4 years ago
Rags to Riches Vampire Legacy Challenge
This is based off of Pinstar1161's Legacy Challenge, especially the rules for expansion packs, as I do not have all of them. It is not playtested yet, but I will be playing it ASAP.
Vampire Legacy Challenge
In this world, Vampires can impregnate others, but cannot themselves get pregnant. So the spouses cannot be Vampires. The heir must be born a vampire, and defeat the previous generation in a duel before the next generation can begin. This is also a rags to riches style challenge, starting with nothing on an empty lot. You can play at Normal lifespan for a longer challenge, or Short for a potentially faster game. The goal is to have 10 generations of Vampires in an unbroken hereditary line.
Getting Started
Your challenge begins in Create-A-Sim (CAS). There, you must design your founder. Your founder must be a Vampire and able to impregnate others. You can pick whatever aspiration you want for them and give them whatever traits you want. Pick their wardrobe, body shape and color, and even incorporate any CAS custom content or mods. They must be of the ‘young adult’ age, and they must be the only person in the household.
Once you have finished your founder, move them into any 50x50 or 64x64 empty lot.
Due to the variable cost of the land, you must use the money cheat (type testingcheats true, then enter, then money 0 and enter.
The Sims 4 Seasons – If you have you may start your challenge in any of the seasons. Whichever one you prefer. Start in winter for a more extreme start.
Paranormal - You may make your lot a Haunted House for a more extreme and spooky experience.
**EXTREME START OPTION** – an “Extreme” start is an option. To start an “Extreme” Legacy Challenge you must move your founder onto one of the 64 x 64 lots (after the lot on it has been demolished). This will leave you with $8000. Upon moving onto the lot, you must cheat your Sim’s money down to 0.
EXTREME START FOR SEASONS – Start in Winter if you have the Seasons pack. We wish you luck.
Vampires cannot be impregnated. If you have a female vampire in the household, you must turn off the option to become pregnant.
The Heir must be a natural born Vampire (not turned) who can impregnate others.
Vampires are immortal, but new vampires are born and the old must eventually give way to the new. The heir becomes the new head of the household whey they have reached the age of young adult, and have defeated the previous leader in a duel. The previous generation can then be moved out or "slain" to become human and live out their lives.
The spouse must not be a vampire, since in this challenge, Vampires cannot get pregnant. You may turn them to Vampires after the heir is born, if you wish.
To be eligible to be named heir, a child must be naturally born from their previous-generation parents and be able to trace an unbroken bloodline back to the founder. Adopted children may never be named heir. Only a child born as a Vampire who can impregnate others (born male) can become the heir.
No cheats/hacks/mods that give you an advantage over someone who did not use them. For example, no kaching or motherlode, but mods/cheats that are for aesthetics are fine. No changing genders of babies, increasing motives, etc. Due to pets being added to the total score of 8 members per household, using the MC Command Center mod to increase the number of Sims/Pets per household is perfectly fine. You can choose whatever number you want to increase it by, just know that more Sims in your household might cause the gameplay to become sluggish.
No restarting after bad events. Did your Sim get fired from a bad chance card? Did you burn down your kitchen because you forgot a smoke alarm? Did that baby get born a boy when you really wanted a girl? Keep the results and move ahead. Taking the bad events with the good makes the challenge more interesting and struggling back from failure states is half the fun. Restarting to recover from a crash, glitch, or technical problem is allowed.
You may not move or merge in other Sims into the Legacy Family with the exception Sims that will aid in bringing in the next generation aka the “spouse”. You may have non-heir family members leave the Legacy Family, but once they are gone, they may not be moved back in.
The Legacy Family must remain on the same lot for the duration of the challenge (this does not include vacations). They are free (and encouraged) to develop their house but they may not move into a new house. Rooms may be imported into the house from the exchange as long as the family pays full price for the construction and items contained within.
A non-immortal Sim may utilize an anti-aging item ONCE in their lifetime. This includes drinking a youth potion or milking the cow plant. Any cheats that freeze aging or lengthen (or shorten) lifespan times may not be used.
You may not change a Sim’s current aspiration until they fully complete an aspiration. When that happens, you may choose their new aspiration, as long as it is not one they’ve already completed. The exception is if it conflicts with progressing the legacy, for example if the heir gets Spellcraft & Sorcery.
You may not bring a Sim back from the dead once the reaper has taken them. You MAY plead with the reaper in order to save a recently dead Sim.
You may not move/marry out the sim who currently holds the title of ‘heir’. All of the other children in that generation (known as ‘spares’) may move or marry out. Once a sim moves out, they are ineligible to be heir, even if conditions change that might make them the rightful heir.
When playing a Legacy Challenge, your legacy family is the ONLY family you may play in that saved game. You MAY move in new families into the neighborhood during your challenge but you may not play them.
You do not need to roll for lot traits. You may pick and choose those as you wish and can change them at any time. The only exception is that one must be On a Dark Ley Line. You may use any Lot Challenges you wish, they make the game more interseting, but more challenging.
You are allowed to follow Sims to their jobs if taking the Doctor, Detective, or Scientist careers. You may also own businesses.
You may not start with an Alien Founder, as this conflicts with vampires.
The Wishing Well from the Sims 4 Romantic Garden Pack can be used only ONCE per Sim in their lifetime. Once a Sim in the Legacy family uses their one wish, they may no longer use the Wishing Well again during their life. So use that one wish wisely!
If you have The Sims 4 City Living and marry in a spouse with the “City Native” aspiration, you may give them a new aspiration.
If you have the Sims 4 Parenthood Pack you do NOT need to roll for any of the upbringing traits. They are reward traits you earn by influencing and raising your children. You may do so however you want. Standard child/teen/young adult traits are still rolled for in the traditional manner. All of the objects, interactions and gameplay elements are all fully legal within the Legacy Challenge.
If you have The Sims 4 Cats & Dogs you may adopt pets, but we do not have any rules regarding pets and do not want to REQUIRE that you adopt or breed pets because they take up a Sim slot that would otherwise be used for Legacy family members (and thus make the challenge more difficult).
If you have The Sims 4 Seasons you may purchase any of the new traits with Satisfaction Points.
The new weather machine may be used to its fullest extent, risks and all.
You may befriend and use Patchy the Scarecrow to his fullest extent.
You may purchase and use the trait re-arranger potion. However, you must roll for new traits.
You are welcome to create as many holidays as you want while playing the legacy challenge.
Your Sims may participate in the random Lottery holiday.
The Money Tree aspiration reward is too powerful due to the ability to get a large amount of simoleons from it and is therefore not allowed to be used in this challenge.
Sims can have children with Father Winter and do not need to marry him into the family.
Sims may use and earn Fame and Fame Perks however you wish
Sims may take gigs to earn money
You may use the Quirk Be Gone potion to remove a quirk that you don’t like
You may give residence keys to friends as long as you don’t move them in.
The Crystal Crown is allowed to be used since the affects are temporary and the crystals aren’t always easy to find.
You can take the Beach Life aspiration even if your Sims don’t live on Sulani. They just need to visit more often to complete the wants.
You can turn any human Sims into mermaids using the Mermadic Kelp
Sims can participate in any island events that you wish
Sims may have children with the elementals even if they can’t get married to them
Sims may commune with the spirits
Legacy Sims may take part-time or odd jobs as you wish
Diving for treasure is allowed and can be used early on just like digging for treasure
Sims may participate in Island conservation efforts even if they don’t live on Sulani.
If your Sim is an Environmental Manager you may enact any policies that you wish.
You may send your Sims to college or do college from home. HOWEVER if you send your Sims to college one of the Sims sent MUST be the heir as time will continue to progress for the rest of the family.
Once you move your Sims into college you cannot move in other roomates. Only the ones you sent (it can be more than one).
Your Sim may enroll in any university.
Want your Legacy family to have its own Legacy college? Choose either Britechester or Foxbury as your family’s Legacy college when you make your founder. This can be the only college that your Sims can attend throughout the challenge. So plan majors accordingly! Also make sure to donate money to the college that you choose.
You may send your Legacy on vacation, but all family members must go
Sims may transform into skeletons since it is temporary
You may use Bone Dust on your Sims to prevent them from dying from the new deaths added in this pack
You may use the statues for both blessings and curses
When getting chance cards in the temple/jungle you may choose “Leave it alone” as an option.
Your Legacy Sims may participate in the Strangerville Mystery storyline and take the aspiration even if they do not live there. They will just need to visit more often.
Potion of Immortality cannot be used, Potion of Rejuvenation may be used once per Sim.
Founders and heirs can marry a spellcaster, however that may result in hybrids.
Founders cannot start as spellcasters
Can remove curses in any way available
Pets may be turned into familiars or you can find/buy new ones
All items from stuff packs can be used without restrictions. The only exception is the Wishing Well which was discussed above.
If using the Tiny Living Pack you may let your founder start in a smaller house to meet the requirements for that pack to get the perks. You may either build a house or get one from the gallery.
Spouses may be any occult except vampire, or human.
You may have spares get married if you so desire and create ‘cadet branches’ within the household.
There have been many reports that the automatic generation of random townies peters out over time, leaving the dating pool barren. To combat you can use gallery sims for Legacy Challenge spouse material.
You may always introduce children into your family via pregnancy or adoption. Alien babies can also be brought into the family via abduction. Children may only be adopted as infants. You may not adopt if there are any infants (natural born or adopted) living in the house at the time and must wait for them to grow to toddlers before adopting a new one. You may rename the baby, and it is recommended (but not required) that you change their last name to the Legacy Family’s name. Adopted children cannot become the heir, however.
When a sim ages up, traits and aspirations are picked at random. You can use generators, the in-game trait randomizer, or roll dice.
You are allowed to use fruit and/or music to influence the gender of an unborn child, should you choose to do so.
You may use the death flower to guarantee success when pleading with the reaper to save a dying sim.
You may NOT use ambrosia to resurrect a dead sim. (You may cook it and have living sims eat it if you wish)
You may invite ghost sims back into your family. They may not purchase potions of youth, any completed skills, aspirations or other Legacy Challenge scoring methods do not count. They may not take a job. They cannot memorialize other sims.
Ghost Sims can still be memorialized but only by Sims that knew them in life.
An invited ghost who is no longer welcome may be moved out just like unwanted family members.
Vampire Legacy Challenge
In this world, Vampires can impregnate others, but cannot themselves get pregnant. So the spouses cannot be Vampires. The heir must be born a vampire, and defeat the previous generation in a duel before the next generation can begin. This is also a rags to riches style challenge, starting with nothing on an empty lot. You can play at Normal lifespan for a longer challenge, or Short for a potentially faster game. The goal is to have 10 generations of Vampires in an unbroken hereditary line.
Getting Started
Your challenge begins in Create-A-Sim (CAS). There, you must design your founder. Your founder must be a Vampire and able to impregnate others. You can pick whatever aspiration you want for them and give them whatever traits you want. Pick their wardrobe, body shape and color, and even incorporate any CAS custom content or mods. They must be of the ‘young adult’ age, and they must be the only person in the household.
Once you have finished your founder, move them into any 50x50 or 64x64 empty lot.
Due to the variable cost of the land, you must use the money cheat (type testingcheats true, then enter, then money 0 and enter.
The Sims 4 Seasons – If you have you may start your challenge in any of the seasons. Whichever one you prefer. Start in winter for a more extreme start.
Paranormal - You may make your lot a Haunted House for a more extreme and spooky experience.
**EXTREME START OPTION** – an “Extreme” start is an option. To start an “Extreme” Legacy Challenge you must move your founder onto one of the 64 x 64 lots (after the lot on it has been demolished). This will leave you with $8000. Upon moving onto the lot, you must cheat your Sim’s money down to 0.
EXTREME START FOR SEASONS – Start in Winter if you have the Seasons pack. We wish you luck.
Vampires cannot be impregnated. If you have a female vampire in the household, you must turn off the option to become pregnant.
The Heir must be a natural born Vampire (not turned) who can impregnate others.
Vampires are immortal, but new vampires are born and the old must eventually give way to the new. The heir becomes the new head of the household whey they have reached the age of young adult, and have defeated the previous leader in a duel. The previous generation can then be moved out or "slain" to become human and live out their lives.
The spouse must not be a vampire, since in this challenge, Vampires cannot get pregnant. You may turn them to Vampires after the heir is born, if you wish.
To be eligible to be named heir, a child must be naturally born from their previous-generation parents and be able to trace an unbroken bloodline back to the founder. Adopted children may never be named heir. Only a child born as a Vampire who can impregnate others (born male) can become the heir.
No cheats/hacks/mods that give you an advantage over someone who did not use them. For example, no kaching or motherlode, but mods/cheats that are for aesthetics are fine. No changing genders of babies, increasing motives, etc. Due to pets being added to the total score of 8 members per household, using the MC Command Center mod to increase the number of Sims/Pets per household is perfectly fine. You can choose whatever number you want to increase it by, just know that more Sims in your household might cause the gameplay to become sluggish.
No restarting after bad events. Did your Sim get fired from a bad chance card? Did you burn down your kitchen because you forgot a smoke alarm? Did that baby get born a boy when you really wanted a girl? Keep the results and move ahead. Taking the bad events with the good makes the challenge more interesting and struggling back from failure states is half the fun. Restarting to recover from a crash, glitch, or technical problem is allowed.
You may not move or merge in other Sims into the Legacy Family with the exception Sims that will aid in bringing in the next generation aka the “spouse”. You may have non-heir family members leave the Legacy Family, but once they are gone, they may not be moved back in.
The Legacy Family must remain on the same lot for the duration of the challenge (this does not include vacations). They are free (and encouraged) to develop their house but they may not move into a new house. Rooms may be imported into the house from the exchange as long as the family pays full price for the construction and items contained within.
A non-immortal Sim may utilize an anti-aging item ONCE in their lifetime. This includes drinking a youth potion or milking the cow plant. Any cheats that freeze aging or lengthen (or shorten) lifespan times may not be used.
You may not change a Sim’s current aspiration until they fully complete an aspiration. When that happens, you may choose their new aspiration, as long as it is not one they’ve already completed. The exception is if it conflicts with progressing the legacy, for example if the heir gets Spellcraft & Sorcery.
You may not bring a Sim back from the dead once the reaper has taken them. You MAY plead with the reaper in order to save a recently dead Sim.
You may not move/marry out the sim who currently holds the title of ‘heir’. All of the other children in that generation (known as ‘spares’) may move or marry out. Once a sim moves out, they are ineligible to be heir, even if conditions change that might make them the rightful heir.
When playing a Legacy Challenge, your legacy family is the ONLY family you may play in that saved game. You MAY move in new families into the neighborhood during your challenge but you may not play them.
You do not need to roll for lot traits. You may pick and choose those as you wish and can change them at any time. The only exception is that one must be On a Dark Ley Line. You may use any Lot Challenges you wish, they make the game more interseting, but more challenging.
You are allowed to follow Sims to their jobs if taking the Doctor, Detective, or Scientist careers. You may also own businesses.
You may not start with an Alien Founder, as this conflicts with vampires.
The Wishing Well from the Sims 4 Romantic Garden Pack can be used only ONCE per Sim in their lifetime. Once a Sim in the Legacy family uses their one wish, they may no longer use the Wishing Well again during their life. So use that one wish wisely!
If you have The Sims 4 City Living and marry in a spouse with the “City Native” aspiration, you may give them a new aspiration.
If you have the Sims 4 Parenthood Pack you do NOT need to roll for any of the upbringing traits. They are reward traits you earn by influencing and raising your children. You may do so however you want. Standard child/teen/young adult traits are still rolled for in the traditional manner. All of the objects, interactions and gameplay elements are all fully legal within the Legacy Challenge.
If you have The Sims 4 Cats & Dogs you may adopt pets, but we do not have any rules regarding pets and do not want to REQUIRE that you adopt or breed pets because they take up a Sim slot that would otherwise be used for Legacy family members (and thus make the challenge more difficult).
If you have The Sims 4 Seasons you may purchase any of the new traits with Satisfaction Points.
The new weather machine may be used to its fullest extent, risks and all.
You may befriend and use Patchy the Scarecrow to his fullest extent.
You may purchase and use the trait re-arranger potion. However, you must roll for new traits.
You are welcome to create as many holidays as you want while playing the legacy challenge.
Your Sims may participate in the random Lottery holiday.
The Money Tree aspiration reward is too powerful due to the ability to get a large amount of simoleons from it and is therefore not allowed to be used in this challenge.
Sims can have children with Father Winter and do not need to marry him into the family.
Sims may use and earn Fame and Fame Perks however you wish
Sims may take gigs to earn money
You may use the Quirk Be Gone potion to remove a quirk that you don’t like
You may give residence keys to friends as long as you don’t move them in.
The Crystal Crown is allowed to be used since the affects are temporary and the crystals aren’t always easy to find.
You can take the Beach Life aspiration even if your Sims don’t live on Sulani. They just need to visit more often to complete the wants.
You can turn any human Sims into mermaids using the Mermadic Kelp
Sims can participate in any island events that you wish
Sims may have children with the elementals even if they can’t get married to them
Sims may commune with the spirits
Legacy Sims may take part-time or odd jobs as you wish
Diving for treasure is allowed and can be used early on just like digging for treasure
Sims may participate in Island conservation efforts even if they don’t live on Sulani.
If your Sim is an Environmental Manager you may enact any policies that you wish.
You may send your Sims to college or do college from home. HOWEVER if you send your Sims to college one of the Sims sent MUST be the heir as time will continue to progress for the rest of the family.
Once you move your Sims into college you cannot move in other roomates. Only the ones you sent (it can be more than one).
Your Sim may enroll in any university.
Want your Legacy family to have its own Legacy college? Choose either Britechester or Foxbury as your family’s Legacy college when you make your founder. This can be the only college that your Sims can attend throughout the challenge. So plan majors accordingly! Also make sure to donate money to the college that you choose.
You may send your Legacy on vacation, but all family members must go
Sims may transform into skeletons since it is temporary
You may use Bone Dust on your Sims to prevent them from dying from the new deaths added in this pack
You may use the statues for both blessings and curses
When getting chance cards in the temple/jungle you may choose “Leave it alone” as an option.
Your Legacy Sims may participate in the Strangerville Mystery storyline and take the aspiration even if they do not live there. They will just need to visit more often.
Potion of Immortality cannot be used, Potion of Rejuvenation may be used once per Sim.
Founders and heirs can marry a spellcaster, however that may result in hybrids.
Founders cannot start as spellcasters
Can remove curses in any way available
Pets may be turned into familiars or you can find/buy new ones
All items from stuff packs can be used without restrictions. The only exception is the Wishing Well which was discussed above.
If using the Tiny Living Pack you may let your founder start in a smaller house to meet the requirements for that pack to get the perks. You may either build a house or get one from the gallery.
Spouses may be any occult except vampire, or human.
You may have spares get married if you so desire and create ‘cadet branches’ within the household.
There have been many reports that the automatic generation of random townies peters out over time, leaving the dating pool barren. To combat you can use gallery sims for Legacy Challenge spouse material.
You may always introduce children into your family via pregnancy or adoption. Alien babies can also be brought into the family via abduction. Children may only be adopted as infants. You may not adopt if there are any infants (natural born or adopted) living in the house at the time and must wait for them to grow to toddlers before adopting a new one. You may rename the baby, and it is recommended (but not required) that you change their last name to the Legacy Family’s name. Adopted children cannot become the heir, however.
When a sim ages up, traits and aspirations are picked at random. You can use generators, the in-game trait randomizer, or roll dice.
You are allowed to use fruit and/or music to influence the gender of an unborn child, should you choose to do so.
You may use the death flower to guarantee success when pleading with the reaper to save a dying sim.
You may NOT use ambrosia to resurrect a dead sim. (You may cook it and have living sims eat it if you wish)
You may invite ghost sims back into your family. They may not purchase potions of youth, any completed skills, aspirations or other Legacy Challenge scoring methods do not count. They may not take a job. They cannot memorialize other sims.
Ghost Sims can still be memorialized but only by Sims that knew them in life.
An invited ghost who is no longer welcome may be moved out just like unwanted family members.