ESTABLISHED RESULTS FOR CHALLENGE #7 - THE GAME'S AFOOT☆ opod67 ☆Wow, what a spectacular looking home! The architecture really helps this place stand out, that roofline really is something special. Your exterior looks great, I like that you added some stone work to some of the corners to help relieve that bright white wall covering. Your front garden area looks great. The addition of that carport is a great idea! Your open plan layout works incredibly well and your palette helps the whole place blend. The use of that industrial brick in the kitchen area really adds interest. You have made some excellent object choices and your placement works well. I am especially fond of the fact that Jesus is able to look out onto the rest of the house from his bedroom, he will be able to keep watch round the clock!
Suggestions: I think some terrain paints scattered around here and there with your landscaping would have helped boost this place’s curb appeal, especially in the back garden, it feels very flat and uninspiring out there. Don’t forget about that ‘alt’ key, you can put things at just a slight angle to help relieve some of those very straight lines.
☆ Trashdocka ☆So cute!! This place looks so tiny from the exterior and I love how you have added interest with the different stone patterns. The roof line works really well. Your landscaping looks great, you have made some great choices when it comes to the plants you have chosen and you have also made great use of the terrain painting tool. Those porches are a very nice little touch. Your interiors certainly feel eclectic, but without being overpoweringly, a very fine line that you have trodden well.
Suggestions: Think carefully about your room sizing, some spaces feel almost too large for the furniture you have in there, others feel very small and cramped. Be wary of zooming out too far in your pictures, that fish bowl look tends to distort things out of all context. Although I like your palette, the build feels a little too feminine for Mr Wu, especially in that master bedroom with those pink lights, I wonder had you chosen a less marbled tile in certain areas if this would help it feel more masculine. The gym is a great addition, but it feels like a bit of an afterthought, with no clutter of any kind.
☆ Datkid ☆Wow, such interesting architecture, from that side view that lovely little rounded tower looks amazing! The exterior treatments you have chosen really help to make this home feel just that little bit unique. The open plan ground floor layout works really well and you have done a great job to distinguish between the different areas with your palette. I also like the first floor layout, simple, yet well thought out. The addition of the pool is a great idea, I can see Mr Wu entertaining his lady friends out here!
Suggestions: I think you could have made more of the exterior with some more landscaping, the rocks look OK, but i think a little colour out here would have really helped this build’s curb appeal. Really think about your room sizing, although it may just be that a couple of the pictures have that ‘fish bowl’ effect going on , which makes them seem to big for the furniture that you have placed in them.
☆ simhead70☆What an interesting design for a home, it certainly provides Jesus with all round views to ensure that his home is secure. Your landscaping is well done and you have made some excellent plant choices and also great use of the terrain painting tool. Your open plan lay out works well, I do like that faux wall with the TV on it to help separate the spaces. You have some really interesting room shapes as well, that help this home feel just that little bit special! I just adore your lighting displays, a really cool way of adding interest.
Suggestions: Be a little more careful with your pictures, the fish bowl effect can really warp the dimensions of your rooms, try not to zoom out too much. And remember that having the bedrooms completely open to the living areas, each time the TV is turned on, it will wake a sleeping sim.
Sim Challenge: Mr Wu looks fab, so sophisticated! And great job with the traits choices, I can totally see him living those.
The Established Winner of #7 The Game's Afoot is @simhead70
The winner of the sim challenge is @simhead70