Build-n-Share Challenge #73 - Life On A ShoestrringChallenge Deadline: Wednesday 19th July 2017As you come into the office one morning, Karl is waiting with a steaming cup of coffee. You take your first sip, and Karl reminds you of the new client coming in 20 minutes.
“This should be an interesting project,” he says giving you a knowing look.
“Really? How so?” you answer.
“You’ll see!” he says mysteriously.
The client turns out to be a handsome woman of a certain age named Vanessa Hubbard.
“I’m so glad you could see me on such short notice!” she begins breathlessly.
“Of course, Mrs. Hubbard. Happy to help. I understand you’ve lost someone dear to you recently. My deepest condolences.”
“Yes, yes. Thank you.” She dabs a tear from her eye. “But Mr. Hubbard died doing what he liked to do best.”
“May I ask how he…”
“Yes, yes. I don’t mind talking about it. He died during the annual running of the llamas in San Myshuno.”
“Oh my! I’m so sorry! He was trampled…”
“No, no! Nothing like that. He was watching the event from his favorite sushi restaurant and got a bad piece of pufferfish. He really loved sushi, though. And especially pufferfish.”
“Oh…” You don’t quite what to say to that. “Well then, um… how may I help you?”
“Well, before Mr. Hubbard died, we had been talking about relocating our family to Newcrest. We’re kind of cramped right now—what with six children and all. Anyway, we were looking at one of those cute 15 x 20 lots, but there was no way we could afford to build there. But then this happens! And now I have §125,000 from the restaurant to build my family a new home.”
“So you want a house for seven people on a 15 x 20 lot? That is a tall order,” you say.
“Oh yes! Tall! The house can be as tall as you like. I will need 5 bedrooms, I think: one for me; one each for my teens, Vincent and Violet; one for Vivienne (child) and Vanna (toddler); and one for Victor (child) and Van (toddler). But please don’t put any of the bedrooms in a basement! I want all my children to have windows to look out of. And the older children will need desks, of course. And it would be nice if they all had a recreation room with fun, age-appropriate activities. Oh, and I’d love to have an ensuite bathroom and maybe a corner—it can be in my bedroom—to sit and read my romance novels and kind of ‘get away’ once in a while, if you know what I mean. Let’s see. Did I forget anything? Oh, of course! Maybe two more bathrooms for the kids to share and maybe a little yard for the wee ones to play in? Do you thing that can be done?”
“I’m sure we can come up with something,” you say confidently while wondering how on earth you can fit everything in on a small lot.
“Oh my!” she suddenly shouts. “I forgot! Can you make the house look like a shoe? It would make us all feel so at home.”
“Why not?!” you answer.
THE BRIEF:15 x 20 lot in Newcrest
5 bedrooms (1 adult, 2 teens, 1 for boy child and toddler, 1 for girl child and toddler)
3 full bathrooms (1 ensuite to adult bedroom)
reading nook
desks (4) for 2 teens and 2 children
recreation room for all the children
usual kitchen, dining (for 7), and living areas
yard for children and toddlers
STYLE: house made to look like a shoe, traditional interiors
BUDGET: §125,000 (lot + build cost)
ROOM CHALLENGE: Create a bedroom for Vanessa Hubbard with a reading nook; Budget: §8,000
SIM CHALLENGE: Create the Hubbard family: Vanessa (mother), Vincent (teen boy), Violet (teen girl), Victor (boy child), Vivienne (girl child), Van (boy toddler), Vanna (girl toddler). Vanessa’s aspiration is Successful Lineage. Everything else is up to you!
Entry ListStarting OutN/A
EstablishedORUM ID: bokylie1
ORIGIN ID:bokylie1
LEVEL: Established
Hubbard Boot HomeLOT COST: $1,500
BUILD COST: Gallery costs $109,460
TOTAL COST: $110,960
SLIDESHOWENTRY DETAILS: One shoe didn't seem right for the Hubbards and their requirements, so the house is a pair of boots. The lavender and plants around the boots make it look like the boots are walking through a field. Mrs Hubbard has a spacious bedroom with reading nook. The teenagers have spacious rooms. All the children share bathrooms with each other.
Hubbard FamilySIM ENTRY SLIDESHOW: Screenshots of the Hubbards are included in the slideshow of the house images.
CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM: Yes please as I am still growing as a builder and know that I may have messed up some things.
CC CREDIT: No CC is used in my builds.
CHALLENGE #: 73 - Life On A Shoestring
LOT: Put A Sock In It
FORUM ID: FoundMarbles
ORIGIN ID: FoundMarbles
LEVEL: Established
Link to Gallery:
TOTAL COST: 114202
ENTRY DETAILS: Life On A Shoestring: I am sure they could have had everything they needed without a basement but will be happier with all the activity it provides,fitness equipment, craft table, TV & not to forget a half bath more and an extra shower. As is my usual thinking, this is not open concept but all separate rooms. I just prefer specific rooms whenever possible. This shoe was built to simulate a sock (leg) coming out of the shoe. There are 5 levels all in and it seems a very comfortable shoe; there will be no need to move to a boot! As might be expected, the teen rooms have a fair amount of clutter and like most homes they fail to put things away, thus many books in the reading room are left about on the coffee table. No rug was provided for the dining room because SIX YOUNG PEOPLE EATING would make a mess of carpets. The floor will be much easier to mop. Mother's room and en-suite occupy a whole floor and she has a wonderful walk-in closet. Even though there was little yard left after building they still manage to have a fenced in play ground and some activities for the non-toddlers. There are potatoes, carrots, spinach, sage, basil (Yummy! Pesto), apples and cherries growing well on the lot. A big help to feeding a big family. No comfort was sacrificed to design the home to look like a shoe and no external decorations were applied that would interfere with the appearance of it being a big shoe. It was a bit tough at first but in the end, I think everything worked out and under budget.
SIM: Gallery Upload:
ENTRY DETAILS: Vanessa is an assertive, creative, genius just because I really like smart people. AND a single Mother with 6 children needs to be VERY smart! Vincent is a very responsible teen. He is an odd combination of outgoing but a nature loving bookworm. He is off to an excellent start in the shoe house. Violet is proving to be a night owl and would rather play and eat than sleep! She is a cheerful goofball that wants to be a great painter. She is a great help to her mother by helping to bath and bed toddlers. Victor gives little trouble and will put himself to bed but panics about monsters under the bed. Mom is good at spraying them away. Victor takes after his mom and is a young genius. Vivienne is a cheerful soul and a social butterfly. She is an excellent room mate for toddler, charming Vanna. When Vanna wakes at night, Vivienne tells her stories and that seems to help keep the tot in bed while everyone else is asleep. Van is a silly little guy who seems none to messy, unlike his toddler sibling who seems to love making messes everywhere. This family seems to have no "issues" As they help each other and are good at accepting advise. A good solid group. I think they will do well in spite of losing Dad.
FORUM ID: Mannanna
ORIGIN ID: Mannanna
LEVEL: Established
LOT: San My'Shoe'no
LOT COST: $91,245
TOTAL COST: $92,745
ENTRY DETAILS: I wanted my shoe to look somewhat old and rickety and similar to the old fairytale. I didn't give them any electronics except for 2 old fashion TV's and a radio to stay within the era. ( and cellphones of course ). I am well under budget but I wanted the kid's desks to be used for homework and not computers. My biggest mistake was building in an angle because that made everything very cramped! When I tested this lot and placed it I noticed that the child/toddler boys room have an issue with the wallpaper changing and I have no idea of how to fix it. This really was a challenge to fit everything in it, but fun
CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM: Oh yes please! That is part of the fun.
FORUM ID: SerraNolwen
ORIGIN ID: SerraNolwen
LEVEL: Established (if you think I'm picking the wrong category, please tell me. I've been building once in a while in my game, but never shared my builds on the forum before.)
LOT: Living in a shoe
LOT COST: 1500
BUILD COST: 98 835
TOTAL COST: 99 335
LinkENTRY DETAILS: I've added some details to the captions on imgur, but here is the general idea. The family did not come from money and didn't have very expensive tastes, although the teenagers sur were glad to get their own rooms and an electronic appliance of their choice. As such, I tried to keep a slightly more rustic look in the furniture with added touches of modern comfort where the family members wished to have them. (Violet asked for somewhat more of that modern flair). The kids got a lot of brand new toys to enjoy. As for Mrs Hubbard, she has a very comfortable and large bath. They also got a new tv to gather around on rainy days. While a lot of things are new, the house is decorated with multiple objects from their old dwellings which have some sentimental value. They're little things, really - they didn't have much after all -, the hen on the dining table, the gaslight in the living room, the teapot in Mrs Hubbard's room, the milk jug and branches in Vincent's room and some of the lamps. After all, if they want the house to look like a shoe so they can feel more at home, there should be a few more things inside to remind them of the past years.
ENTRY DETAILS: I made this family rather quickly, so no need to judge it. If you're just curious, most of the info is in the short gallery description. The family gets along quite well, but Violet wishes she could have a more normal life.
Peaceful corner bedroomROOM ENTRY SLIDESHOW:
LinkENTRY DETAILS: The room was built with a rather complex color scheme. Mrs Hubbard was never one to follow trends. She keeps many objects of sentimental value here: her children's drawings, her favorite books and the first gift her late husband gave her.
CREDIT FOR CC/RECOLORS: No custom content was used in any of this.
ExpertFORUM ID: masajo
ORIGIN ID: Cevans1962
LEVEL: Expert
FootlooseLOT COST: 2,000
BUILD COST: 122,808
TOTAL COST: 124,808
ENTRY DETAILS: Footloose is a family home in the shape of a boot, traditional interior design with five bedrooms and three bathrooms. There is a recreation room in the basement and a reading nook off the master suite. Front and rear porches with a rear garden for kids and toddlers.
FORUM ID: pronterus
ORIGIN ID: pronterus
LEVEL: Expert
Home is Where the Shoe isLOT COST: 1,500
BUILD COST: 123,500
TOTAL COST: 125,000
HEREENTRY DETAILS: It was a bit hard to pull off, but it IS possible to fit 5 bedrooms, 3 full bathrooms, a rec room, a kitchen, and a living area in one tiny shoe house. The ground floor houses the dining area, kitchen, living areas, as well as Mrs. Hubbard's room with ensuite. I put her room on the ground floor so that she doesn't have to climb the stairs. The second floor is the girls' floor, which also has the kids' rec room at the landing. The third floor is the boys' floor, which was probably the trickiest to design, given the limited amount of space. The shoe house also has a little yard outside so that the kids can get some fresh air.
ResultsStarting Out -:
1st Place: N/A
Sim Challenge: N/A
Room Challenge: N/A
Established -:
Comments1st Place: @mannanna
Sim Challenge: @bokylie1
Room Challenge: @SerraNolwen
Expert -:
Comments1st Place: @masajo & @pronterus
Sim Challenge:
Room Challenge: