This is more of a simple edit than anything I would consider a full creation, so I hope it's okay to post this here.
I recently noticed that while at The Solar Flare, inactive sims were glitching when it comes to using the stairs to leave. After reading a bug report from someone saying that it was happening to their played sims, I tested it for myself and sure enough my active sims were also glitching when using the Go Home interaction (which I rarely use that interaction). So I decided to remove the need for stairs altogether, and shift the main floor down to ground level.
I started by deleting everything on the ground level except the regal planters. Next I simply copied each room of the main floor, and put them down on ground level. I then turned everything in a 180 degree rotation, that way the little deck area that's normally in the back of the place could now serve as the entryway. I took the little entertainer area with the microphone and instruments and moved them to the spot where the stairs used to be, and added a door in the back (though no one seems to use it lol). I also slightly expanded what is now my entryway, and took that piece of wall with the sign on the roof and put it on top of the entryway. I've added a couple decorations to the front, but yeah decorating isn't really my thing so it's probably staying as is lol.
I've tried to include some screenshots, so hopefully things work well though if not I'll just edit this. The first should be the view from the front, the second the view from the back, and finally an overhead (and sideways) view of the interior. I didn't really change much about the interior other than moving the entertainer area and making what is now my entryway larger, so I didn't include any other interior shots.
I also realized as I was proof reading that I didn't properly show the exterior with the walls all the way up, so now I need to redo those exterior shots lol.