4 years agoSeasoned Ace
Option to buy bookcases un-stocked, and to stock them in build mode please
I don't really like that all the bookcases start with the same generic books--I much prefer to buy books that suit my specific sims, which means I end up tediously deleting all the books they come with and buying new ones fresh all the time. So, it'd be nifty to be able to bjuy slightly cheaper versions of the bookcases that don't have any books in them.
But my real issue is with bookcases in public venues, which all have the exact same books no matter the venue. Like, what's the point of reading a book at a library when they only ever have the exact same books that come with the bookshelf you buy at home? The Willow Creek library is the only exception to this, and basically, I want to be able to build a library like that.
Here is an incomplete list of things that I've found myself wanting to to but is super annoying to try and actually do in the game as it is:
Build a research library with advanced skill books already stocked
Make a science lair hang out for a science club with specifically science based books like logic, engineering, and rocket science already in their bookshelf
Refurbish and restock venues that have bookshelves, like the museum in Brindleton Bay, with books that specifically suit the character of that location
Redecorate dorms in build mode and be able to pre-stock the bookshelves in those dorms with things I think it would make sense for them to have
Basically, I want the freedom to be able to put the books I think should be places in the places I think they should be, and to not have any books I don't want to be there. Why does the university research library have such a limited catalog, and include children's books? Please let me pick the books for places, and stop automatically giving me books I don't want every time I place a bookshelf!
But my real issue is with bookcases in public venues, which all have the exact same books no matter the venue. Like, what's the point of reading a book at a library when they only ever have the exact same books that come with the bookshelf you buy at home? The Willow Creek library is the only exception to this, and basically, I want to be able to build a library like that.
Here is an incomplete list of things that I've found myself wanting to to but is super annoying to try and actually do in the game as it is:
Build a research library with advanced skill books already stocked
Make a science lair hang out for a science club with specifically science based books like logic, engineering, and rocket science already in their bookshelf
Refurbish and restock venues that have bookshelves, like the museum in Brindleton Bay, with books that specifically suit the character of that location
Redecorate dorms in build mode and be able to pre-stock the bookshelves in those dorms with things I think it would make sense for them to have
Basically, I want the freedom to be able to put the books I think should be places in the places I think they should be, and to not have any books I don't want to be there. Why does the university research library have such a limited catalog, and include children's books? Please let me pick the books for places, and stop automatically giving me books I don't want every time I place a bookshelf!