4 years agoNew Adventurer
Rags to Riches Apartment Reno Challenge
About a year ago, I started creating an apartment complex, but only got as far as the shell, and never finished it. Then, recently, I got an idea for a challenge. What if I played a Rags to Riches, where the goal was to finish the apartments, including furnishing each one, and getting roommates for them?
I started playing, with two sims, and have found it to be a lot of fun. So I thought I would share this fun with you.
The first thing you'll need is an empty apartment complex. You can have the entire floor plan designed, with walls, doors, stairs, and windows, but no furniture or lighting. Every room must be empty. From there, your sims must come up with the money and/or furnishings to renovate each apartment. Find a roommate, either by using the Roommate option in Discover University, or by adding Sims to the family to fill each apartment. (1 sim min per apartment.)
Either build or download an apartment with at least 6 apartments. Make sure it's completely empty. (I have a base game apartment all ready for this challenge. Lookup Horseshoe Apts Empty in the gallery. My UserID is DarkDiamondSims)
(If you have Discover University, use the Roommate option. This is beneficial as they will give you rent. If you don't have DU, add your new roommates to the family.) I also highly recommend locking doors and computers unless you want just any ol' sim roaming around your apartment.
Each apartment MUST have the following to qualify as 'liveable' before it can be rented out.
One usable Countertop
At least one sink
A shower or tub (or combo)
Dresser or closet (Mirrors don't count.)
Television and/or Radio
A place to eat. Either a Dining table, or an Island Counter. (With chair)
A computer.
A sofa, loveseat, or living chair.
A bookshelf
And at least one activity item. (i.e. chessboard, fitness, art, etc.)
What you CANNOT do:
What you ARE allowed to do:
Here's a backstory for context.
Two sisters, Amara, and Jade Winters, had just inherited a large sum of money from a great aunt they didn't even know they had. Excited and young, they had lots of plans on how to spend the cash. However, one day, while talking about what they might do with it, a gentleman approached them and introduced himself as Mr. Swindel.
Mr. Swindel had heard of their great luck, and came to offer them a deal. He just so happens to have this amazing apartment complex for sale. Three stories, not counting the basement. Plenty of space for tenants! The place could easily make them their money back in no time. Just rent out the rooms, and watch the cash fly in! Simple as that. He promised.
The young ladies were charmed by his words, and large ideas of making money, hand over fist. "How much?" they asked.
"Why, nearly as much as you have. How lucky are you?" He said.
So, with dreams of quick wealth, the sisters handed over their inheritance and booked the first plane to see their newly bought cash cow.
Except, when they got there, it was far from the expectations they were told.
The building was new, sure, but it was only a building. No single thing else existed inside. No stoves, or refrigerators. Not a single counter, or bed. Not even lights! Just walls, windows, and doors.
They were swindled by Mr. Swindel.
And just to add insult to injury, it started to downpour, adding to their sour moods. At least they had a roof over their head, even if they didn't have a bed to sleep on.
But, they were not quitters, they would persevere! They each got a job, they might have dumpster dived a few times. The flea market became a common visit. But, eventually, they filled each apartment. They made sure to make each one look nice enough to draw in a new roommate. Making sure to vacuum those pesky dust bunnies before any new prospect arrived. They even built a laundry room and gym in the basement.
They filled each apartment as they saved any extra money they could. Eventually, Jade moved out, seeking new adventures, leaving Amara behind to be a kind landlord.
Mr. Swindel might have taken their money, but he couldn't take their dreams. And now, they are living them!
~Have Fun!!
I started playing, with two sims, and have found it to be a lot of fun. So I thought I would share this fun with you.
The first thing you'll need is an empty apartment complex. You can have the entire floor plan designed, with walls, doors, stairs, and windows, but no furniture or lighting. Every room must be empty. From there, your sims must come up with the money and/or furnishings to renovate each apartment. Find a roommate, either by using the Roommate option in Discover University, or by adding Sims to the family to fill each apartment. (1 sim min per apartment.)
Either build or download an apartment with at least 6 apartments. Make sure it's completely empty. (I have a base game apartment all ready for this challenge. Lookup Horseshoe Apts Empty in the gallery. My UserID is DarkDiamondSims)
- Start with two sims with $0 but living in the apartments.
- They have to build up each apartment and rent out each one to roommates.
- Using their jobs and rent money they have to renovate the entire complex.
- Including a gym in the basement
- A laundry room. (But only if you have the Laundry Day pack)
- Once you have renovated and filled each apartment you move one sim out into a new home to complete the challenge. (The other sim stays behind to be the landlord.)
(If you have Discover University, use the Roommate option. This is beneficial as they will give you rent. If you don't have DU, add your new roommates to the family.) I also highly recommend locking doors and computers unless you want just any ol' sim roaming around your apartment.
Each apartment MUST have the following to qualify as 'liveable' before it can be rented out.
What you CANNOT do:
- Once your apartment shell is ready, and you start the challenge, you are not allowed to change any outside walls.
- You cannot change any outside walls into half walls or fences.
- Do not change outside fences or half-walls into full walls.
- You are not allowed to use money cheats.
What you ARE allowed to do:
- You can change the inside floor plan all you want.
- You may change all the windows, doors, stairs, fences, and roofs.
- You may change fences outside into half-walls, but NOT full walls.
- You may have a sim marry to add additional income. (Keep in mind, if you have to add Sim to Family for tenants, this takes a slot.)
- You can make money any way you want as long as it's not cheating.
- Craft items to be used in the apartments.
- Dumpster dive and refurbish items for the apartments.
- Purchase items at the flea market for the apartments.
- Add landscaping
- If downloaded an empty apartment complex, move it to a larger lot.
- Add a pool or fountains. (And soon a pond.)
Here's a backstory for context.
Two sisters, Amara, and Jade Winters, had just inherited a large sum of money from a great aunt they didn't even know they had. Excited and young, they had lots of plans on how to spend the cash. However, one day, while talking about what they might do with it, a gentleman approached them and introduced himself as Mr. Swindel.
Mr. Swindel had heard of their great luck, and came to offer them a deal. He just so happens to have this amazing apartment complex for sale. Three stories, not counting the basement. Plenty of space for tenants! The place could easily make them their money back in no time. Just rent out the rooms, and watch the cash fly in! Simple as that. He promised.
The young ladies were charmed by his words, and large ideas of making money, hand over fist. "How much?" they asked.
"Why, nearly as much as you have. How lucky are you?" He said.
So, with dreams of quick wealth, the sisters handed over their inheritance and booked the first plane to see their newly bought cash cow.
Except, when they got there, it was far from the expectations they were told.
The building was new, sure, but it was only a building. No single thing else existed inside. No stoves, or refrigerators. Not a single counter, or bed. Not even lights! Just walls, windows, and doors.
They were swindled by Mr. Swindel.
And just to add insult to injury, it started to downpour, adding to their sour moods. At least they had a roof over their head, even if they didn't have a bed to sleep on.
But, they were not quitters, they would persevere! They each got a job, they might have dumpster dived a few times. The flea market became a common visit. But, eventually, they filled each apartment. They made sure to make each one look nice enough to draw in a new roommate. Making sure to vacuum those pesky dust bunnies before any new prospect arrived. They even built a laundry room and gym in the basement.
They filled each apartment as they saved any extra money they could. Eventually, Jade moved out, seeking new adventures, leaving Amara behind to be a kind landlord.
Mr. Swindel might have taken their money, but he couldn't take their dreams. And now, they are living them!
~Have Fun!!