Forum Discussion

FabTiffSim's avatar
8 years ago

PreHistory Party Comp Results Page!

Here is where I post the results to Prehistory Party Challenges! We'll have all the judges comments and the banners posted here! It was just getting TOO NUTTY on the actual comp page! Hope you join us in some prehistory fun and friendship!

Let's try and keep the comments on the main page! But if some end up on this page too I ain't mad atcha!

28 Replies

    Prehistory Challenge #:28
    Origin ID:@FailureCloud @VagueNightmare
    Gallery Link
    Skill level: Expert
    Exterior 10/10
    Obviously, that big ol' colliseum kicks butt. What a fun addition to your build! I also really liked the arches you made for the entrance. What a fun idea and it has the perfect look for this era! Lots of big, wide open arches, and the right colors. Some very nice greenery (inside the build and outside!) It looks peaceful and shady. My sims wouldn't get too hot in the sun haha
    Interior 10/10
    The rooms all look very ancient, and are decorated perfectly for the era of the challenge. Seeing into the Coliseum was very cool! I loved the different floors, it was very wide open and you can see all the way down, which was really impressive! I'd love to sit in the nice chairs in my toga and watch a poor sim die! And I loved your sneaky toilet trick, I'm going to steal that from you FOR SURE! It looks great!
    Creativity 9/10
    Yah sick those big animals on the sucky performers!! Torturing sims is one of my fav past-times.
    I enjoyed your write up, it was very informative, and I could have a very clear picture in my head without even seeing the pictures. I know exactly what would happen here, and all the different paths a story could take. Very nice! Don't be afraid to make me up a little story with some sims to look at! But you gave me so much information that I could only steal one point away from you! You were competing against a competitor that wrote a whole story about their build in the form of a board game, so I did have to take the one away from you. But I did so with a heavy heart!
    Thanks for joining us! I thoroughly enjoyed looking through your build!!
    Map 5/5
    Beautiful! It's a big build and I was very happy to see it all laid out nicely in a map! Great work!
    TOTAL 34/35
    Prehistory Challenge #:28
    Origin ID: @Ainsleyfr
    Gallery Link - When in Rome
    Skill level: Purdy good!
    Interior 10/10
    Everything is very decadent. It's super fancy! And that makes sense if it's a home for a senator. The roman baths are soooo beautiful. I love how steamy it looks. And I liked that the walls were covered in flowers and vines even though they are kind of inside? haha It's almost a room I guess.
    I'll be "inhaling" that incense with the statue in the temple room! Whatever it is, it's probably some good stuff! It makes looking at your hidden stove/fridge even more entertaining! Great job on that cartoon stove, it's really wonderful!! And I really liked what you did with the flooring. It looks very grand!
    Exterior 10/10
    It's a very grand entrance! I love what you did with the roof, I'm not even sure how you decorated that, but I love me a good mystery. This build probably has some of the best "curb appeal" haha it's a real-estate agent's dream haha
    The only thing I was worried about were the roosters ;)
    Creativity 10/10
    Your board game story is outrageously funny. All the creativity points. All of them. Here you go, it's raining creativity points down on you! Makin' it rain!!
    Map 5/5
    Your map is very clear and well labeled! Even though it's just one building, I appreciate the maps! Thanks for including it!
    TOTAL 35/35
    Prehistory Challenge # 28
    Origin ID: @Bolonkafrauchen
    gallery link
    Skill level: experienced
    Exterior 10/10
    Beautiful front entrance! You have some very spectacular landscaping going on - lots of colors, which I'm always a sucker for. I'm also a pretty big sucker for animals, and I LOVED your little chicken/rabbit area! The cute little ramp slayed me.
    Interior 10/10
    The choice to use tiles for the bedrooms and living rooms was a good one! It looks really nice. The arches, pillars, and big windows give it a very luxurius feel. The cool breeze could flow in and ruffle my silky greek hair and I love it. All of the different baths and pools are beautiful!
    Creativity 10/10
    A full-blown history lesson?! I love it! Great work, it must have taken a lot of research! You knew so much about every single room... I really enjoyed the ice cellar! The room was very cool, and so was the story behind it. You did so much work for this portion of the build, and it was super fun to read!
    Map 2/5
    I saw that you included a topview of the main floor, but it wasn't labeled like everyone else's. Sooooo I didn't feel like I could give you full points for the map considering everyone else gave me a full map. But it's a lovely build!
    TOTAL 32/35
  • Thank you so much for the critique. I only just learned to do topview, but I only found out how to label the ap yesterday night1 What a shame, I could have tied with the winner, but since everything else was 10/10, I am still proud of it.
    Congrats to @Ainsleyf for winning and everyone elses builds were amazing, too.
  • "Bolonkafrauchen;c-16481718" wrote:
    Thank you so much for the critique. I only just learned to do topview, but I only found out how to label the ap yesterday night1 What a shame, I could have tied with the winner, but since everything else was 10/10, I am still proud of it.
    Congrats to @Ainsleyf for winning and everyone elses builds were amazing, too.

    You should 100% be proud of your build!! It was incredible and I had a lot of fun looking at your pics! Thanks for participating! I hope you had fun and consider sharing some more of your builds with us!
  • Thanks so much @fabtiffsim!! What a lovely review!! You rock!! AND the next challenge sounds fun as all plum! Hoping to get some fantastic idea soon!!
  • "Ainsleyf;c-16485605" wrote:
    Thanks so much @fabtiffsim!! What a lovely review!! You rock!! AND the next challenge sounds fun as all plum! Hoping to get some fantastic idea soon!!

    haha can't wait to see what you build!! Fab work as usual ;)
    Prehistory Challenge #:30
    Origin ID: @FailureCloud
    Forum ID: @VagueNightmare
    Water Nymph Sanctuary
    Gallery Link
    Skill level: Expert
    Back story: Hidden far away from mortal eyes lies this sanctuary for water nymphs. Only few have found the beauty that lies within this sanctuary, and none ever leave for it is so mesmerizing and enchanting that one becomes obsessed with the Naiad(word for lake/spring nymph)
    Link to Pics
    Exterior 10/10
    You are correct about that waterfall. It looks great! (I didn't download the lot and see it in-game but I liked the way it looked in the pics!) It's peaceful and mysterious. You'll be lulled into walking into the sanctuary and then you'll disappear forever! Your flower-statue fountains are so creative! What a simple, yet stylish idea. Just like a good haircut.
    Interior 10/10
    I'm going to consider swimming inside the pools to be the interior haha for lack of any better idea.
    Actually, I think you're not supposed to be able to swim in the pools so now my "joke" looks even lamer.
    Creativity 10/10
    Is that a real name for river nymph or did you create it? It's wonderful either way. I really enjoyed the word! I really liked the feeling that this build evokes. In the right light it's almost scary or spooky. But in another light it's misty and green and beautiful. I think it's magic powers are working on me, I'm feeling very lulled in...
    Map 0/5
    I think you could have made me a map. You'll probably lose this round now ;) ;) ;) :P :P
    TOTAL 30/35
    AWARDED: Mysterious Powers
  • @fabtiffsim ah! I totally forgot about the map!! All the other build challenges I do don’t require maps so I toooooootallly forgot

    And yea Naiad is the word for river/spring nymph I even looked it up to be sure. Originally I was going to use Naias which is for like...a lake nymph I believe? Something else also water related haha I couldn’t believe how many variations of just water nymphs there are!
  • "VagueNightmare;c-16533557" wrote:
    @fabtiffsim ah! I totally forgot about the map!! All the other build challenges I do don’t require maps so I toooooootallly forgot

    And yea Naiad is the word for river/spring nymph I even looked it up to be sure. Originally I was going to use Naias which is for like...a lake nymph I believe? Something else also water related haha I couldn’t believe how many variations of just water nymphs there are!

    It's fun to look that stuff up! So many fun and interesting things to learn! And don't worry about the map, it was a close race but I think you won still :wink: hehe