Build’n’Share Challenge #61 - The Hawthorne Project - Disaster PlanThe Hawthorne Project - Disaster PlanYou are rudely awakened by the sound of your private cell phone ringing, your home phone ringing and if you are not very much mistaken there seems to be someone knocking on your front door. You turn on the bedside light and blink as your eyes adjust to the new light levels. As you leave the snuggly warmth of your bed on this freezing January morning, you wonder what on earth could be going on. Shrugging on the welcome cosiness of your new cashmere dressing gown, a present from Santa Claus, you slowly make your way through your home to the front door, picking up a fire poker on your way, you feel incredibly nervous.
Standing on your front door is Karl Hedges, your new personal assistant, his blond hair is perfect and his suit immaculate, for a moment, you wonder what your own hair looks like but his piercing blue eyes look sad and you ask him what on earth the matter is.
Ignoring you, he rushes past you into your living room and turns on the TV. Flicking through the channels to you wonder why on earth he rushed all the way over to make you watch the latest disaster film. It’s not until you notice the banner scrolling across the screen that you realise it’s not a movie at all, but SimCopterNews. You grab the remote from Karl and turn the volume up.
“You join us just as the latest death toll has been released, 5 people have now died in the landslide that has engulfed most of Oasis Springs.”
The camera pans over the once idyllic vista of Oasis Springs, the place is barely recognisable. You think you can just make out parts of Acquisition Butte, those palm trees look like the ones that were out the front of Affluista Mansion, and the Commercial District has been completely levelled.
The news anchor is speaking again.
“As you can see most parts Oasis Springs have been completely engulfed by the mud and debris brought about by the worst landslide Simlandia has ever seen. I don’t know what the residents are going to do over this, the coldest part of the year.”
You pick up your cell from your dressing gown pocket and start dialling, before you can press the call button, you jump as it rings, fumbling with the phone you nearly drop it, Karl calmly takes the phone from you and answers.
“May I ask who is calling?”
He looks at you and mouths “It’s Ms Hawthorne.” That is spooky you think, as that is who you were about to call.
“Yes, we have been made aware of the situation is Oasis Springs.” A short pause.
“You wish to volunteer funds to set up a crisis shelter of sorts? That is really very kind of you.” Another pause.
He mutes the phone and hands it to you, I think you had better take the rest of this call.
“Ms Hawthorne, thank you for your kind generosity.”
“Nonsense, it’s my civic duty to help those who are less fortunate than myself, I thought I had made that perfectly clear to you.”
“Of course you.” You say.
“Now, this crisis shelter, it’s not going to be your usual rag tag bunch of buildings, I wish for you to build a village of sorts, I am going to donate the land of Magnolia Blossom Park in Willow Creek and Twin Oracle Point to the cause as well, so there is no need to worry about the cost of the lots. I want this to be a place where people can get back on their feet, a little like my legacy project. I believe that 4 homes on each lot should be satisfactory for now. I think we should have one 2 bedroom residence, two 3 bedroom residences and a 5 bedroom residence.
You have switched the phone to speaker and you can see Karl taking notes in the journal he takes everywhere.
“Now, as with my legacy project, each lot must contain an element of self sufficiency, it is up to you whether that is in the form of a communal vegetable garden to benefit the entire community, or smaller areas with the borders of each home. The same can be said of the other prerequisites of the lots, the computers, the book cases, the physical equipment, logic skill items, musical instruments and art supplies. They can be incorporated into the homes or integrated into communal areas.”
“Ms Hawthorne, this is a mammoth task for our builders, I’m not sure that we are going to be able to comply with your wishes.”
“Well, I should have thought that with the talent that I have seen so far with my legacy projects that you have the skills to pull something like this off, or maybe I was premature in giving you the contract in the first place. There are other architects and contractors out there you know.” You gulp, you have really enjoyed the two projects that Ms Hawthorne has sent your way so far and without whom, you wouldn’t have found your very capable new assistant.
“Of course, I am sure that my builders will rise to the occasion.”
“As for the budget, I am going to give you $1,000,000. This can be spent in any way you wish, you can prioritise the communal or the personal spaces. I want this to feel like a cohesive neighbourhood, with a main street down the middle m aybe, but of course that is up to you. The style of the builds is of course, as always up to your builders.”
“Wow!!” You think to yourself, but then your rational brain kicks in and you realise that 1 million simoleons isn’t going to got that far with 4 full builds and community areas.
“That is incredibly generous of you Ms Hawthorne, I will also donate $500,000 dollars to the cause as well. That way, we can be assured of building a lasting legacy for the town in which the community is erected.”
You can almost see and hear her approval through the phone line and you and Karl share a smile.
“Wonderful!! I think we should extend the usual build deadline though, don’t you?” She asks.
“Yes, I agree, I think that 4 weeks should just about get it done. Then the residents of Oasis Springs can make a fresh start and think about where they are all going to go from here.”
“Perfect. Well, good luck with everything.”
The phone goes dead before you are able to close the conversation properly.
Looking from the devastation on the TV to Karl, you say.
“Well, let’s get this show on the road.”
BRIEFUsing either Magnolia Blossom Park in Willow Creek or Twin Oracle Point in Newcrest, change the lot type to residential and build a 4 residential dwelling community.
- The 2 bedroom (1 full bathroom)
- The 3 bedroom (2 full bathrooms)
- The 5 bedroom (3 full bathrooms)
The style you for the dwellings must be cohesive throughout the lot. But the choice of architectural style is up to you. The lot must also be fully landscaped.
The community must have all basic skills provided for (except for rocket science), these can be individual in the 4 residential dwellings, or as part of a series of communal areas:
- Each community must include readily accessible computers, a vegetable garden, chess tables, a easels, musical instruments, and fitness equipment as well as book cases.
Your budget is 1.5 million simoleons, you do NOT need to add the cost of the lots to your total cost.
Official Entry ListStarting OutORIGIN ID: rangerlucy
LEVEL: starting out
Magnolia VillageLOT COST: N/A
BUILD COST: 784,194
House A- 3 bedroom
House B- 2 Bedroom
House C- 5 Bedroom
House D- 3 bedroom
ENTRY DETAILS: A tudor inspired village with some more modern comforts
House A is designed to be shared by 3 single sims or childless couples
House B a single parent or young couple with one child
House C a large family with several children, possably grandparents living with them as well
House D a family with a teenager and a child
EstablishedFORUM ID: Anadxer
ORIGIN ID: Anadxer
LEVEL: Intermediate
Oasis Disaster Relief BUILD COST: §715,587
LINK TO ENTRY SLIDESHOW: Due to the size of this build I needed 73 Slides to show everything. Using an online collage builder to make it go faster there are three parts due to the size. Or you can click on the PDF and download to view all slides in one file.
Part 1:
Canva File Part 1Part 2:
Canva File Part 2Part 3:
Canva File Part 3Single PDF ENTRY DETAILS:
To get started I read the story to my 3 kids. I then asked my 11 year old son what style of building I should have, to which he answers the buildings should all be industrial style. He even went on to say I should have one building that looks like cargo crates. Meeting his idea I built all the buildings with an industrial style on the outside and even made the community center look like three cargo crates on top of each other. Then my 9 year old daughter said each house interior should be a different color and style. That way the Sims who would move in get to pick what style they want. Keeping to this I used more natural colors in House A, blues in House B, greens in House C, and reds in House D. Now of course my littlest 7 year old son wants to say something. He loves all the tiny houses I build for him to play with, so he asked that one house be a tiny house.
When it came to flowers I wanted something that fit with the backdrop of Twin Oracle Point, but also would make all the Sims from Oasis area feel more at home. Therefore, on the boardwalks I put all desert plants and everywhere else got plants you would find in Newcrest. Total this lot has 13 bedrooms and 9 bathrooms.
House A – 5 bedroom 3 Bathroom: Microscope, darts, Lamb game table, Kids art table, kids science table, computer, game system, painter’s easels
House B – 3 Bedroom 2 Bathroom: computer
House C (tiny house 5x5) – 2 Bedroom 1 Bathroom: computer, painter’s easel
House D – 3 Bedroom 2 Bathroom: Game system and computer
Community Center – Full gym, 2 painter’s easel, 1 worktable, 1 piano, 1 violin, 1 guitar, 1 play stage, 1 mic, 1 DJ studio, 1 dance floor, 3 chess tables
Outdoor Community spaces – Spaceship, 8 planter boxes in the garden, 2 monkey bars, 1 grill, 2 picnic tables, 2 house shoes areas, large clock, bulletin board, 2 public parking spaces,
CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM: Yes please I would like to know how I can improve.
CREDIT FOR CC/RECOLORS: Still don’t know the cheats well (just started messing with them) but have learned about Mods thanks to the forms. For this build I used Metal Walls by Blackgryffin on the outside of all the buildings
FORUM ID:popettypop2012
ORIGIN ID:popettypop2012
LEVEL: Established
LOT: Japanese Housing Complex
Gallery Link:
TOTAL COST: 286,333
ENTRY DETAILS: I chose Japanese style houses, mainly because I love Japanese architecture and design. The colours are mainly neutral with a lot of wood accents. There is a swimming pool, DJ booth, bar, garden, BBQ and kids play area outside. The chess table, easels, musical instruments and bookshelves are scattered amongst the houses.
CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM: Yes, please. Thank you.
FORUM ID: PersrealmsShadow
ORIGIN ID: PersrealmsShadow
LEVEL: Novice? (I don't remember what it's called for non-expert XD)
TOTAL COST: 251730
ENTRY DETAILS: I live in Alaska, so the lot is made to fit in where I live >.> They have a full garden, every skilling object minus rockets. One of our 3 bedroom families is a new vampire family although the teens are trying hard to live in the newer age and avoid their parents living in the "victorian" era.
Not my best build and I'm not to terribly happy with it. I wanted to do more but life caught up and I pooped out before I got the teen rooms done completely so eh I was going to scrap it but didn't because I said I would do it and I know I've been MIA on the forums for awhile
Also I dunno if my lot will link properly I couldn't get it to come up in the Gallery so I shared it to facebook and you got that link instead XD
CREDIT FOR CC/RECOLORS: Me. all CC is made by me XD
ExpertFORUM ID: equuest
ORIGIN ID: cyprinsims
LEVEL: Expert
LOT: Hawthorne Community
LOT COST: 8,500
BUILD COST: 597,113
TOTAL COST: 605,613
HereENTRY DETAILS: I wanted to create a community filled with victorian homes that would match the backdrop of Newcrest. The requirement I gave myself was to create each home in a colorful palette in order to brighten up the disaster victims lives. I stretched that even further by creating each home's interior to match the exterior personality. In total the homes have 13 bedrooms (one of them is for a toddler) and 9 bathrooms. Every teen-adult skill is included with the lot (except the rocket and microscope).
CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM: Of course! That's the only way to improve!
FORUM ID: folala
ORIGIN ID: folala
LEVEL: Expert
LOT: living&max=50&maxis=false
TOTAL COST: 413,795
ENTRY DETAILS: The look of the lot was inspired by traditional houses in the Faroe Islands and Iceland. Since I was already in the area I tried to give the interiors a Scandinavian feel too. I wanted to have a community area for the residents that was quite natural and unimposing. I also wanted a good bit of open space so that's why the Community Centre is underground.
FORUM ID: StSciurus
ORIGIN ID: StSciurus
LEVEL: Expert
It Takes a VillageLOT COST:
BUILD COST: §975,036
ENTRY DETAILS: I chose the park in Willow Creek to build and therefore was inspired to make a row of four Victorian attached townhouses with a courtyard and community center in the rear. The slideshow for the exterior of the whole lot is
here.In order to furnish the townhouses, I need to envision that families that would be living there:
The 5-bedroom townhouse is for a family consisting of a couple with a teenage son and two twin girls (children). Living with them are the husband’s father (elder) and the father’s neighbor and lifelong friend (another elder male). The house is decorated in a traditional style with warm colors. The slideshow for this townhouse is
here.The first 3-bedroom townhouse is for a family consisting of a couple with a toddler (girl) and a teenage son. The house is decorated in a traditional style with warm colors. The slideshow for this townhouse is
The second 3-bedroom townhouse is for a family consisting of an abstract expressionist artist (elder female), her daughter and her husband, and their teenage daughter. The house is decorated in a modern style inspired by the work of Mondrian. The slideshow for this townhouse is
The 2-bedroom townhouse is for a family consisting of a gay couple with a teenage daughter. The house is decorate in a modern style using black, white, gray and purple as the chief colors. The slideshow for this townhouse is
The community center has everything from soup to nuts (not literally, of course) in it. The slideshow for the community center is
My chief regret is that the lot is too complicated to be useful in the game except perhaps for story tellers. **shrugs**
FORUM ID: masajo
ORIGIN ID: Cevans1962
LEVEL: Expert
Little AcornsLOT COST: n/a
BUILD COST: 499,620
LINK TO ENTRY SLIDESHOW: For easy reference I created slideshows for each individual build and the exterior/community areas.
Exterior and community areas5 bed 3 bath house3 bed 2 bath house (1)3 bed 2 bath house (2)2 bed 1 bath houseENTRY DETAILS: Enter the cul-de-sac through the gates (which may be locked at night for security) to four suburban style houses, all differently designed but with matching exterior finishes. I created each house with different characters in mind. For example the two bed is for a small family with child and toddler (with not much money to spare), the five bed is for a large family (with lots of money), the three bed monochrome is for a small chic and stylish family with good taste and the three bed slightly eclectic one is for a homely family. Each house contains a piano, mirror, computer, cooker, fitness equipment and bar, the remainder skill objects, fishing pond, gardening pots, violin, guitar and chess, can be found in the communal areas
SIM: n/a
SIM ENTRY SLIDESHOW: (REQUIRED if entering - the slideshow is what your judges will primarily go by or N/A if not entering) link to media
ROOM: n/a
ROOM ENTRY SLIDESHOW: (REQUIRED if entering - the slideshow is what your judges will primarily go by or N/A if not entering) link to media
FORUM ID: JasonAnthonySterling
ORIGIN ID: TonySterling
LEVEL: Expert
The AnachronismLOT COST: $25,000
BUILD COST: $717,297
TOTAL COST: $742,297
Whole Town and Apothecary House (2 Bed/ 1 Bath) shots:
Carpenters House (3 Bed/ 2 Bath) shots:
Tavern (3+ Bed/ 2 Bath) shots:
Manor House (5 Bed/ 3 Bath) shots:
ENTRY DETAILS: Story background can be found
ResultsStarting Out -:
Comments1st Place: @Rangerlucy
Sim Challenge: N/A
Room Challenge: N/A
Established -:
Comments1st Place: @Anadxer
Sim Challenge: N/A
Room Challenge: N/A
Expert -:
Comments1st Place: @StSciurus and @masajo
Sim Challenge: N/A
Room Challenge: N/A