3 years ago
Royal Family Legacy Challenge
I like pretending that my sims are royals and doing things along that storyline.
-Starting Family-
You can do this in 3 different ways.
1-Either a Single sim who is looking for a partner to carry on the bloodline.
2-A young adult sim who is being pressured by his/her parents to marry so they can pass on the kingdom to him/her
3-A couple who is with their first child
-Rules for each age-
Toddlers- must master all of their skills to the max.
Child- Must complete two different aspirations, join scouts, max the mental, imagination, and motor skills. Get an A in school
Teen- Complete scouts, get an A in schools, have an arranged marriage in place.
Young Adult- Marry and try for an heir.
Adult- Rule the kingdom
Elder- Name your heir.
-Heir Rules-
Can be the youngest Royal born when the King/Queen names an heir
Can be the firstborn child of either sex
Can be the firstborn male/female depending on if you wish to have a patriarchy or matriarchy
1-A food shortage has happened, and many people outside of the royal family began to starve.
2-A servant and the rightful royal heir disappear at the same time. No one knows why.
3-The ruler gives birth to an extremely ugly and sickly child. People began to get suspicious, and there's even a plan to overthrow the "cursed ruler".
4- A rebellion starts! Led by a villager who is unhappy about the way the government works, many villagers join in.
5-Someone is exiled for murdering a beloved royal family member. However, they don't leave without a group.
6-The king/queen is murdered out of nowhere, and a war is started between the rightful heir and a prince/princess/duke/duchess.
Chose one per generation and play the fallout.
-Starting Family-
You can do this in 3 different ways.
1-Either a Single sim who is looking for a partner to carry on the bloodline.
2-A young adult sim who is being pressured by his/her parents to marry so they can pass on the kingdom to him/her
3-A couple who is with their first child
-Rules for each age-
Toddlers- must master all of their skills to the max.
Child- Must complete two different aspirations, join scouts, max the mental, imagination, and motor skills. Get an A in school
Teen- Complete scouts, get an A in schools, have an arranged marriage in place.
Young Adult- Marry and try for an heir.
Adult- Rule the kingdom
Elder- Name your heir.
-Heir Rules-
Can be the youngest Royal born when the King/Queen names an heir
Can be the firstborn child of either sex
Can be the firstborn male/female depending on if you wish to have a patriarchy or matriarchy
1-A food shortage has happened, and many people outside of the royal family began to starve.
2-A servant and the rightful royal heir disappear at the same time. No one knows why.
3-The ruler gives birth to an extremely ugly and sickly child. People began to get suspicious, and there's even a plan to overthrow the "cursed ruler".
4- A rebellion starts! Led by a villager who is unhappy about the way the government works, many villagers join in.
5-Someone is exiled for murdering a beloved royal family member. However, they don't leave without a group.
6-The king/queen is murdered out of nowhere, and a war is started between the rightful heir and a prince/princess/duke/duchess.
Chose one per generation and play the fallout.