Forum Discussion

LittlBowBub's avatar
7 years ago

Relationships for sims 4

Thought I would add this at the top rather than near the bottom for those who saw mobile stories and thought nope don't mess with my game :D

Just to be clear I'm not wanting the game to layout a story for me. I've only said stories as I'm assuming that's what they're called in the sims mobile. I'm just after the relationship types. More than 1 type of friend more than 1 type of romantic interest. (I like how romantic interests build up to soul mates)

I don't know whether it's just me.. but I would like to see the sims mobile relationship stories added to the sims 4. Obviously I don't want restrictions with the relationships but it would be nice to have frenemies etc along with the limited options we have now.

Instead of having just friend, brother, girlfriend etc the story relationships could be added to expand how sims view each other. Some new actions could be implemented such as friends who don't really like each other so sigh when the others talking but go along with the conversatio. Things like that to make each new relationship type appear different from another.

It could also introduced 2-sided relationships (or 1 sided) whichever the term is.

I feel like this would really add depth to the sims and make their relationships more meaningful. Plus whilst you can still rely on your imagination the game will be helping it along with autonomous interactions specific to the relationship. And of course it will say which type of relationship they have.

I also would want to fully customise or atleast choose the relationship type so that freedom to create your own game style isn't taken away.

Oh, also the basic relationships - aunt, uncle, cousin, grandfather, boyfriend etc in CAS would be lovely.

I hope this is easy to understand as I've kind of gibbered on abit. I haven't played the sims mobile much so I'm not 100% on how the relations work but it is something that caught my eye.

Apologies if there is already a discussion on this.
  • Yeah, sometimes there are people that you can tolerate, but only now and then. You might think, "Well, I wonder how old so and so is doing?" and you go visit them. Then it is the same old thing as before, but you tolerate it. Sort of like when a kid doesn't really bond with a relative, but all the others do. Sometimes you have a friend who has another friend who is clingy and tags along. So you just tolerate it. You could get tense, grossed out, annoyed, creeped out or just bewildered by the other person sometimes. Then sometimes you could be pleasantly surprised. There could be some new moodlets where you are sort of passive aggressive, secretly annoyed or laughing under your breath. You could pull another sim to the side to "have a little talk" about them, inside joke, gossip and such. Sometimes you could get the urge to suddenly go for a jog, go to the bathroom, get a bit of fresh air or just about any excuse to get away. You could approach the sim you don't care for and have various fake outs and excuses to get away.

    It would be really funny if you could call your best friend or text them "save me!" and then they call you right back with some urgent message where you can have the excuse to get away from there.

    Then if you tolerate the person for a certain amount of time you could get some moodlet such as "Nailed it" or "Gracious" or something like that.
    If you got away from them, you could have moodlet like "Smooth escape" or something where you feel pretty smug about it. Then if you feel a little guilty about you could get a moodlet like "twinge of guilt".

    You should also be able to tell other sims about it if you want to. It would be a chat feature and you could do like "I escaped from" and then click on a picture of the sim you escaped from. Or you could do "I tolerated" and you can chat about it. Then the other sim can respond like "You go girl!" Or "I know, right?" or get kind of angry about it if they like that other sim.

    I am kind of introverted sometimes and I get enough of people, so I just feel "all peopled out". There is a shirt I saw online that said something like "I peopled today!" and that would be a good one for me sometimes. A bad moodlet for introverted sims could be "All simmed out" then a good one could be "I simmed today!"