You've seen those home renovations you know that not every house is ready for you to put your design spin on it, right? Some are worse than others..... :D So that is what this is about… R...
Origin ID: SerraNolwen Link to the gallery: Link Do you want feedback from anyone? Yes, please! Link to more photo/slideshow (optional): Imgur link Notes: This was a very interesting challenge, thank you. I had to look up xeriscaping, and since I found that it is done also closer to where I live, I decided to go for less desert plants and focus rather on covering the place with wildflowers and sturdy leafy plants, taking into account the areas of shade and lower ground that would gather water. I hope the interior fits the design guidelines. I wasn't sure what you meant by "traditional chic", so I just tried to keep it classy and not too modern. Also, I'm sorry about the lighting situation in the pictures. It was a cloudy autumn day as I playtested, and it even started raining while I was taking pictures. Pictures: Pictures of the other sides of the house + 1 inside picture under spoiler.