Build-n-Share Challenge #69 - Mr Boddy's MansionChallenge Deadline: Wednesday 24th May 2017You stare at your current client in confusion.
"I'm sorry. I must have misheard you. The person who wants me to build them a house is...deceased?"
Michael Ryunoten, attorney and happy client, nods a bit ruefully.
"I know this seems a little odd. And normally, its not a case I would handle. However Mr. Boddy was my very first client when I was starting out in law and I continued to handle his transactions even after I transitioned to business law. When we made out his will, he was very specific about what he wanted. And very insistent."
"Ok. And what exactly is it he wanted?" you inquire, feeling more than a little hesitant about this.
"He wants a mansion built to some unusual specifications." He pulls out a document. "Mr. Boddy demands that his mansion be at least 2 stories. The first floor is to contain an entrance hall, leading to a central foyer. Off of this central foyer he requires a kitchen, dining room, lounge, ballroom, conservatory, billiard room, library and study. All of these are to be separate rooms. There is to be a fireplace in each of these rooms except the kitchen and conservatory. The conservatory must contain a pool. It doesn't have to be big, it simply has to be there and useable. The kitchen must have low end appliances."
You lower your pen in astonishment and disappointment. "Michael that doesn't make any sense!" you protest. "Why low end appliances?"
He gives you a regretful smile, "I am not at liberty to explain. I'm truly sorry."
He clears his throat and resumes reading. "Upstairs there are to be no less than 6 bedrooms with adjoining bathrooms, to be outfitted accordingly. However there is to be only 1 single bed in 2 of the rooms."
Suspicious now, you ask "Really Mike. You're pulling my leg now. You cant be serious."
"I'm very serious." He hands you the pertinent section of the will so you can read it for yourself.
"Each bedroom is to be decorated in one of 6 colors: red, purple, blue, green, yellow, white."
"It doesn't mention here what kind of style he wants the house built in," you observe.
"He didn't care." Mike response, leaning back in his chair a little. "You have free reign. The total budget for the house is 300k."
"Nice." You say, dubiously. Such a strange list of requirements is more than a little...disconcerting.
"And of course there's your fee." Mike gives you a number that makes your jaw drop. The amount of money being offered would pretty much leave you debt free for the next five years, and pay for that trip to Al Simhara you've been wanting! Even if you are suspicious, its hard to say no to that kind of freedom.
Brief:Budget: 300k
Any architectural style you wish
6 bedrooms, with baths
Each bedroom decorated in either red, blue, purple, white, yellow or green
2 story mansion
Kitchen with low end appliances
Entrance Hall
Billiards Room
Conservatory with pool
All rooms must have doors
All first floor rooms must have fireplaces except the conservatory and the kitchen
Bonus points for additional methods of potential death from the other expansions.
Room ChallengeCreate any of the rooms listed on the brief in whichever style you wish. You have $16,000 to play with.
Sim ChallegePlay clue with Mr. Boddy's guests!
Mr. Boddy is a vengeful ghost out to get the sims he feels had a hand in his death. So he invites them to the newly built mansion. Rules are simple: First determine order of play. Miss Scarlett always goes first. Then roll a dice to determine who goes next. Once order of play is established, roll for the room Miss Scarlett is sent to. All doors are to be locked between dice rolls. No wandering sims. You have 8 sim hours to kill the sim in that room with the rooms method of death. Example: Miss Peacock gets sent to the observatory. You have 8 hours to drown her in the pool. After the 8 hours, you can let her out of the pool but she must stay in the observatory until her next turn.
After the 8 hours of potential death are up, each sim can amuse themselves or fill whatever needs are available to fill in that room. They may not leave the room till their next turn though. You may have turns concurrently. Example: Miss Peacock has to drown, so you lock her in the pool. You can then roll for the next sim and send them to the room of their potential death. You may have multiple sims in the same room, attempting to die the same way. If you wish to drag out the game play, you can insert a bonus round and give 1 sim the chance to recover their needs to keep them going longer.
The winner and inheritor of the estate is the last surviving Sim. They just have to live with the ghost of the murderous Mr. Boddy for the rest of their lives.
Entry ListStarting OutCHALLENGE #: 69 - Mr Boddy's Mansion
FORUM ID:FoundMarbles
ORIGIN ID:FoundMarbles
LEVEL: Starting Out
LOT: Dangerous Domicile
TOTAL COST: 280441
ENTRY DETAILS: This "Dangerous Domicile" is poorly equipped with the cheapest appliances that could be had and NO Smoke Detector or sprinkler system as are generally found in my builds. It has an otherwise fairly conservative appeal in an antiquated style typical of early country mansions. Sadly, a person might die if they were to jump or be tossed into the pool as there is no exit ladder. Worse, a hapless Sim might be thrown onto the conservatory roof and break through the plate glass ceiling/roof even though it is said to be strong enough to dance on. Worse, an evil Sim could smash the glass while an other is standing on it. I would be very careful about walking around out there! I would also keep clear of the kitchen and get to bed very early so as to claim one of the rooms with a bed (And remember to lock the door!) There is a grand piano in the Foyer to provide music to the ball room if the doors are left open during events. If the Ball gets to stuffy, there is an other set of doors to the deck where one might get a breath of fresh air and enjoy the aroma of the abundance of flowers. The Study is the smallest room in the house, cosy but very functional.The Library has a "Treasure Map" and two world globes should anyone be inspired to try and find said treasure! The dining room is a generous 16 seater and the lounge will accommodate a hapless 13 at full capacity. The Billiards Room is equipped with lovely towels to remove the chalk from one's hands between plays. It really is a nicely appointed Billiards Room with every thing required for pleasant play or just convivial conversations.There are no carpets in the Lounge, dining room, ball room and finally no carpet in Billiard room, SO visitors had better walk carefully lest they suffer a slip & fall accident on all that slippery flooring! Finally, if nothing else kills a Sim, there are poisons a plenty in the conservatory. Money made it is modest by mansion standards! If a Sim were careful, they would very much enjoy a stay on this luxurant lot.
EstablishedFORUM ID:glen1974
ORIGIN ID:glen1974
LEVEL: Established
LOT COST:10000
TOTAL COST: 294934
ENTRY DETAILS: Monroe Manor is based on an English stately home which I thought would be the classic Cluedo/Clue style. I have focused on the build aspect only and have not killed any Sims in the making! I tried to keep the furnishings and decor sympathetic to the house style. Lots of chandeliers and wood panelling is used throughout. The billiard table is made with extensive use of MOO and is for decoration purposes only. Please note the typo on the gallery- there are 6 bathrooms not 5!
SIM: n/a
ROOM: n/a
ExpertCHALLENGE #: 69 - Mr Boddy's Mansion
FORUM ID: withlovejulien
ORIGIN ID: withlovejulien
LEVEL: Expert
LOT: Murder Manor Clue Mansion
LOT COST: 4000
BUILD COST: 294,237
TOTAL COST: 298,237
So much death! This manor is built for murder. It includes nine different ways to kill your Sims (fire, electrocution, drowning, overheating, food poisoning, exertion, cowplant, anger, playfulness).
How to use the rooms:
Lounge--death by fire or hysteria: Fireplace obviously! Playfulness: eat silly gummi pancakes, drink essence of playfulness, read comedy book, watch comedy channel, tell jokes, make silly faces, take bubble bath or play in the tub, view playful sculpture, view playful artwork and trophies (the emotional auras have all been enabled), boost playfulness with happiness from wind chimes, fire, artwork/decorations, comfort, and happiness potion. Keep the hysteria going for a decent amount of time (hours, in fact) so watch the length of time the mood boosts last. This is much harder to accomplish later in the game as the Sims become very sad at deaths in the household.
Dining room--death by fire or pufferfish nigiri: Fire--fireplace. Pufferfish nigiri: each of the seating areas has a serving of poorly made pufferfish nigiri.
Kitchen--death by electrocution, fire, or pufferfish nigiri: Dishwashers may break needing to be repaired. If the sim is singed or dazed from shock, they are more likely to die from electrocution if they repair something while it is in effect so I wait until two or more appliances are broken. Fire from cooking on a low quality stove. Grab a serving from the poor quality pufferfish nigiri.
Library--death by fire: Fireplace. Lighting fireworks indoors.
Study--death by fire, cardiac explosion: Fire from the fireplace and closely placed rug. Cardiac explosion from anger leading to being enraged. Boost anger by eating flaming spaghetti, looking at angry artwork (the emotional auras have all been enabled), drinking essence of anger, and avoiding fun activities in the room such as chess, video games, and happy fire. This is difficult! I had to remove as much high quality décor as possible so the Sim wouldn't have a happiness boost from well decorated. Having unfilled needs also helps. Sims with the hot-headed trait get a +1 boost to anger and this was necessary to cause death due to being enraged. I was able to get a non-hot-headed Sim enraged but it didn't last long enough to cause death. The angry boost from food is very short-lived. The ghost of Mr. Boddy is useful here as well because he can perform mean socials to boost anger.
Conservatory--death by drowning, cowplant: Drowning--Keep the Sim swimming in the pool until exhausted. It is more likely to work if the Sim isn't too tired before getting them to swim. It's easier to keep them from getting out of the pool because the option to swim can disappear when they are very uncomfortable. You may opt to place a fence around the pool be there can be no gate. Cowplant--Have the Sim eat the cake twice. This will probably have to wait until the Sim is in the conservatory a second time.
Ballroom--death by fire, exertion (for elder sims), overheating: Fire--fireplace with closely placed rug. Exertion for elders: workout and workout when tired. Overheating--relax in the sauna at least three times. To make this less guaranteed add in activities between relaxing.
Billiard room--death by fire, electrocution: Fire--fireplace and fire pit with closely placed rug. Electrocution--wait for many of the radios to be broken and try to repair them (it took forever for me to have a Sim die from electrocution so I didn't have it happen while playing but kept going just to make sure it could happen and it did--when repairing the 8th radio I think and making sure the handiness skill was still at 1 which involved a cheat at that point).
Playing tips:
* I like having Mr. Boddy as a ghost in the household. He can put out fires after they have served their purpose (with all of the doors locked, they can't be unlocked until the fire is out--I had Sims die of starvation waiting for the fire to extinguish itself and the fire may destroy the means of death in other rooms when allowed to spread without check. A ghostly Mr. Boddy can still go through locked doors and extinguish fires. He may, however, also extinguish the Sim on fire so he needs to be watched! ).
* Lock the doors from the kitchen to the dining room, from the conservatory to the outdoors, from the kitchen to the outdoors, and the front door.
* Since pufferfish nigiri is such an effective method of death, if the Sim survives, I move onto using other methods of death in those rooms.
* The lot traits of gremlins, cursed, and quake zone mean adverse events happen more frequently. In order to extend play, remove them! Cursed lot trait means fires happen more frequently. Gremlins and quake zone allow things to break more frequently which may cause electrocution if electronic objects are repaired with low handiness skill.
* Place the extra servings of silly gummi pancakes, flaming spaghetti, and pufferfish nigiri in the fridge to extend the time before they spoil (though the sims still eat them for a while when they are spoiled).
* A ghostly Mr. Boddy can be the cowplant keeper (may be necessary if the doors are locked) or have one of the other Sims feed the cowplant between turns. If the doors are locked and fire is spreading, the cowplant can die while waiting for the fire to burn out.
SIM: Will edit to add Sims once slideshow is complete (Gallery link)
SIM ENTRY SLIDESHOW: (REQUIRED if entering - the slideshow is what your judges will primarily go by or N/A if not entering) link to media
Link to Room on Gallery
ROOM ENTRY SLIDESHOW: (REQUIRED if entering - the slideshow is what your judges will primarily go by or N/A if not entering) link to media
CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM: Please and thank you!
FORUM ID:popettypop2012
ORIGIN ID:popettypop2012
LEVEL: Expert
LOT: Cluedo Manor
BUILD COST:238,018
TOTAL COST: Not sure how much the lot cost but I will try to find out. It is "UMBRAGE MANOR' in Willow Creek.
I chose to do a colonial style manor for Mr Boddy to invite all the people he wanted revenge on. Most of the appliances are the lowest level and they break easily. The pool can be easily fenced and there is a sauna and complaint in addition to the fireplaces, stoves, low level electrical and other ways of sims to die.
I played with all the 6 sims and tried to see who survived. The winner was Miss plum, who ended up dying soon after she was declared winner. So there are graves of all of them in front of the house. Mr Boddy ended up alone in the mansion and feeling lonely and miserable.
CHALLENGE #: 69 - Mr Boddy's Mansion
FORUM ID: JasonAnthonySterling
ORIGIN ID: TonySterling
LEVEL: Expert
LOT: Not Currently Uploaded
LOT COST: $33,000
BUILD COST: $266,930
TOTAL COST: $299,930
ENTRY DETAILS: Okay, I went a little left field and did a modern (almost post modern) penthouse mansion version for the Clue: Axiom Edition. Daniel Axiom is my maniacal, billionaire, political aspiring, real estate developer (any similarity between any Presidential figure in RL and my character are COMPLETELY coincidental ) in San Myshuno. Ever the plum for cash he has licensed his name to the board game. In my version of the game I see him as having faked his death, then he has had his lawyer lure everyone over for a reading of his will with the intention of killing them all instead.
The victims are:
His wife- JoAnna Axiom/ Mrs. White who is filing for divorce and threatening to take half his fortune with her.
His mistress- Tryme Guise/ Ms. Scarlett who has been blackmailing him by threatening to expose their affair during the divorce.
His daughter- Julie Axiom/ Mrs. plum who produced an illegitimate son and then turned over custody of the child to his political opponent and nemesis Brian Reginald.
His Rival-Brian Reginald/ Mr. Mustard- political rival on the verge of costing Daniel the election. He also has custody of Daniel's grandson whom he refuses to let Daniel Axiom visit.
His Ex-Butler- Leo Tyrell/ Professor Plum- Seduced his son while working in the household resulting in marriage between the two which has placed his former servant as his equal. Leo also holds the patent on a new type of robotic programming and refuses to turn it over to Axiom.
His Son- Zed Axiom/ Mr. Green- He married the staff- that's reason enough! In addition the son went "green" and turned in several of the family petrochemical factories for EPA violations resulting in fines in the tens of millions of Simoleans and potential criminal charges against Daniel.
The above is just for reference sake while you view the pictures- the deaths are at the end of my photo gallery.
I played through the game and the order of death was Col. Mustard by drowning in the Conservatory- Mrs. plum by Drowning in the Conservatory- Miss Scarlett by fire in the Kitchen- Mr. Green by fire in the Study- Professor Plum in the Billiard Room by starvation. In the end the place was half burned down, full of broken stuff and littered with giants piles of stinking garbage! This was a lot of fun. I played where the sims got to leave their room at the end of their turn and were sent randomly to another room their next turn. In between they had the run of the estate. I've killed sims before but usually just the Landgrabbes in order to get their money- they had it coming. The entire experience reminded me somewhat of the movie High Rise, except there's no pets yet- ha!
I wanted the overall effect to be fairly dark and heavy as well as very open. The formal rooms on the first floor can flow into one another much like a French castle. I had a candy bowl in the Billiard Room but I'm taking it out before eventual upload- in fact I took it out toward the end of the game. I thought the scare effect would be greater than it was and when the kitchen finally burned down, instead of sims starving to death they just ate candy all day- lol! The bar in the lounge doesn't help either but I'll keep that- ha! I was surprised there were no electrocutions- I had one sim repair three different electrical items while standing in water and not a single shock!. By the way- the kitchen is small. It allows the sink and dishwasher to break down and keep the floor wet- as well sims can't get ANY rest in the room, not even passing out because there is not room for them to complete the maneuver. In this way they will usually go right to bed after getting out of there instead of fulfilling another need like hunger which will kill them. YAY!
ResultsStarting Out -:
Comments1st Place: @FoundMarbles
Sim Challenge: N/A
Room Challenge: N/A
Established -:
Comments1st Place: @glen1974
Sim Challenge: N/A
Room Challenge: N/A
Expert -:
Comments1st Place: @withlovejulien
Sim Challenge: @JasonAnthonySterling
Room Challenge: N/A