ESTABLISHED RESULTS FOR CHALLENGE #6 - NET WORTHSorry for the delay, but here are the results for the above challenge.
☆opod67☆This place certainly looks to fit into the neighbourhood, it’s as if it’s always been there. The roof line is funky and certainly adds interest to the build. The landscaping fits well with the theme and the addition of that car port is a nice bonus. The layout works well and I can see it translating well into play. Your interiors are clean and modern and you have made some really great object choices and have a good eye for placement. Your secret area is wonderful, I love the use of CC to help enhance this aspect of your build.
I wonder if some terrain paint would have helped soften those flower beds a little. A couple of pops of colour here and there would have really helped make this place perfect. The computer lab is a little small, as this is where Mara would have been working with her colleagues, a couple more work stations might have been useful.
☆benlow11☆This is a lovely old warehouse style build, it certainly doesn't look ostentatious, however it does feel very elegant. The roof although simple fits the style of the build, and the friezes really help to add interest. Your layout works well over all and I think your decision to keep the different areas of the build on separate floors was the right one. Your object choices work well, as does your object placement. The palette is lovely, enough colour without feeling overpowering.
A little more structure to your landscaping would have helped the build look more warehouse/commercial, some formal flower beds or a paved seating area maybe? I wonder how the build will translate into play, and the rooms feel very long and think, maybe adding some ‘nooks’ or more architectural features in some of the rooms would have helped add more interest to the interior.
☆Trashdocka☆This place certainly says industrial from both the exterior and the interior. It fits well into the area in which you have built it as well. the landscaping blends perfectly with the style and those fir trees certainly provide a lot of privacy. The layout works well and I can see it translating well into play. Your room sizes are great, as are your object choices and placement. The palette works well throughout the build and those little pops of colour really help to add interest to that minimalist industrial feel. I just adore that computer lab, including the microscope was a bold choice!
Suggestions: Some terrain paints under those trees would have made the landscaping feel more finished.
The Winner Is: TrashdockaThe winner of the Sim challenge is: benlow11