Build-n-Share Challenge #83 - A Townie HomeChallenge Deadline: Wednesday 6th December 2017As you wander around the streets of Willow Creek, your thoughts stray to the people you see milling around, you can’t help but wonder where they live, what sort of home they live in, what they do for a living, all these questions. You tend to see the same people around and about the place. You stop off at the park, and see a young black woman, with brown hair in a chignon, sat at a chess table, all on her own, she looks so sad. You take the seat opposite her and ask if she fancies a game.
“If you want.” She says, looking at you with sad brown eyes.
So you make the first move and as she responds, she sighs.
“Can I ask why you are so sad?” You say to her.
She hesitates, you can see her thought process “This random weirdo, just sat down next to me, they want to play chess, fine, I can play chess, you want to chat? Why should I tell you what’s wrong and who in the heck are you anyway?”
“I’m a local architect, I have the afternoon off work, my last clients were incredibly happy with the home I just built for them, and I thought I would take a stroll around the neighbourhood I call home.”
She takes another move on the board. “Dang, I think she’s going to beat me.” You think to yourself.”
“An architect you say? You build homes? for people?” She asks.
“That’s right, I just finished two homes on one lot, for a fairly meagre budget, it was tough, but I got it done.” And done right, you add on the end, Maimah was so thankful for the home you created for her and her extended family.
“Hmmm….” Is all the woman has to say.
You carry on with the match, losing more and more pieces to the woman sat across from you.
“I don’t much like people, prefer my own company. Sharing a block with some other folks at present, they don’t take kindly to my mean streak. But, you know, if they’re gonna play loud music at that time in the morning, maybe their stereo equipment just broke of it’s own accord. At least my hobbies don’t disturb anyone.” You detect a slight twang of the deep south in her accent, subtle, but it’s there.
“What are your hobbies?” You ask, hoping that this might draw her out and into further conversation.
“Well, I like to write and paint, anything that gets the creative juices flowing really. And I’ve pretty darn handy around the house, if anything breaks in the place I’m living, someone usually just says “Let Hope fix it.” I am getting sick and tired of being walked all over. That and I like to crack a joke, usually at someone else's expense. ”
“Sounds like you need new accommodation.” You say with a wink.
“Hmmmm…..” Is all Hope responds with.
“Sheesh, this is like getting blood out of a stone,” You think to yourself.
As Hope plays her next move, she says “Checkmate.”
You stop and look at the board, and sure enough, the woman has beaten you, you have a smattering of pieces left on the board.
“Well, I’d best leave you with your thoughts.” You say and make a move to get up from your seat.
“Wait, you don’t want a rematch?” Hope asks. “It was just, I was just thinking, you’re an architect, right?”
“That’s right.” You reply with a smile,
“Well, I have some savings and I don't really know why I’m holding onto them and living in the flea infested pit I’m in right now. Maybe you could build me a place of my own?”
“Well, I have some questions first.” Her face falls.
“I never take a client on without knowing their name.”
A faltering smile plays on her lips. “I’m Hope, Hope Potts.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Hope.” You raise your arm for a handshake, which she accepts.
“Let’s talk about what you need.” While you rack your brains furiously, hoping that Karl can sweet talk you a two-week extension on your next planned project.
Brief:Create a home for Hope Potts, she is a landlord in SanMysuno (maxed handiness skill). She is going to sell her apartment complex to enable her to afford a new home here in Willow Creek. She is creative, mean and a loner. She would like a home that reminds her of her childhood growing up in a Mid Century Modern home. You can choose from any of the house plans
on this article Please make sure that you say which of the plans you chose in your entry details. The interiors and landscaping are up to you. You have $100,000 to play with for this challenge.
NB. You do not have to include the unusable pantries/cupboards in your floorplan. But all other doors and windows should be as shown on the plan.
Sim Challenge:Create your version of Hope Potts, using the details given in the brief.
Room ChallengeCreate a study/art room for Hope to pursue her creative ambitions, whether this is writing, painting, music, is up to you! You have a budget of $20,000.
Entry ListStarting OutFORUM ID: Xraygrl2004
ORIGIN ID: Xraygrl2004
LEVEL: Starting Out/Established
LOT COST: $2,000
LOT NAME: (the lot I built on) Garden Essence
BUILD COST: $96,850
TOTAL COST: $98,850
ENTRY DETAILS: I chose the 2nd house option "The Dallas" I tried to combine the mid-century modern feel inside while keeping with Hope's southern roots.
FORUM ID: StangMix2
ORIGIN ID: stangmix2
LEVEL: Starting Out
Mid Century Modern BnS83LOT COST: §2.000
LOT NAME: Garden Essence, Willow Creek
BUILD COST: §95.644
TOTAL COST: §97.644
LinkENTRY DETAILS: I had difficulty getting the look just right for "The Dallas", which was the house plan I choose. I'm not sure the house is the correct size for the floor plan... Maybe it should have been bigger.
I put the debug building crane in the garage, simply because I've been dying to have an excuse to size it down and use.
FORUM ID: Rangerlucy
ORIGIN ID: rangerlucy
LEVEL: Starting Out
A New StartLOT COST: 2000
LOT NAME: Garden Essence
BUILD COST: 84,693
TOTAL COST: 86,693
ENTRY DETAILS: I chose the Dallas floor plan
I tried to keep it as close to the floor plan as possible, while offering a large variety of creative activities for hope to enjoy. Hope's dislike of people means she is unlikely encourage guests leading to small seating areas and a guest room overrun by musical instruments.
FORUM ID: FidgetyAtom
ORIGIN ID: SimminGirl
LEVEL: Starting out (I think, let me know if you think otherwise)
The CapricaLOT COST: §10,000
LOT NAME: Originally Oakenstead - 50x50 lot in Willow Creek. I renamed it to The Caprica
BUILD COST: §89,984
TOTAL COST: §99,984
HereENTRY DETAILS: Not much to say that the pictures won't tell you, but this is a really lovely home. Needs more than one sim living here to do it some good. I hope that Hope finds someone to share it with! It has 3 bedrooms that Hope has re-purposed for her use as a creative sim. There were a few pantry and closet area's that I used as something other than what they were intended - I believe that's what I turned into her Woodworking room. I did have fun building this house, even if I started off disliking it and discouraged.
CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM: YES! I can always learn more for TS4, I'm still so very new to building here.
CREDIT FOR CC/RECOLORS: I used a few items from WondyMoon's kitchen collection Here