don’t remember. But you’re well known. I’d have to have lived under a rock not to have heard of you those past months.”
Morgyn: “I’ve watched you, Collins. Few people are able to raise golden chickens as effortlessly as you, or harvest golden eggs in such great number. Although your skills may be gone, your raw talent remains with you. The feature that determines the fields we’re good in, you know?”
Fred: “That’s like saying I still have my lot, even though my house is gone!”
Morgyn: “The whole street, to be precise, but let’s not complicate matters now.”
Fred: “The whole what?!”
Morgyn: “Visit me at the academy one of these day, then you’ll see for yourself.”
Fred didn’t know how to squeeze in time for that visit, but speaking of golden chickens… After five months Little Aurelius had grown up into an impressive rooster and Goldmary wasn’t far behind him!
Guess who forgot to switch “animal aging” to “on” in the beginning of the scenario? I could have had a golden chicken much earlier already! In addition to Aurelius I hatched three more male chicks, that I traded in for treats, and the hens Goldmary and Rosa, that I kept. Don’t worry about the little roosters, they are extremely rare, in high demand and didn’t get eaten.
“I think of Aurelius as a teenager, not a full grown rooster yet, and his dad thinks the same. But although he won’t be a fuöö adult anytime soon, Aurelius already helps a lot in the garden. The moment he sees something that’s of less than perfect quality, be it a plant or piece of produce, Aurelius stares at it in a condescending way, and nature bends over backwards to meet his standards.”
“…and with Rika, isn’t she a dear? I wonder… I’m still crippled and money is tight, with me saving up for therapy and her saving up for buying herself free from the city… Should we have a science baby under these circumstances?”
Rika is Cheerful, I don’t think she’d mind her baby’s father being poor, as long as they both love the little one. Mother and child could come over often for family life (Rika already is a frequent visitor), and then return to the police station to take advantage of the high quality furniture there.
Many little steps & a career question (Spring Year 2)
Canning to the background of the ever growing postcards collection.
I learned that Fred can cook at skill level 1 when I made a fruit salad, and cooking level 1 opens four canning recipes: canned mushrooms, meat substitute, tomato sauce and apple jam. So after a quick foray for mushrooms and tomatoes as well as buying the Marketable trait, Fred’s overnight canning factory opened!
Fred: “This is easy! Sold in bulk, even low skill preserves make good money, especially with Aurelius having boosted the ingredients’ quality! Why didn’t I think about this earlier?”
One kitchen fire later:
That’s why. 400$ down the drain and insurance paid only 80$.
At Easter, Gavin came over with a present (from the “good neighbor” event, mind you, he lives in Evergreen Harbour. Aside from Fred there is only the Anderson household in Newcrest, with seven sims.)
Gavin: “Heard through the grapevine that you consider quitting policework. Maybe you could reconsider? The city needs you.”
Fred: “I see. - Why did they send YOU of all people to persuade me to stay? You have a negative teamwork rating!”
Gavin: “But I’m the only dude at the precinct who can unironically give a gift box to another dude!”
Fred smiled, but they both of course knew the real reason: Gavin was only a member of the Law Enforcement in spirit, no longer legally. If Fred turned down the proposal of a mere private investigator, that wouldn’t count as a defeat of the police force.
Fred was about to ditch the job Gavin had gotten fired from… And now the city made Gavin beg Fred to stay... Fred couldn't help but think that this was a bit messed up.
Let’s see what the present is… A jar of jam or an upgrade part, maybe?
Oh, shoot. A hand-crafted violin of the finest quality. That cannot have come cheap. The city REALLY wants to keep Fred on the payroll. Too bad that the violin only reminds Fred of what he has lost and that he needs to make money to unlock his ability to re-learn the instrument. So nothing is decided yet.
Fred left for the egg hunt at the Bramblewoods National Park to stave off his career decision for a bit longer – why did I even bother completing the postcards collection, if he easily completes the decorative eggs by going once around the bushes?
Assorted achievements: An A+ for the second semester, a 19$ crystal sold to the Simsonian museum for a whopping 233$ (courtesy of the completed Collector aspiration and followed by many more such “donations”) and 50,000 simoleons in cash. Not bad! (But neither good. At this pace he’ll be stuck like this for eight more years.)
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