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smilepanda209's avatar
5 years ago

Parks and Recreation Legacy Challenge!

Hey everyone, this is the first challenge I have written. I was upset to find that there was no one who has made a parks and rec based legacy challenge (as far as I could find) so I decided to take on that responsibility! This challenge is based off the characters from the TV Show Parks and Recreation and is 11 generation long (so far). You do not necessarily need to be associated with the show to try this challenge as I will be describing the characters. I love in depth challenge in the sims, so this is definitely one with a lot of rules: but don’t take it too seriously.
There is no point system for this challenge, but it is recommended that you complete all the goals. For some of the generations, there may be a couple of optional routes depending on whether you want to really relive the TV show or not.
No mods are required for this challenge. I personally only use MC Command Centre to help with story progression, but this is not a requirement.
I will be including rules that need packs but where I can, I will try and create a base-game friendly option for that certain rule, or you can just ignore it. I do not have all the packs, so I am very open to anyone adapting it to fit what they have in the game.
I realize that these rules are super extensive, but I wanted to add all my knowledge from the program into it and make it as fun as possible.
Most importantly, have fun! Do not take this challenge too seriously.
General rules:
• You must aim complete all rules for each generation
• You can play on any age length (including custom) and I recommend long to get the full experience with each character.
• You can switch genders if you want to change up the challenge but there will be a pretty much even amount of both male and female heirs.
• I have split each generation into sections: description (a general overview of the character), aspiration, traits, goals and storyline and rules. The goals are things that you have to finish during the generation like skills and jobs to master. Storyline is a more in depth set of rules and ideas to follow like special events the character has to do every week. I think this makes the challenge way more interesting instead of just having to complete a bunch of skills.

Generation 1: Ron Swanson
Description: “When people get too chummy with me, I like to call them by the wrong name to let them know I don’t really care about them.” You favourite sound is silence and your favorite thing is being out in nature. Deep below your cold and meat-loving persona, you are a genuine caring person especially to your family, but not so to your devious ex-wives.
Aspiration: Outdoor enthusiast (If you don’t have outdoor retreat: Angling ace)
Traits: Loves the outdoors, Maker and Foodie.
If you have Strangerville (which I don’t) you could swap out Foodie for Paranoid.
Complete the Outdoor enthusiast (or Angling Ace) aspiration
Master the fishing skill
Master herbalism skills (this is required for the aspiration also)
Mater the handiness skill (through woodworking mainly)
Finish the fish collection
If you have Get Together, live on the Private Island in Windenburg. If you don’t choose a secluded location that is perfect for a log cabin or solitary lifestyle.
For an extra challenge, you may start with 0 money depending on whether you want to work up your money
Route 1 (optional extra rules to follow first):
You have two ex wives in this challenge and this route is for if you want to play out that experience.
Meet your first wife in the same neighborhood as you (this refers to Tammy 1 who I may make and put on the gallery if you want to move her in to a house nearby).
At some point you must marry and then divorce her. You fear her.
You meet your second wife (Tammy 2) at a library.
You must marry a librarian.
Shortly after, they must have a fight and you divorce her.
This isn’t to say that maybe their relationship comes back from time to time…
From here on, follow the route 2 rules.
Route 2 (everyone follow this set):
Feel free to add the ex-wives and cheat their relationship.
Marry someone who has at least one trait in common with you. You must elope with them in a private area. They cannot be a vegetarian.
Have a maximum of 3 children and take regular holidays with your family into Granite Falls which will help with the aspiration.
You are only allowed to leave your home lot (this excludes holidays and other family members) 3 times in a sims week only. One of these times has to be to eat out.
Never choose to use a computer, laptop or phone unless it’s completely necessary- you hate the idea of being tracked online.
You may only have two friends outside of your family. These must not have any of these traits: goofball, cat lover, childish, vegetarian or self-absorbed.
Never answer the door to strangers.
To make money, sell your woodworking.
You may own dogs but not cats. The dogs must be big in order to follow the “Any dog under 50 pounds is a cat, and cats are useless”, mindset you have.
Only ever watch these channels: romance, fireplace, TV classics and Sports.

Generation 2: Leslie Knope:
Description: "I care. I care a lot. It's kinda my thing." You are the polar opposite to your father and whilst he loves you and you love him, you care more about people and want to make a change in the world. Other politicians may lie and cheat, but you would never dream of it.
Aspiration: Friend of the world
Traits: Ambitious, Good, Outgoing
Complete the Friend of the world aspiration
Master charisma skill
Master the bowling skill (in the show she makes a big deal out of being excellent at it)
Get at least level 5 research and debate skill
Complete the politician career (you could do a degree in history) either branch is fine
If you do not have City Living, join the entertainer career.
Complete the snow globe collection (in memory of the snow globe museum)
As a child, you must have the social butterfly aspiration and complete it.
Try and get to the top level of the scouts after-school club, earn all the badges and be a Grade A student throughout your whole school career.
You can move out once you are a young adult into any world.
You may go to university and study history if you want to but it’s not required.
Make sure to always vote on the NAPs if you have the eco lifestyle pack.
Help to build a community space in your neighborhood (this could be your own theoretical park mentioned later down the line).
Create your own club of women that meet twice a week at any location. You could call it ‘Government Gals’.
Add loads of Leslie-inspired holidays to the calendar if you have seasons, like Galentines Day and Waffle Appreciation Day.
For all holidays, you must complete all the requirements for that event.
When in the politician career, always select a cause that is good for the people.
Rarely carry out mean interactions (this isn’t completely prohibited).
When you meet your future spouse, you must have a bad relationship at first but slowly change this.
Get married in a park that you (theoretically) built and designed (you as the player are free to just download one from the gallery).
Always accept any event when you are invited on the phone, unless it is a date with someone you aren’t interested in.
Never clean your own house: either have someone else in the household do it or get a maid. This is to replicate the idea in the TV Show that she is a massive slob.

Generation 3: Andy Dwyer:
Description: “Just remember, every time you look up at the moon, I too will be looking at the moon. Not the same moon, obviously. That’s impossible.” You aren’t as clever as your mom but you definitely inherited her fun personality. Everything makes you smile.
Aspiration: Musical Genius (focus on guitar and singing skills for this)
Traits: Childish, Music lover, Lazy
Complete the Musical Genius aspiration
Master the guitar skill
Master the singing skill
Complete the Secret Agent Career (diamond agent branch)
No collections needed for this generation
As a teen and young adult, you should often busk in the city to earn some extra money.
Create an alter ego for yourself called Burt Macklin who is an FBI Agent and is part of the reason why you work as a secret agent.
Do not attend university.
Be in a club with your spouse (and others) where you dress up as characters.
Regularly watch children cartoons on the TV and never the news.
Have no real enemies.
Get married to someone who is very different to you (doesn’t have any childish traits for example).
Be in a club called Mouse Rat which is like a band for you. This club can regularly change names which make no sense.
You take after your mom’s slobby nature and are irresponsible.
Must publish a song called 5000 Candles In the Wind
Have a good relationship with all your family including your kids.
Have up to 5 children.
You must have a pet dog with a notable difference (weird patterns, colored skin etc.)

Generation 4: Ann Perkins
Description: “I was sobbing at a pizza buffet, and they asked me to leave.” You normally find yourself adopting the personality of whoever you are dating, and struggle when they leave. All you want in life is a family to call your own, seeing as you grew up with so many siblings, you want the same for yours. You love to help others, which explains your career choice.
Aspiration: Big Happy Family
Traits: Family oriented, Gloomy, Neat
Complete the Big happy family aspiration
Master the logic skill (this will help with the career)
Master the baking skill
Master the parenting skill
Complete the Doctor career (if you have base game just be a stay-at-home mom)
No collections required to be completed
As a teen, be popular and have a big group of friends (maybe using Get together clubs).
Never have a BEST friend until you become a young adult.
You have to date at least 8 sims.
For at least 4 of them, ‘adopt’ part of their personality. For example, if they are a health nut you must only eat healthy foods.
When you break up with a sim, you must remain single for 3 sim days and not leave the house (this is supposed to represent her depression when breaking up with Chris).
Move to a new house at least 3 times in your lifetime.
Go to university and do a Biology degree (this is optional even if you have the pack).
Keep your house always clean.
You must marry a sim with no negative traits. These include hot-headed, unflirty, childish, erratic, glutton, kleptomaniac, lazy, slob, snob.
Have a lot of admirers during your lifetime (this doesn’t mean you have to date them).
Have at least three children.
At least one day a week, you must go out with your children and spend quality time with your family.

Generation 5: Chris Traegar:
Description: ‘If I keep my body moving, and my mind occupied at all times, I will avoid falling into a bottomless pit of despair.’ You saw the consequences of ill health through your mother’s job and promised yourself to live to be the oldest person alive! But with such goals, comes great responsibility and positivity, which can sometimes be too much for everyone, including yourself.
Aspiration: Bodybuilder
Traits: Active, Vegetarian, Erratic
Complete the Bodybuilder aspiration
Master the fitness skill
Master the gourmet cooking skill
Master the wellness skill
Try and get 5 other skills to at least level 7 (something like painting or a side hobby)
Complete the Athlete (Bodybuilder branch) career
No collections needed to be completed
As a teen, you must begin to do some form of exercise every day. This continues until you move on to the next generation (you move out).
You can choose to do a Biology degree to advance in your career if you want to.
Only eat vegetarian and ‘healthy foods’ (I will leave this to your interpretation).
If you get sick in the game, you must not take medicine and suffer the consequences- you may stop exercising here which is meant to represent the idea that Chris is not very immune to illness.
Form a club if you have Get Together where you either do yoga, meditation or hiking twice a week.
Don’t intentionally make any enemies but try to see the positive side in everyone.
Never perform mean or mischievous interactions.
Whoever you date/marry cannot be lazy or a slob.
If you have Eco Lifestyle, strive to keep your neighborhood in a green state. If it turns industrial, you have to either move or work hard to change it.
Have a home gym in your house or apartment.

Generation 6: April Ludgate:
Description: “I love games that turn people against each other.” You are cold and come across as pretty heartless. Your dream is to work with animals, because they are so unlike humans and you hate everyone. One of your goals in life is to hide any emotion you experience, but deep down you are kind and caring. You hate having to act like an adult. You are the opposite to your father.
Aspiration: Friend of the Animals
Traits: Genius, Evil, Dog lover
Complete the Friend of the Animals aspiration
Master the Veterinarian skill
Master the Pet Training skill
Get to at least level 8 of the mischief skill
Get to a 5 Star Vet Clinic (if you don’t have the pack, be a manual laborer)
Complete the sugar skulls collection
You must elope at a dinner party, either yours or someone else’s.
When you give birth, wear scary makeup and play weird music.
Never have a best friend and only have 2 good friends outside of your own family.
If you meet someone with a trait the same as you, you must dislike them and be mean to them.
Never cook, only eat quick meals or have someone cook for you. This goes for cleaning as well.
You may go to university, but it won’t help with the vet career if you do.
You must move out as a teen and stay with other roommates, who you probably hate.
Have at least 2 pets at all times: this can include a rodent from my first pet stuff.
Live in Brindleton Bay or Newcrest.
Have an alter ego called ‘Janet Snakehole’ who is a criminal. Go out dressed like Janet when you go to night clubs or bars.
Marry a goofball or childish sim who has no negative traits.

Generation 7: Ben Wyatt
Description: “You’re like a ninja crossed with a Jedi or something.” You are a huge geek for all things to do with maths, science fiction and technological. You also have your mom’s dry sense of humour and a lot of people may make fun of you for your interests and hobbies. However, you are never to ashamed of your different personality.
Aspiration: Computer Whiz
Traits: Geek, Perfectionist, Self-Assured
Complete the Computer Whiz aspiration
Master the Logic skill
Master the Robotics skill
Master the Programming skill
Complete the Tech Guru career
Complete the voidcritter cards collection (as a child)
Complete the simmis collection (from Snowy Escape)
As a child, play voidcritters every day and video games regularly.
Be in a club with loads of other geek kids and do activities like playing with voidcritters.
Be an A Grade student throughout being in education.
You may do a science and technology degree at university if you would like to.
If you own Journey to Batuu, feel free to go on visits occasionally!
Live in housing with other sims (this can be an apartment) until you become an adult.
Have no enemies.
Celebrate May 4th and other science fiction events every year- if you have seasons, add them to the calendar.
Marry someone who has at least one trait in common with you.
Always pay your bills on time (basically never lose power or water).
Become friends with at least one alien (you could marry them?) or other occult sim. You may be best friends with this type of sim ONLY.
Holiday at least once to Selvadorada if you have the pack and go on an adventure (I haven’t done any gameplay with this pack but basically go to a temple and get to the idol).
One of your party outfits must be a star wars costume or superhero.

Generation 8: Donna Meagle
Description: ‘I have several men in rotation.’ You are a player when it comes to dating and take that attitude from your ruthless Grandma April. However, you care a lot for all your friends and give the best advice for any situation.
Aspiration: Serial Romantic
Traits: Romantic, Noncommittal, Materialistic
Complete the Serial Romantic aspiration
Master the Charisma skill
Master the Photography skill
Master the Dancing skill
Master the Social Media career (Internet Personality branch)- style influencer if you don’t have City Living.
No collections are needed to be completed for this generation.
Have a big group of friends all throughout your life.
All the romance element for this generation follows through with the aspiration (how many people to date etc).
Get married only when you have finished the serial romance aspiration (you might choose to change it out for soulmate once you have finished and settle down and you could change out the noncommittal trait with something more suitable).
Marry a teacher sim (you may cheat this so get them from the gallery) with at least one of the following traits: good, outgoing, neat, proper, music lover or romantic.
Your future spouse must be an ex-lover who you dumped for no reason but who you realize is the best person you have ever met.
Have one day a year called, ‘Treat yo self’ which you will eventually celebrate with your son. On this day, do actions which promote what the title says: treat yo self!
Go out with friends or lover at least 3 times a week.
Always care for your friends when they feel down (perform interaction, try to cheer up).
Have up to two children only.
Move to a new house 3 times in your lifetime.
Post on your social media timeline at least 3 times a day.

Generation 9: Tom Haverford
Description: “I have never taken the high road, but I tell other people to ’cause then there’s more room for me on the low road.” You are self-centered, annoying but a very good businessperson. You one goal in life is to be successful and live the lavish lifestyle your mom promoted to you.
Aspiration: Fabulously Wealthy
Traits: Materialistic, Squeamish, Self-absorbed
Complete the Fabulously Wealthy aspiration
Master the charisma skill
Master the DJ Mixing Skill
Master the Mixology skill
Master the Comedy skill
Complete the city posters collection
Be the owner of many businesses, including restaurants: I am going to be recreating the ones from the TV show which I will list below but you are free to do whatever you want.
Some businesses from the show include Tommy’s Bistro, Snakehole Lounge, Rent A Swag and Entertainment 720.
If you have Get Together, be in a club where you hang out at one of these locations.
Have a best friend who you do business with.
Have lots of partners.
Marry one of your exes, who you decided to just be friends with in the past.
Celebrate Treat Yo Self Day each year with your mom, Donna until she dies.
Move to a new house every time you age up (from teen to young adult, young adult to adult, and adult to elder).
Start off in a small low-end home and end up in a mansion.
You are squeamish, so never do anything like cleaning or visiting Granite Falls unless you are staying in a fancy rental property.
Ask for frequent loans from friends and family, for your business ventures.
Work in the business career (you can own your shops and restaurants at the same time) until you become an adult. You don’t have to master the career.

Generation 10: Jerry/Garry/Larry/Terry Gergich
Description: “They can laugh at me all they want.” You are the kindest person alive, but can be taken advantage of. You love your family more than anything in the world, and they will always come first.
Aspiration: Super Parent
Traits: Clumsy, Family-Oriented, Glutton
Complete the Super Parent Aspiration
Master the Cooking skill
Master one instrumental skill (piano, violin or guitar)
Master the Parenting skill
Master the Business career
Complete the fossil collection
Complete the postcard collection
Be in a club called ‘Whine and Cheese Club’ where you whine and eat cheese.
Every time you age up, you must change your name (look at the name of this generation. This is meant to relate to his several different names in the TV show).
Marry when you are an adult. They must be a young adult at the time and much more good-looking than you (this is for your own judgment).
Retire when you become an elder and move to a ‘relaxing’ location like Sulani or somewhere else calming.
Have at least 5 children (two of them could be twins for the final generation but this isn’t a priority).
Never do mean or mischievous interactions. Be kind to everyone even if they are mean to you first.
Always do everything to the benefit of your own family.
Be good friends with all of your children and best friends with your spouse.
Take family photos a lot and display them around your house. You can do this with the camera, Moschino items or with poses if you use mods.

Generation 11: Jean-Ralphio Saperstine and Mona Lisa Saperstine
Description: "That's Too Much Responsibility. I've Gotta Find A Way Out Of This." You are both crazy….. There isn’t much else to say. When you two turn up at a party, it gets a lot louder and a lot more interesting. You take after your granddad, Tom a lot more than is good for anyone.
Aspiration: Jean Ralphio, Joke Star Mona Lisa, Party Animal
Traits: Dance Machine, Hates Children, Materialistic (this applies to both)
Goals- Jean Ralphio:
Complete the Joke Star aspiration
Master the comedy skill
Master the mischief skill
Get to at least level 5 singing skill
Master the dancing skill
Complete the entertainer career (Comedian Branch)
Complete the MySims Trophies collection
Goals- Mona Lisa:
Complete the Party Animal aspiration
Master the comedy skill
Master the mischief skill
Get to at least level 5 singing skill
Master the acting skill
Master the dancing skill
Complete the MySims Trophies collection with your brother
Become Best Friends as children and never let that change
You must ask your dad for a loan at least once a week. If he denies, throw a fit until he does give it.
Mona Lisa: you may work in a part time job like retail but must quit after two weeks. You can them join another and quit after two weeks again.
You can attempt to resurrect your granddad’s businesses.
Have at least 3 enemies each.
Always live together and never fight.
If you live in an apartment, feel free to be noisy and cause problems for your neighbors.
If you want this challenge to end here, never have children. You are both way too irresponsible and hate children.
Move to a new house several times in your life.
Go partying most nights of a week but definitely on a Saturday night.
You may try to gain a celebrity level and make videos for money on the side.
Have a money tree in your garden/house.

That is all the rules! I hope you enjoy this challenge!

4 Replies

  • I finished my first build for this challenge which was a log cabin in the woods for Ron Swanson (I also created him as a sim).
  • I freaking love love love this challenge @smilepanda I haven't fully read the whole thing but I've seen and love Parks & Rec and appreciate the time and effort you've taken to write this all out. I'm putting this on my list of challenges to do, sooo good.

    Okay I've spedread through it, you've added Jean-Ralphio to it too. Ah take all of my appreciation! :joy: The best thing I've read today
  • "Kanindota;c-17766408" wrote:
    I freaking love love love this challenge @smilepanda I haven't fully read the whole thing but I've seen and love Parks & Rec and appreciate the time and effort you've taken to write this all out. I'm putting this on my list of challenges to do, sooo good.

    Okay I've spedread through it, you've added Jean-Ralphio to it too. Ah take all of my appreciation! :joy: The best thing I've read today

    Wow thank you so much! I am glad to see there are other parks and rec fans in the sims community! It took me a while but was definitely worth it because I had a lot of ideas and there are a lot of little references in the rules when you look closely.

    I had to add Jean-Ralphio and Mona Lisa even though they are minor characters :D

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