EXPERT RESULTS FOR CHALLENGE #5 THE OLSEN'S PART II☆ Kulthero777 ☆Wow the houses work so well together, but each have their own sense of self, which is great. Your roof lines really help with their individuality, and your choice of exterior wall treatments helps them blend together. The layouts work well and I can see them translating well into play, I think your use of space is fantastic, especially keeping those landings open as their own spaces.You have a great eye for object placement and choice and the palettes work well together. The clutter you have used helps to make the homes feel lived in but not chaotic.
Suggestions: I think the houses lack a little wall art, some of the walls feel a little bare, just huge expanses of colour, especially in Charlotte and Leroy’s master bedroom.
☆ Carewren123 ☆The other homes you have built certainly fit the colonial theme and your landscaping is well thought out and looks lovely, you have made great use of the terrain painting tools. Your layouts work well and you have given great thought about how Charlotte will be able to get around her new home. Your interiors are great, your have really thought about your palette, made some really great object choices and your placement works well.
Suggestions: The three homes feel a little higgledy-piggledy, especially as there is no exterior theme between them with the completely different wall treatments and roof lines. Some of the interiors feel a little dark, especially in Charlotte and Leroy’s kitchen, all that dark wood feels a little oppresive to me. Maybe, had you used a lighter colour/texture on that back wall with all those cupboards it would have felt a little less claustrophobic. You have made great use of clutter without going overboard which is sometimes a fine line to tread. And I just adore Vivien’s little greenhouse, such a cute addition.
☆ masajo ☆Well you have certainly got the Colonial style down my dear! The two additions look perfect nestled alongside Don and Judy’s home. Your landscaping is very well done, it fits perfectly with the style of the builds and you have made really great use of the terrain pointing tools. Your layouts work well and I can tell that you have really thought about how to make Charlotte’s life easier. The palette’s you have chosen fit the briefs well and your object choices and placement work incredibly well. I d o love how you have popped in some old country charm in the homes as well, a really thoughtful touch.
Suggestions: Charlotte and Leroy’s bedroom feels a little gloomy to me, maybe a slightly lighter carpet would have helped lift it a little? Although I spied one bookcase in Vivien’s lounge, there wasn’t really a lot of storage space for her books…?
Sim Challenge: The traits you have chosen work really well for Charlotte, Leroy and Vivien and I love how you have shown each of them in their favourite areas of their new homes.
☆ DieterPrivate ☆Wow, the Dutch Colonial theme continues and with such panache! The new buildings slot into place perfectly and look like they were meant to be there from the very beginning. Your roof lines amaze me, I cannot imagine the work that must have gone into them. The landscaping on this lot feels so natural, but still has that colonial style, and you have made some excellent plant choices and wonderful use of the terrain painting tools. Your layouts feel natural and I can tell that you really gave a lot of thought to how Charlotte would be able to navigate her new home. The interiors are lovely, I just love Vivien’s mismatched chairs in that lovely dinnig room, and although you have used some of the less expensive furnishings it all fits so well together.
Suggestions: Seriously, I struggled to come up with a single suggestion as to how you could have improved this build, I guess my one little bug bear is that greenhouse, it looks a little ‘plonked’ to me, almost an afterthought, I wonder if you had used a more central entry way if it would have looked a little more like it belonged.
Sim Challenge: Charlotte, Vivien and Leroy all look fantastic! You have chosen some incredibly interesting traits and I do like their aspirations.
The Winner of this challenge is @DieterPrivate
The Winner of the Sim challenge is also @DieterPrivate