Forum Discussion

BearlyMedia's avatar
5 years ago

Placing a Cafeteria Station should automatically spawn a NPC worker

For commercial lots; objects like the Cafeteria Station, Espresso Bar, Food Stall etc... should automatically spawn a barista, mixologist, servers, etc... regardless of the lot type (why else would someone place these objects down).

The Cafeteria Station from Discover University is a great item that lets you create cafeterias, for example: in museums, libraries, pools, etc... but it shouldn't require you to Hire a NPC every time you visit.

The massage tables & Instructor Yoga mat from Spa Day work like this and are great; if I put these objects down at gyms, pools or even parks the NPCs will show up regardless of the lot type and sims will even join group yoga at the park, which is cool.

As far as I've tested, the Cafeteria Station only works on university lots (and the barista bar only works at cafes). It would be cool to have multi-lot-types this way.
  • Yeah, I’ve wanted to have concession stations at pools, in parks, etc but from what I can tell that isn’t possible unless you specifically hire someone to work the stand
  • Frn0731's avatar
    New Spectator
    I don't understand why they made it so you can't use it on other lots. Is it really that hard to code in?
  • "Frn0731;c-17361574" wrote:
    I don't understand why they made it so you can't use it on other lots. Is it really that hard to code in?

    Considering they were able to do it in the Sims 2, I would say no. In the meantime, littlemisssam has a mod that gives you the option to have employees automatically spawn with the lot trait equipped. I don't think it's been updated for cafeterias yet, but for everything else it works quite nicely.
  • ChadSims2's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    I completely agree I hate having to hire someone to work the stands.