I wasn't over fond of the Rabbit Holes but I will say this I felt that it was appropriate for a few things:
- Office Jobs - Business, Journalism etc. I would prefer to follow the Sims into the Lobby and the Elevator be the start of the Rabbit Hole
- The Town Hall
- Classes
- School & University Classes
- Subways
- Theatre - Plays
- Mausoleum
- Hospital - Kinda, I personally think some Hospital functions would have been fun to have played through
- Movie Lots for Actors
I despised the Rabbit Holes for:
- Restaurants
- Day Spa
- Grocery
I wouldn't mind seeing Rabbit Holes again for these places - Essentially Career Buildings
- Town Hall
- School & University Classes
- Office Building
- Science Research Center
- Sports Auditorium
- Military Base
- Fairy House
- Subways