Forum Discussion

SimSorcerer's avatar
6 years ago

Revamping Ghosts

Hello again, everyone!
So I've played around with ghosts and of course; I've gotten bored right after a few minutes with them and moved on to other occults.
So I thought our ghosts should have an upgrade.
Here is a list of my ideas for The Sims 4's Ghosts!

1.) Bound Spirits and Haunted Objects!
Ever want your abode to be eternally haunted, but not just by some random ghost given to you by the Haunted House trait? Ever want to keep your Sim's spirit roaming the world, but without him/her being a part of your family and having to mourn their grave/urn?
How about binding your Sim's soul/spirit to an object?!
It could be a painting, sculpture, toy, mirror, book, a piece of furniture, even a decorative plant!
Whatever can be classified as an object, your Sim's ghost can haunt it and therefore, be bound to the world! Eternally haunting your home.
Plus, maybe you can finally sell or get rid of that Tombstone/Urn without getting rid of the spirit once that spirit has been selected to haunt/embody their new vessel of your choosing.
This could be a great idea for storytellers as well. Your created Sim could have grown up with a specific object and grown emotionally attached to it. After they have passed away peacefully or died tragically, their spirit became bound to their favorite and cherished item. Like a music box that they have owned during their childhood or a painting that they have made for a loved one.
The story is for you to tell/show.

2.) New Ghostly Interactions!
Ever want your Ghost to scare a Sim like the Ghosts on the PS2 version of The Sims 2? Their mouth stretching and distorted while flailing around the Sim they're attempting to frighten? Or have them vomit out ectoplasm right on the Sim?
How about having them possess a Sim? Or having them possess objects?! No! I'm not talking about how their possessing objects now. Shaking and rattling them. No; I'm talking about better ways of object possession!
Like having your Ghost Sim possess a mirror by making spooky and creepy images appear in the mirror or once a Sim decides to use the possessed mirror, the ghost will pop out and frighten the unsuspected Sim.
Or possessing a teddy bear or doll by having them dance, walk around, twitch, and spin their heads.
They could possess a piano by having it play by itself. A fireplace by having the flames manifest into a face or body. Or even a computer by having spooky images randomly pop up on the monitor or have it write "Get Out" on the sim version of WordPad.
Plus, this might be a great opportunity to introduce more haunted paintings that act similar to the ones in The Sims Makin' Magic.
I'm sure you can come up with other ideas on ways to possess certain objects.

3.) Tweaking the Colors and Effects!
I don't know about you, but the colors of the ghosts don't fit so well in my opinion.
Perhaps we should make them paler, faded, add a bit of that gloomy, sad, grayish, and eerie feel to the ghost's colors.
Plus, give them better effects on how they have died.
Like the smoke emitting from those who died by fire will be more vivid and surround their entire body while their eyes glow a flame like color.
And those who died from electricity will twitch and turn electrical objects on and/or off without interacting with them while producing electricity from their body.
And those who died from Old Age will possess unique abilities based on their personalities and emotions.
Like those who were Artistic will have paintings glow or become more pronounced.
Those who were Musical will emit soft and faded music while around and about. More likely to produce classical or swing music.
The default effects of Old Age might be swirling sands similar to the sands of an hourglass or the aurora effect that the sim gets while dying from old age.
I'm sure you can come up with other ideas on effects and abilities for each ghost.

So. What do you think? Do you like my ideas? What are your ideas on this topic?
I'm always eager to read what you have to post.

As always,

Thank you for reading my discussions.

9 Replies

  • Yes! Ghosts could definitely benefit from further development i.e. more interactions and abilities. They just aren't distinct enough from living sims for me. I especially love your ideas for tweaking the colours and effects and linking this with their traits/death type. I would love ghosts to be invisible to most living sims too (other occults like vampires and other ghosts should always see them, and maybe living sims with special abilities like psychic mediums) and only reveal themselves when they choose - perhaps also needing power/a connection to do so. Imagine what mischief they could get up to then and the reactions of other sims when their friend keeps talking to the 'air'. :D Ghosts could also have 'unfinished business' similar to aspirations that they need to complete before they can find peace or cross over if they wish. I wish we could see what clothes our ghosts are wearing better as well and ghosts didn't have the same needs as living sims. I can understand fun and social, but bladder and hunger? Unless they died of starvation, it just seems silly to me. Also why do ghost children still have to go to school? Is there a school for eternal child ghosts I don't know about? How tragic is that? That's partly why I want a homeschooling feature. I'm also hoping for a Dangerous Stuff or similar themed pack with better ghosts and more deaths. >:) I wish we had a fear emotion and maybe the ability to scare our sims to death. Right now ghosts just make sims tense, which doesn't really work for me. I think it's a nice touch that vampires aren't bothered about ghosts though, thus making them ideal companions.
  • This would be epic (though if anything ever vomits on my vampire sim I'm going to banish it to the void between dimensions.)

    I've honestly never understood the thing where if a sim died they don't live on the property where their urn is, or at the very least the one ghost I've had didn't and it was disappointing because I put alot of work into murderi.... planning out that sims storyline after his completely natural and entirely unassisted death.. happened..

    I will say though that if possible I'd like to be able to have the ghost still be an actively controllable family member.. who can go around terrorizing everyone, make furniture move.. turn the lights on and off spookily.. you know.. typical ghost things..
  • Oh my gosh, I love these ideas. I want this to be real in the game now. The current ghosts are just so incredibly bland. Allow us to make our ghosts do creepy ghost things!
    I actually love the object binding idea, actually.

    It seems a little silly to be able to hang out with our dead relative at a karaoke bar some random afternoon. That's not a ghost thing.
  • Ghosts need revamped, definitely take inspiration from ts2 and ts3. And plantsims need revamped
  • "Amavari;c-17066448" wrote:
    This would be epic (though if anything ever vomits on my vampire sim I'm going to banish it to the void between dimensions.)

    I've honestly never understood the thing where if a sim died they don't live on the property where their urn is, or at the very least the one ghost I've had didn't and it was disappointing because I put alot of work into murderi.... planning out that sims storyline after his completely natural and entirely unassisted death.. happened..

    I will say though that if possible I'd like to be able to have the ghost still be an actively controllable family member.. who can go around terrorizing everyone, make furniture move.. turn the lights on and off spookily.. you know.. typical ghost things..

    I played a recreation of Olive Specter (murder g her ex fiance, parents, sister and husband, her 3 later husband) and long as I keep the connection strong they'll randomly haunt the house. I mean of the large collection a random one will visit in the night, the same one doesn't visit every night
  • I would love an Afterlife EP like in the survey. Cloudlands & lava pit (my names) depending on if the ghosts were good or bad. Ghosts released from the sim world could go to one of these. Cloud houses and fire houses depending on where the ghost goes. More grim interactions including procreation, his house, goth clothes, ect. Mean sims could try to become Grim. Cemeteries, funeral services(picking out of flowers/urn or stone/minister or other/reading of the will/urn and stone in cemetery or at your sim's home), wills(ability to make one and get stuff from one; or perhaps some random sim thinks you should get something from them or money), urns/tombstones/rocks/double headstones for soulmates(poor, fancy, wooden, rickety, intricate, old, ect.). Ghosts could be added to and playable. Ability to go to sim world and cause trouble, which seems fun to me even though my sims are really never mean.
  • IIRC TS3 had the option for you to make ghosts from CAS I would like to see that as well
  • Redrogue60's avatar
    Seasoned Veteran
    6 years ago
    I would love Ghost to be done in the same way Vampires were done. I hope Werewolves and Witches are also applied in the same way

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