The two homes you have built are perfectly in keeping with Don and Judy’s original building. Good job making them just that little different to each other, it really helps to add interest to the lot as a whole. The layouts work really well in both homes and I especially like how you made sure that Charlotte had plenty of space to get around with her walker, the thought behind no rugs was a great one also! Your object placement and choices are great and your palette works really well throughout the build.
Suggestions: A little more terrain painting around the exteriors would have added to the curb appeal of the builds, and some more clutter in Leroy’s Den would have helped it to feel a little more lived in.
☆ RachelShennan ☆
These homes fit together on this lot perfectly, you really have done a great job! The landscaping around each home helps them blend together seamlessly. You have made some truly wonderful use of terrain painting tools. Your interior layouts work well and I like that you gave some thought to accessibility for Charlotte and her walker. Your object placement is great and you have made some really interesting object choices. The palette is lovely is both homes and helps really make them very individual.
Suggestions: Great job trying out camera man mode! However, I think with a little more practice your showcases could be even better. I would advise you to take a look around at some tutorials, such as this one for hints and tips.
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