Forum Discussion

prettyplumbob's avatar
5 years ago

Review the Youtube channel Above you!

Hi everyone! I thought this would be a fun game to help us all grow and learn!
To participate, simply click on the channel in the post above you and post:

1. One thing you like about the channel, or that the channel is doing well
2. One thing you think the channel can do to improve

Make sure and put a link to your channel so that the next person knows where to go.

My channel is here to start us off!

14 Replies

  • @Kerilias As a new channel I'd focus on getting so branding so people can start recognizing your channel like having a banner, I do like your videos though :)
  • "Ekmidenisi;c-17509257" wrote:
    @Patch__2008 Your channel is really cute, the flower on the banner is adorable.
    Have you thought about making it so your most recent video is shown first as the first video i notice is one from a year ago even though you have more recent content. (it might make some less observant users think you are no longer active)

    Yeah I can definitely do that!
  • I'm not entirely sure who I am supposed to review since people comment pell-mell, so I'll just do two constructive reviews. I hope you find my tips useful, but please take them with a grain of salt. I don't exactly have a lot of youtube experience `\_(-,-)/`.

    @Ekmidenisi - You've got a nice long series going, nice short intro and excellent video quality. I also like how you begin each episode with a short plan of what you're going to (try to) do in that episode. What I would focus on, however, is your sound quality and thumbnails. For the first: your voice is good, and you've got a nice voice too. But I keep hearing bump-like noises, as if you're bumping into your microphone. The music volume sometimes is also off compared to the volume of your voice. For the thumbs I'd try to settle on a single style and pay more attention to the readability of your text. Depending on the device, the thumbnails can be shown really tiny, and it's best if text remains readable.

    @ThatPlumbobRob You've got some real good stuff going in your channel. Series usually do well in youtube and you've taken a series which always tends to be popular (Big Brother), so I'm surprised it has so few views despite you having 100+ subscribers. The tips I would give are:

  • Make each thumbnail obviously unique. The number in the top right corner isn't clear enough and, depending on screen size, might even be unreadable. But if each thumbnail is clearly different from all the others, everybody can immediately see it's a new episode. It also allows you to showcase your sims and the house they live in.
  • Just like what they did with the real Big Brother series, I'd start each episode with a short dramatic 'in the last episode' and end with an 'next episode, drama unfolds!'. Short snapshots of the previous and next episode, basically, so that your viewers are triggered to go watch those videos too.
  • The final tip depends a bit on your video statistics: how long do your watchers stick around? If most don't view the full episode, you might want to consider a bit more editing to crop the videos. Episodes of 20+ minutes tend to put a lot of people off.


    BootedBuilds @ Youtube
  • @BansheesHeart I like your banner, I noticed you posted videos years go but I'll focus on your latest few, in the newest video I struggled a bit with hearing what you were saying. You have a lot of energy which is good. You could make some thumbnails, that may draw in more viewers :)

    @Wugri Thanks! I was going to have custom thumbnails, but it was taking up to much time on top of everything else I have to do to get a video out each day. It's interactive so I can't film the following video until the current one is posted. I'm not sure where to find viewer retention, only total hours of viewing time.