#BnS95 - We Need Some SpaceThe deadline for this challenge is 30th May 2018The intercom buzzes and Karl’s voice on the other end sounds odd. Not frightened, more… in awe?
“There are some… people here for you?”
Was that a question? “Well, go ahead and schedule an appointment. I think next week is free-“
“I think you need to see this for yourself,” she whispers.
You head out to the lobby to find out what could possibly have your secretary in such a state. There are three large men in black suits and sunglasses with radios in their ears. You wonder if this is a prank, they look straight out of some government conspiracy movie. You aren’t entirely sure which one is in charge so you simply address them as a group.
“Good morning, gentlemen. What can I do for you?”
One looks around the room before talking into a hidden microphone. “It’s all clear.”
You are certainly seeing why Karl was a little overwhelmed. Just then a very professional-looking woman enters carrying a briefcase and followed by another man in a suit. She walks up and offers her hand, which you take politely.
“You must be the architect. I apologize for the…” She tips her head toward the three men and smiles. “Protocol.”
“Of course. Protocol,” you echo, still having no idea what is going on. “I’m sorry, I missed your name.”
“General Leanne Harris, SSA,” she says, and you are caught off guard by how warm her presence is. You always though Generals were meant to be gruff. And… old.
“The Sim Space Agency?” You see Karl’s eyes pop, and hope you are keeping better hold on your own surprise. “What can I do for you?”
Because you honestly have no idea what you could possibly do for the SSA
“Can we talk in your office?” General Harris asks.
Oh dear, you really are flustered by this! “Of course, my apologies. This way.” You lead her to your office, the man behind her following but the other three staying in the lobby.
She doesn’t sit but instead opens her briefcase and hands you a yellow folder. “As you are no doubt aware, the SSA is researching the possibility of sending Sims to Mars.”
Of course, you know, you’ve been following the news whenever you can. You just love the idea of space travel!
“But what does that have to do with me?” you ask, opening the folder and seeing some concept sketches for… Mars habitations?
General Harris smiles. “We at SSA know that sometimes the best ideas can come from the least expected places. Our engineers can handle the logistics of interplanetary goods movements, material strength, desalinization, that sort of thing,” she says with a wave of her hand. “But when it comes to people, to psychology, we want to tap into the resources available right here in our community. Your work in architecture has become something of a legend, and we’d like you to help design a Mars habitation unit.”
You gape.
“Just a prototype, of course. It will be built here on earth, but we need to conduct extended isolation tests with our crew and that means we need a fully-functional environment that can simulate living on Mars.”
“And you want me?” You only wish you could do your happy dance singing ‘yes, yes, yes!’ without looking too unprofessional.
“Who better? You understand what people want and need in a living space, how to layout areas for best use. We’re hoping you can offer a fresh design perspective for us to consider. And,” she stresses, “You’re good with a budget.”
You can’t help but smile a little at that. “And what
is my budget for this?”
“It’s all in the brief,” she says with a smile.
- Design a Mars Habitation for a 6-Sim team of astronauts and scientists.
- Habitation must be fully self-contained (there is no atmosphere!)
- Must include areas or objects for sleeping, hygiene, fitness, cooking, recreation, plants, and research.
- Built on a 30x30 or smaller lot. No more than 1 level below ground, which can also include a swimming pool (but no other usable floorspace) and no more than two levels above ground. (for a maximum of 3 total floors)
- This is a prototype build, so ‘landscape’ doesn’t matter, but it should be isolated from other structures.
BUDGET: §500,000 or less (lot cost + building cost).
SIM CHALLENGE: Create the 6 Sims astronauts and show them living and working in their habitation. Tell us what their fields of speciality are and their attributes that make them important for a Mars mission!
ROOM CHALLENGE: Show us what you can create us indoor fruit and veggie garden for your Mars Habitation, plus a space to study all those new alien plants.... There is no limit on the budget you can use for this part of the challenge.
Entry ListStarting OutN/A
EstablishedFORUM LINK: https://forums.thesims.com/en_US/discussion/comment/16484287/#Comment_16484287
FORUM ID: TresaofPern
ORIGIN ID: TresaofPern
LEVEL: Established
LOT: https://www.ea.com/en-gb/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/pc/gallery/06E09BFF5C9011E8855A11D77608EF1A?category=all&searchtype=hashtag&sortby=downloads&time=all&searchquery=bns95&max=50&maxis=false
LOT COST: 2,000
LOT NAME: Sandtrap Flat
BUILD COST: 167,457
TOTAL COST: 169,457
LINK TO ENTRY SLIDESHOW: https://imgur.com/a/yjZaLNN
My thought was that a Mars habitat should have an airlock, which would also have a place to store spacesuits and equipment, the entryway with doors on both sides. The living areas are protected from radiation and sandstorms by being underground. The science lab is the only area not adjacent to the other octagons in case of a problem. I imagine the caution door would also seal it off form the hallway. There are two bookshelves so Sims can chosoe a book from the basement bookshelf to read in bed.
FACEBOOK PROFILE: https://www.facebook.com/cindy.cherry1
FORUM LINK: https://forums.thesims.com/en_US/discussion/comment/16484346/#Comment_16484346
FORUM ID: maryjane2joe
ORIGIN ID: 88th-BombGeek
LEVEL: Established
LOT: https://www.ea.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/pc/gallery/FF2349155CC111E8864D352E1CD6D76E?fb_action_ids=2046437295677132&fb_action_types=simsfour:share?fb_action_ids=2046437295677132&fb_action_types=simsfour:share
LOT COST: 2500
LOT NAME: Windenburg - Harbor Quarter Gym (Simanity Test 1a-7)
BUILD COST: 313,877
TOTAL COST: 316,377
LINK TO ENTRY SLIDESHOW: https://imgur.com/a/xAyKLsa
ENTRY DETAILS: Simanity TEST Subject 1a-7 is a privately based community located on the planet Mars for subject of six Test sims living on said planet with no access to the outside. Please Note; in live-mode a bunch of ghost showed up and I am supposing they must be the way past-Test-subjects who didn't quite pass -- HaHa!! - !!Joke... but the ghost did in fact show up although I really have no idea as to why ..they're in the kitchen photos area and i guess because they're hungry
FACEBOOK PROFILE: https://www.facebook.com/gypsyrosemoonshadow
FORUM LINK: https://forums.thesims.com/en_US/discussion/comment/16488521/#Comment_16488521
FORUM ID: cebu2cool
ORIGIN ID: ElderJymm
LOT: https://www.ea.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/pc/gallery/A2E4BB455F1B11E884DF423CAD8BB32F?category=all&searchtype=ea_origin_id&sortby=newest&time=all&searchquery=elderjymm&max=50&maxis=false
LOT COST: §2500
LOT NAME: Tranquil Crescent
BUILD COST: §151,177
TOTAL COST: §171,666
LINK TO ENTRY SLIDESHOW: https://imgur.com/a/RH7z3iM
ENTRY DETAILS:I was unsure if this was going to be done, was a bit of a confused start. But here it is.
The original concept was a reproduction of the living areas in the domes in Surviving Mars.
They are big and some handle dozens of colonists. All kinds of industry to work at and places to have fun.
Because it's now their home, despite the meteor strikes! This lot tho is a test bed to see what can work.
The six residents are two Astronauts, a Writer, a Scientist, a Tech Guru and a Doctor. Sims careers you know.
FORUM LINK: https://forums.thesims.com/en_US/discussion/comment/16492341/#Comment_16492341
FORUM ID: Pallystyle
ORIGIN ID: Pallystyle
LEVEL: Established
LOT: Mission for Mars: https://www.ea.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/pc/gallery/0F7DF8C05FB111E88339423CAD8BB32F
LOT COST: 2,500
LOT NAME: Tranquil Crescent
BUILD COST: 411,419
TOTAL COST: 413,919
LINK TO ENTRY SLIDESHOW: https://imgur.com/a/0jrUV4U
ENTRY DETAILS: I loved this idea. I tried to put a lot of thought into my build and make it somewhat realistic to space travel and such. I gave the station a roundish feel which is seen better by the roofing. The rooms are basic and uniform for easy construction. Plenty of storage through out building to keep all the supplies. The little black square wall hangings seen in nearly all the rooms was my idea for two way camera/monitors with which to communicate and check on all the stations rooms. The living quarters each have a shower and sink and toilet. Locking doors adds to privacy. Each one is basically the same except for little decorating touches the crew was allowed to bring to make their space feel more like home. Space on the ship was limited so they were each only allowed a few items. The kitchen has no stove but microwaves and beverage makers. Those prepackaged meals just need a little "nuking". I ended up putting the garden in a basement. I needed the space. I put a little furry friend down there for our astronauts. That is where you will also find the water filtering system. I also added a hallway to the telescope to make it enclosed and part of the habitat.
TWITTER TAG: Pallystyle
FORUM LINK - https://forums.thesims.com/en_US/discussion/comment/16495662/#Comment_16495662
LEVEL: Established
LOT: https://www.ea.com/en-gb/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/pc/gallery/17215506614211E88029423CAD8BB32F?category=all&searchtype=hashtag&sortby=downloads&time=all&searchquery=bns95&max=50&maxis=false
LOT COST: 2.500
LOT NAME: Tranquil Crescent
BUILD COST:203.939
TOTAL COST: 206.439
LINK TO ENTRY SLIDESHOW: https://imgur.com/a/q9rRTbF
ENTRY DETAILS: Top Secret Mars Habitat design adapted to fit 6 astronauts on its enclose and comfortable artificial atmosphere including a lab, gym, kitchen,pool, harvestable garden and living quarters for the whole crew everything in a self sustainable ambience.
TWITTER TAG: @TheSimsDesigns
FORUM LINK - https://forums.thesims.com/en_US/discussion/comment/16497338/#Comment_16497338
FORUM ID: SoulGal7
LEVEL: Established
LOT: https://www.ea.com/en-gb/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/pc/gallery/7C2BDC4A621811E88CE853122EDD2A5B?category=all&searchtype=hashtag&sortby=downloads&time=all&searchquery=bns95&max=50&maxis=false
LOT COST: $2,500
LOT NAME: Tranquil Crescent, Newcrest
BUILD COST: $491,157
TOTAL COST: $493.657
LINK TO ENTRY SLIDESHOW: https://imgur.com/gallery/qYHqRi3
MARS ROCKS COLONY is a self-contained space complex for 6 sims. Although a prototype, this complex will be able to house sims on Mars! Using solar panels and wind turbines for energy. There is also a back-up MegaSim-2525 generator. A new water filtration technology is featured utilizing the underground Martian water wells and plant's photosynthesis properties to ensure plenty of clean water. Enjoy life in space, with space-age technology in the kitchen with a food synthesizer, bar and lounge area, and recreation and library. Command center and science lab, plus a garden research center employing experimental growing techniques. Four droids are also featured to help in the daily work.
CREDIT FOR CC/RECOLORS: No CC but MOO + resizing used, debug & unlocked items
FORUM LINK - https://forums.thesims.com/en_US/discussion/comment/16497995/#Comment_16497995
FORUM ID:Bolonkafrauchen
ORIGIN ID: bolonkafrauchen
LEVEL: (Whichever entry level you feel fits your current build level i.e. Starting Out, Established or Expert) established
LOT: (Link to where the build can be found with on The Gallery) https://www.ea.com/en-gb/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/pc/gallery/E8A3F406625011E88B2111D77608EF1A?category=all&searchtype=hashtag&sortby=downloads&time=all&searchquery=bns95&max=50&maxis=false
LOT COST: 1500
LOT NAME: (Which lot you built on)Newcrest, tranquil Crescent
BUILD COST: 442.372
TOTAL COST: (Lot cost and build cost added together)445,144
LINK TO ENTRY SLIDESHOW: (REQUIRED - the slideshow is what your judges will primarily go by)
ENTRY DETAILS: (Be sure to tell us about your entry)
Dear general Harris,
This is my design for the sims Mars – Project. I hope you will be happy to find that I have managed to stay within the budget and size of the project. The top 2 storey of the build are designed for the living quarters of your scientists. They key to happiness when living in a secluded area is both space and privacy. That is why each scientist has his/her own en-suite bathroom in the sleeping- area. There is a spacious dining-place with a canteen, which will be able to serve even more people, if proven necessary. The living-room area has a TV and playing features, there is a big gym, complete with a yoga- and pool area. Surrounding the build is a glasshouse roof- and wall system to be let on the Marsian ground, ready to host Marian plant-life. One of the scientists is from Sixam and he agreed to provide some of their original plants to try if the conditions work. The light of the UV-lamps in this section is different to the “normal” greenhouse as it provides the for Mars required colour-spectrum. You also find the observatory in this area, it has been fitted very tightly WITHIN the roof, so that no oxygen escapes and the atmosphere is preserved.
The whole “science area” is downstairs in the basement. This makes it easier for thew scientists to maintain a “work-life balance” by actually separating work and free-time. There is a big microscope room, a room for chemistry analysis, a big greenhouse for all sorts of fruit and vegetables. Since the greenhouse is in the basement, it is two storeys high and has room enough, even for trees. There is also an archaeology room and a room for physical experiments, which also contains the motors for electricity, and oxygen, needed for the Sims to survive. One of the Sim scientists should be a doctor to help with any medical emergency that is why I included a small hospital ward. Apart from a small kitchen for break time, there is also a big study –and conference room, where each scientist has his or her own desk, as well as a conference table. Last, but not least, the Sixam offered to place one of their transportation devices into the Mars-station. This may enable visiting scientists from Sixam, or if found , from Mars, without having to open the outer doors. Sixam promised to deliver one of these transporter systems to other Alien scientists, if needed.
The costs were within the budget. But to make things cheaper, the sleeping quarters and bathrooms are all of modular structure. Creating them the same, will make serial build cheaper and more effective. Furniture of both bedroom and bathroom are available in a variety of colours to ensure private taste despite this money-saving procedure.
I do hope you like my works, and I will be happy to get back to you, if you should have questions
Bolonkafrauchen – designer-
P.S. I forgot to add, there is a small cupboard under the basement stairs. It contains a baby bed and a small cupboard with clothing and baby-formula. While I whole-heartedly discourage anyone to raise a child under such enclosed conditions, accidents DO happen and the extreme short Sim pregnancy might find it impossible to find an emplacement scientist in time. This supply might bridge the early baby stage, enabling the mother to return to Simsworld via Sixam when the child has reached toddler stage.
Technical comment. The hospital wing would be playable as a hospital if you swapped the alien are with a reception room. I did not do that, for the obvious reason that the sims insice the Mars project should be enclosed on their own during the trial perod. But I still wanted medical emergencies on Mars taken care of
The observatory sticks to the ceiling of the “outer greenhouse” on purpose
CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM: (Please state here as to whether or not you would like to receive constructive criticism for your entry . yes, please
CREDIT FOR CC/RECOLORS: (Please give links to any CC, mods, and/or recolours you used in your entry) NoCC
TWITTER TAG: (entirely optional but makes it easier for us to tag you)
FACEBOOK PROFILE: (entirely optional but makes it easier for us to tag you)
TUMBLR LINK: (entirely optional but makes it easier for us to tag you)
FORUM LINK: https://forums.thesims.com/en_US/discussion/comment/16501154/#Comment_16501154
FORUM ID: 4Sanne
LEVEL: Established
LOT: https://www.ea.com/en-gb/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/pc/gallery/4886B89263A711E88CA9423CAD8BB32F?category=all&searchtype=hashtag&sortby=downloads&time=all&searchquery=bns95&max=50&maxis=false
LOT COST: §2.500
LOT NAME: Deadgrass Discoveries
BUILD COST: §497.495
TOTAL COST: §499.995
LINK TO ENTRY SLIDESHOW: https://imgur.com/a/J4UUoZJ
MARSupium is the name of this Mars habitat. It is a fully contained and self-sufficient living space, where our astronauts won't just work, but really live happy lives. Everything has been aimed at providing as much comfort you would find in your own home. Ofcourse there is a lot of technical stuff that goes into making a place habitable on an inhospitable planet like Mars, so all life-support systems have been incorporated as well. Still, the main focus has been to build a space the astronauts would really feel at home in, with lots of greenery, flowing hallways, stunning views spanning all 3 floors and most of all, that homey feel only color, fabrics and textures can provide. I've decorated the living spaces quite vibrantly for this reason. I hope you will like the tour in the slideshow!
FORUM LINK: https://forums.thesims.com/en_us/discussion/comment/16502972/#Comment_16502972
FORUM ID: FidgetyAtom
ORIGIN ID: FidgetyAtom
LEVEL: Established
LOT: https://www.ea.com/en-gb/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/pc/gallery/CBC71422645A11E88274ABCD6D081A09?category=all&searchtype=hashtag&sortby=downloads&time=all&searchquery=bns95&max=50&maxis=false
LOT COST: §1,500
LOT NAME: Pebble Burrow
BUILD COST: §277,829
TOTAL COST: §279,329
LINK TO ENTRY SLIDESHOW: http://mysimhouses.blogspot.com/2018/05/mars-survival-station.html
ENTRY DETAILS: Well, I'm not really in love with this build, I'm not too good at this ... style I guess lol. But it is mostly fully functional, and very facility like. I hope you enjoy the pics. I wasn't going to enter, but I built it :shrug: so why not. It was a very fun build though, and I love seeing everyone elses creativity - some just blow me away!
TWITTER TAG: FidgetyAtom
Sim ChallengeFORUM LINK: https://forums.thesims.com/en_US/discussion/comment/16492362/#Comment_16492362
FORUM ID: Pallystyle
ORIGIN ID: Pallystyle
LEVEL: Established
HOUSEHOLD: The Nauts: https://www.ea.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/pc/gallery/2F3AA7345FB011E8819D423CAD8BB32F
LINK TO ENTRY SLIDESHOW: https://imgur.com/a/5o1lSqM
ENTRY DETAILS: I wanted a variety of nationalities in my astronauts. Edward Westfall is of British decent. he was once a secret agent and now is a flight and mission control officer. Dmitriy Pavlovsky is our Russian pilot and loves gadgets. Jakob Banks is our American pilot. Keeko O'Brien (a nod to star trek DS9) is a botanist and biologist. Azure Sheehan is from India and is our medical officer she enjoys playing the guitar too. Tom Yomitsu is the scientist/tech guy. They have some skills.
TWITTER TAG: Pallystyle