• foggy weather i freaking love fog why can't we have it
•fog as placeable lot effect in debug so it never fades
•choosing seasons length so if you want it to always be spooky season it can always be spooky season in that world
• fixing that thing where we can't trash leafpiles that are off lot cause um routing troubles and smelly surprises are bit irritating when you can't do a thing about it
•building igloos yessss
• winterfest lights for the windows
Spoiler (Highlight to read) https://20fd661yccar325znz1e9bdl-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/71HqMLxRivL._AC_SL1500_-1024x1024.jpg https://previews.123rf.com/images/remusrigo/remusrigo1707/remusrigo170700004/82229136-christmas-window-with-lights-decoration-advent-light-christmas-tree-.jpg https://img.ilcdn.fi/flfOhiMJcDqCEIXkobjl1BbwieU=/full-fit-in/612x0/img-s3.ilcdn.fi/16096c5d54811e763209653dce840a460ae8423ab204b80e3153ba6b29164999.jpg
https://20fd661yccar325znz1e9bdl-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/71HqMLxRivL._AC_SL1500_-1024x1024.jpghttps://previews.123rf.com/images/remusrigo/remusrigo1707/remusrigo170700004/82229136-christmas-window-with-lights-decoration-advent-light-christmas-tree-.jpg https://img.ilcdn.fi/flfOhiMJcDqCEIXkobjl1BbwieU=/full-fit-in/612x0/img-s3.ilcdn.fi/16096c5d54811e763209653dce840a460ae8423ab204b80e3153ba6b29164999.jpg
this kinda stuff... don't americans use them? what even. all you would see here is these and occassional bush with lights
• festival tents yeah would be nice to have but unsure what pack i want them in
Spoiler (Highlight to read) cause I am still hoping for the circus/amusement park/ show magic mix and we could have it more as wallpapers roof textures etc so it be buildable and hence more useable than rabbithole
cause I am still hoping for the circus/amusement park/ show magic mix and we could have it more as wallpapers roof textures etc so it be buildable and hence more useable than rabbithole
but i guess we could have stuff like photobooths....
but i still feel most of this goes better with CoL
Spoiler (Highlight to read) like the pie eating thing and kissing booth... and soccer is more uni pack..
like the pie eating thing and kissing booth... and soccer is more uni pack..
• badminton?
Spoiler (Highlight to read) volley ball? but that be cool for a beach theme...
volley ball? but that be cool for a beach theme...
• pool items!
Spoiler (Highlight to read) who was it again in big need of these this would be good pack for them
who was it again in big need of these this would be good pack for them
•water guns pew pew
• solarium for when weather is not cooperating (could also be used by plantsim that lacks sunlight)
•maybe this would be good place to add to plantsims actually tho also strangerville...
• skating on ponds or lakes or open water areas with ice something like that... those round fishing pond thingys at very least?
• perhaps skating rink with no edge stuff just ice and same for rollrolls
•couple skating! and doing show moves as couple aaa so cute
•teaching other sims? or kiddos?
• skating competitions?
just add some judges
•more skating outfits... selection could be better
• better flower arranging. it just looks a little strange compared to other flowers in game maybe its just me tho...
•more holiday traditions i think there is definitely room for more
•greenhouses yeah would be useful to have different types of windows and window roof for those i feel like existing options are little dark
Spoiler (Highlight to read) https://i.pinimg.com/474x/aa/22/08/aa2208cdf1a864ae66b4a899345ff874.jpg https://www.oldhouseonline.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2021/06/glassofthetitans2.jpg
•these bad boys... who on earth makes so much effort as to use tiny shovel
Spoiler (Highlight to read) https://crop.kaleva.fi/whe0y8Oyk4iF_kDS8fH7kBBln6s=/1290x860/smart/https%3A//lorien-media-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/images/archive/2021/01/24/2021.
•weather disasters though that might be too grand a wish