I am SO GLAD to see other people rallying for Fear! <3 I have wanted this for years, lol.
I really think we need a proper Fear emotion. The emotion system feels incomplete without it because there is nothing properly representing fear and anxiety. I find it very strange that we have "inspired", "focused", and "confident" before we have "Afraid". Fear is something that is so inherently natural to human emotions and we learn it from a very, very young age. When I was a child, I was afraid of "the monster in the closet" and it went so deep that I had frequent nightmares. Fear should be something that all Sims experience, it should have triggers according to traits and could be more avoided with a "brave" trait. Children and toddlers should have it and be able to get comfort from their parents.
Thunderstorms, aggressive pets growling/hissing, career failure, children doing badly in school, spiders, bugs, all of the Occults and their weird behaviors,...all of these things could be triggers for Fear. We could even have a system to give our Sims phobias, which could include bees, spiders, swimming, clowns, crowds, being alone, pregnancy (haha), Aliens, fish, frogs, being dirty, ....it could go on and on. To be able to select specific Fears for our Sims and actually have them feel anxious and afraid and exhibit the proper animations could add a world of depth to Sims 4. I see so many people who say that the base game still feels unfinished despite all of the packs we have. Well, I truly believe that this is one of the reasons why. Having Sims who only get as far as "Tense" only dumbs down the potential of having a deeper realism that adds a world of flavor and a little bit of challenge (but not too much!)...and robs us of that sweet spot of believability.
Fear is long, long overdue.