STARTER RESULTS FOR CHALLENGE #2 CURTIS, DOUGLAS CURTIS... THE THIRD☆ Lavenderspirit22 ☆ Your architecture is interesting, but I wonder about having those overhangs on the front section of the roof, especially with those exterior treatments you have chosen. Your roof line could use some work, it’s very unusual to have ‘valleys’ in the middle of roofs, as in RL water would collect there. Your layout is well executed, your room sizes are very appropriate, I feel the build flows well and would translate into playing well. Your interior palette’s are very cohesive, you have made nice use of wood throughout the build to help the build really coalesce. I feel your kitchen is a little bland though and I may have missed it, but I don’t see a sink in there? Some clutter, kitchen roll and the like would have helped really flesh this room out. You have a really great eye for object choice and placement, however, some of your pictures are a little on the dark side, making it quite difficult to make some of the finer details out. The balcony areas look fantastic, that pop of the bright blue really helps add interest to them, and again your object placement out here is wonderful, it makes it feel very lived in. My favourite area of this build is the living room, it feels very welcoming, I can image Douglas relaxing here with a nice glass of wine.
Sim: Your sim looks great, he really does look the part! And nice choice of traits
☆ asphyxiateddoll ☆For such a simple piece of architecture, this place looks fantastic! I will admit to being a tad confused as to where the actual front door would be though? I’m guessing it would be the yellow hallway/foyer that leads into the living area?! Your room sizes are well proportioned and you have made some really great object choices, with some awesome placement. Your layout works well and I like the way you have separated the master bedroom from the guest area. I like that you have a number of artefacts from Douglas’ travels scattered about the place. You do need to be a little careful with your pictures though, some of them are quite zoomed out, which gives that ‘fishbowl’ effect. Your balcony is awesome, I love the monochrome effect, but I wonder if some pot plants dotted here and there would help it look more welcoming? My favourite area in this build is that master bathroom, I can just see Douglas lounging in that corner bath.
Sim: Douglas looks awesome! I love that you gave him that geek trait, and you have outfitted him appropriately!
☆ KraftySim ☆I can totally imagine your penthouse the way you describe it in your entry form! Your exterior looks very grand and the wall treatments set it off perfectly, the shuttered windows and window boxes really add a touch of class. Your roof lines work incredibly well. Your room sizes are great, they perfectly fit the objects you have chosen and how you have placed them. The mediterranean feel flows well throughout the home and really helps this build feel incredibly cohesive. I like that you have a number of artefacts from Douglas’ travels scattered about the place. My favourite area of your build is that gorgeous foyer, it’s so elegant, incredible!
Sim: Looks like Douglas has a fondness for entertaining, which is awesome! His traits seem to suit him perfectly, but I wonder if he could have done with a little more sleep? ;)
☆ onikisu ☆I would liked to have seen more of the exterior of the build, so that I could take a look at the style of architecture you chose for Douglas’ home. An overhead view of the layout would have helped with judging the layout of this build as well. Your palette works well throughout the home, although some of the sizes of the rooms seem a little unbalanced, for example the large hallways and the very small office and kitchen. You have a good eye for object choices and placement, and your palette works well throughout the home. Some of your pictures are a little dark, which makes picking out the details quite difficult. Also, it would have been nice to see an area for Douglas to display some of his favourite artefacts from his travels. The grand staircase is a very cool addition and you have done a great job with the balcony. My favourite area of this build is that hallway with the double staircase, it feels very luxurious.
Sim: Douglas looks great! I love his tattoo and the fact that he is enthusiastic about the outdoors!
☆ pammiechick ☆From what I can make out, the architecture of this build feels very industrial, and as you have continued with that theme in the interior, with those exposed brick walls, it works well. The layout works well and I think you have a great eye for object choice and placement. The double height ceilings give the illusion of the place being far bigger than it is and your palette really helps bring the build together. The balcony area looks like a great place for entertaining, and I did spy that poor girl on fire!! I would liked to have seen an area for Douglas to display some of his favourite artefacts from his various travels. My favourite part of this build is the way you have managed to separate all the individual areas of that large open plan space, using the windowed walls works incredibly well.
Sim: I can just imagine Douglas with the traits you selected for him, and he looks incredibly handsome.
☆ superwholockian ☆The classic architecture you have chosen really suits this style of build, the columns you have included add interest. I think that you could have chosen better when it comes to the windows, they look very miss-matched from the exterior. The layout works well, your room sizes are very well thought out and I like the way you have separated that dining room from the rest of the open plan living area and also in the master bath, to separate the toilet. The palette you have chosen works well throughout the build, except that it feels like a build of two halves, one very modern, sleek build and another very classic, elegant one. The home doesn’t feel very cohesive in that sense. Great job including some of Douglas’ artefacts from his various expeditions, I am especially fond of that gnome ;) You have made some great choices in the art work on the walls, they complement the rooms perfectly. The balcony was again very well thought out, although it would have been nice to have some more greenery out there, just to make it feel more homely. You showcased the home perfectly, just the right amount of pictures to showcase your build to perfection. My favourite part of this build is Douglas’ master bedroom, so sleek and sophisticated, I think it really encapsulates your Douglas character.
Sim: Well, Douglas certainly looks the part, especially in that pic of him for the Archaeology today magazine. I can just imagine him with the traits you chose for him.
☆ Simhead70 ☆This is certainly a very well thought out build, the exterior wall treatments you have used, really help showcase the architecture style you have chosen and that slightly irregular roof really suits the home. Your room sizes are well planned out, as are your placement and choices of furniture. The natural earthy palette really helps bring the home together. Some areas could have used more lighting, especially where those shelves are in the hallway to the dining area from the lobby. The lobby looks amazing, I love how you have bought some plant life into the area, to make it feel more ‘outdoorsy’. My favourite part of your build is that dining room, it looks amazing and that punch of red, helps it feel very sophisticated, I also like that you have managed to get some sim created artwork on the walls.
Sim: It’s a real shame you didn't stick to the description of Douglas from the brief, he was supposed to have blonde hair! I do however think the traits you chose for him fit like a glove.
☆ Don_Oello ☆I just adore the exterior of this build, the architecture is fantastic and that roof line… *drools* It seems a complete shock therefore to go from something to stylistic to the rose patterned wall paper in that master bedroom. Your layout works well, though it is a shame you forgot to add the lobby. Your room sizes are well thought out, as are your object choices and your decisions in regards to object placement. It is a real pity that your palette seems to have let you down, each room seems to have a mis-match of colours, and doesn’t help the house blend into a cohesive build, for example that pink rug in the guest bedroom really stands out. My favourite area of your build is that balcony area, all the objects go really well together, the palette is gloriously blended and it looks like everyone is having a great time out there.
☆ mikeydz1971 ☆The exterior of this build looks great, I can imagine it perched atop a skyscraper, although I wonder if the wooden siding was the way to go for wall treatments, maybe a brick would have been more apt? Your layout is well thought out, and I like that pretty much everything is accessible from that main living area, makes for a great flow. Your rooms are proportionately sized and you have made some really great object choices, you also have a good eye for object placement, although I am not totally sold on having art work hung on window frames… You have got a good cohesive palette which really helps bring the house together as a whole., but some of the rooms feel a little bare, maybe some clutter around and about the place would have helped it feel more ‘lived in’. Having said that I do like that you have some space for Douglas to display some of his favourite artefacts. You could be a little more careful with your showcasing pictures, some of them are looking a little distorted, with that ‘fishbowl’ effect, try not to zoom out the camera quite so much. My favourite part of your build is that large open plan living area, I can imagine Douglas throwing some pretty awesome parties in here and spilling out onto that balcony!
3rd place goes to - @Simhead70
2nd place goes to - @superwholockian
And the winner is...
@KraftySimThe winner of the Sim portion of the challenge is - asphyxiateddoll