What a difference some exterior wall treatments and a change of windows and doors can make! The landscaping out the front looks lovely and really adds curb appeal to this home, those little touches of dirt using the terrain painting tools works incredibly well. The backyard however feels a little bland to me, very square and unassuming, I wonder of a couple of flower patches out here would have helped add some interest. You made a great job of the interior layout, I can tell you really put some thought into how the build would play, and I can see that it would translate really well into gameplay. Your interior palette is lovely, very muted, the subtle use of green throughout the build to make use of Arthur’s favourite colour was a nice touch, and I simply adore how you made that fireplace into a feature. Great job on the kitchen, it is functional without being too fussy, you have a great eye for object choices and placement.
It’s really unusual to use a bathroom style tile on the exterior of a home, but in this case, with the modernness of the exterior aesthetic, I think it works. Your roof line looks fine and your landscaping in the front yard is well thought out, if a little regimented, I wonder had you managed to blend that little bench on the front porch into a similar tonal range, like the one to the rear of the house, if it would have stood out quite so much. The back garden is stunning, I adore that little sandpit area with the monkey bars, such a cute idea. Your interior palette works well throughout the home, and you have made some great object choices and you obviously have a great eye for placement, it would have been nice however, if there had been a couple more activities for the family, i.e. an easel or a chess table, just something with thich they could pursue their hobbies. The boys rooms so obviously reflect their personalities which is great. Really think about your lighting for all your pictures, some of them feel incredibly dark and it was a little difficult ot make out the finer details in these rooms. My favourite room in this house is that lovely living area, it’s modern yet comfortable, a difficult line to walk.
Your exterior has been renovated well, the new siding and the Christmas decorations out here look lovely. The roofline feels incredibly simple to me, I wonder if you could have been a little more adventurous with this aspect of your build. Your landscaping is lovely and fits in well with the exterior style, you have made some really great planting choices out here and also excellent use of the terrain painting tools. your interior layout feels well thought out and I can see it translating well into play. Your interior colour scheme is lovely, such an interesting mix of shades all brought together really well. Great job in getting in hobby related items into the build, it really helps me believe that this home was built specifically for the Lines’. My favourite part of this build is that lovely nursery, I like our idea for curling up and having a short nap….
Sim Challenge:
What a lovely story you have created for the Lines family, the boys all look wonderful, and it’s fab that you got the Mum back for Christmas! I loved your decision on their traits and admit I am sorely tempted to download them into my legacy play through...
The Winner of this Challenge is @trashdocka
The Winner of the Sim Challenge is @iampes23