#BnS96 - A Truth Universally AcknowledgedThe deadline for this challenge is 13th June 2018From toe to tip, she was the very image of the perfect lady from the 1800’s. Her high-waisted dress in cream silk with a red velvet pelisse, lace gloves, and topped with a brown velvet bonnet with feathers and ribbons so wonderfully framing her older, but still very lovely face.
She gracefully offers her hand and gives a small curtsey. “How do you do?”
“I’m- well. Thank you,” you say, feeling so utterly graceless and crude in your manners by comparison.
“I am glad to hear it,” she says, either not caring or not noticing your awkwardness.
“Please, have a seat. Um, would you like some tea?” It seems the only appropriate thing to offer, really.
“No, thank you,” she says as she sinks into the chair with a grace you only wish you had.
You take your seat and pick up your pencil, ready to take notes.
“Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Jane Moore; I am the president of the local chapter of the Jane Austen Society.”
You’ve seen some of the movies based on her books, it’s how you knew the time frame of her clothing. “Oh, I love her stories,” you say, not quite admitting you’ve never actually read the books. “How can I help?”
“Well, I have recently come into a small fortune,” she says, though you suspect by ‘small’ she is being purposefully modest. “And wish to have a house built based on our beloved authoress's time. My very own Pemberly, if you will.”
“That is quite a large house if I remember correctly?”
“Indeed, though it is not the size I am after, but the elegance. I wish for a house that will exude the Regency, where I can entertain, keep guests, and host teas.”
That still sounds quite large to you, but you write down what she says. You’ll discuss finer details later.
“I also wish for an extensive garden, both flowers and vegetables. My gardener will tend them, and my cook will need to have the fresh produce easily accessible.”
“I see. Will you, um…” you wonder how to gracefully put this. “Will they need bedrooms?”
“Good heavens, no. I will only employ one live-in staff member, my nurse. The others will simply work for me. People have their own places these days,” she says as if that should have been perfectly obvious. And perhaps it would have been under other circumstances.
“Tell me a bit more about what you’d like in your house,” you say, wanting to change the subject.
“It will need all the basic rooms; a large central hall with the staircase, a parlour, sitting room, drawing room, dining room, library and study, and I need six bedrooms, plus appropriate bathing and toilet facilities. I have a grand piano, so will need space to put it.”
As you write you notice one rather important thing seems to be missing. “And a kitchen?” you prompt.
“Oh, that’s all down below the house. I trust you, as the architect, to fill in the appropriate spaces there.”
“Of course, I will ensure nothing is overlooked.”
“One last thing. My favorite color is red, which I want to be reflected in the decor, but I don’t want it to be overwhelming, make judicious use of it.”
- Create a Regency-era house, at least three floors in height.
- The basement should hold the kitchen
- The main floor(s) should have all formal, separate spaces and include a large hall with staircase, a parlor, a sitting room, a drawing room with space for a grand piano (you do not need to place it if you don’t have one, just allow space for one), a dining room, a library with study, and at least one toilet room.
- The upper floor(s) should hold 6 bedrooms plus bathrooms and toilet rooms.
- There should be a kitchen garden and flower gardens included in the landscaping.
- Limited use of modern-looking items.
- Include red in the decor.
BUDGET: §500,000 or less (lot cost + building cost).
SIM CHALLENGE:Create Jane Moore and her live-in nurse, as well as an employed staff of a cook, gardener, and housekeeper.
ROOM CHALLENGE: Create Jane's master bedroom, you have a budget of §20,000.
Entry ListStarting OutFORUM LINK: https://forums.thesims.com/en_US/discussion/comment/16517463/#Comment_16517463
FORUM ID: jacallon
ORIGIN ID: jacallon
LEVEL: Starting Out
LOT: https://ea.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/pc/gallery/723DB56468C311E88C2C53122EDD2A5B?fb_action_ids=10156474255876983&fb_action_types=simsfour:share%3Ffb_action_ids% 3D10156474255876983&fb_action_types=simsfour:share
LOT COST: 3,500 simoleons
LOT NAME: It's A Good House (Brindleton Bay)
BUILD COST: 251,502 simoleons
TOTAL COST: 255,002 simoleons
LINK TO ENTRY SLIDESHOW: https://jaxsimschallenges.wordpress.com/2018/06/06/build-n-share-challenge-96/
ENTRY DETAILS: This is my first entry into anything like this. I based the house on images that I found when I Googled the style of house and rooms that were from that era. I hope that it is close to the style of that era. I have used a little bit of cc although I tried to mainly use things from the game.
CREDIT FOR CC/RECOLORS: Queen Anne Arch Endless Side 1x1 by Mutske and Peacemaker's Hamptons Getaway - Toilet Paper By peacemaker_ic
FACEBOOK PROFILE: facebook.com/jacqui.callonbruton
FORUM LINK: https://forums.thesims.com/en_US/discussion/comment/16530220/#Comment_16530220
LEVEL: this is my first BNS HI! and my first attempt at sharing hosted photos
https://www.ea.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/pc/gallery/4C676AC16DF111E8816753122EDD2A5B?category=all&searchtype=item_name&sortby=downloads&time=all&searchquery=The Janes&max=50&maxis=false
LOT: South Square Coffee, Windenberg
LOT COST: 2000
LOT NAME: The Janes i know
TOTAL COST: 351337
LINK TO ENTRY SLIDESHOW https://photos.app.goo.gl/EbFzxY6V5p7KDvP96
I could not figure out how to annotate the photos
ENTRY DETAILS: A small city house from the regency era that has been updated and kept us as technology has allowed for plumbing and electricity. It has many original touches.
CREDIT FOR CC/RECOLORS: no mods or recolours, art by jlewi38 tiya33 TizianaBando
TWITTER TAG: I do not tweet
TUMBLR LINK: The only thing I tumble is clean clothes
FORUM LINK: https://forums.thesims.com/en_US/discussion/comment/16530559/#Comment_16530559
FORUM ID: Lisabee2
ORIGIN ID: Lisabee2
LEVEL: (starter)
LOT: https://www.ea.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/pc/gallery/D01C01DE6B0711E888B5ABCD6D081A09?category=all&searchtype=ea_origin_id&sortby=newest&time=all&searchquery=lisabee2&max=50&maxis=false
LOT COST: 12,000
LOT NAME: Hound’s Head
BUILD COST: 438,452
TOTAL COST: 450,452
LINK TO ENTRY SLIDESHOW: https://lisabeesims.wordpress.com/2018/06/12/jane-moore-co-w-regency-build-challenge-bns96/
ENTRY DETAILS: Large Regency Era Build w/ gardens and other outdoor features like a maze and graveyard
TWITTER TAG: https://twitter.com/lisabeesims1
FACEBOOK PROFILE: https://facebook.com/lisabee2
TUMBLR LINK: https://lisabee2.tumblr.com/
Forum Entry Link - https://forums.thesims.com/en_us/discussion/comment/16534205/#Comment_16534205
LEVEL: Starting Out
LOT: https://www.ea.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/pc/gallery/18A873216F5F11E88B50017DA1D56E7E
LOT NAME: Von-Windenburg Estate
BUILD COST: 487,047
LOT COST: 12,000
TOTAL COST: 499,047
LINK TO ENTRY SLIDESHOW: https://imgur.com/a/hOR7xoC
ENTRY DETAILS: I'm not sure I've ever put so much time into a build, between research, fiddling with learning the building system, experimenting with aesthetics, and all the rest of the work that goes into builds... I really wanted to see what I could do with a bit more time and no budget, but I'm still really happy with the end result. (I might've invested in a pack or two because of this build) I feel like I've made some leaps and bounds with trying to get creative in making the game do things I wanted it to, like it being the first time I figured out how to hang curtains over a bed to seem realistic.
I've built to what my research and understanding produced, regarding general trends I saw, from L-shaped staircases, to grand open lawns, and lush gardens (with a love of roses thrown in). I tried to find little details to draw the rooms and spaces together to seem more like a uniform estate - the red room aside - because most grand estates have at least quirky bedroom, right? And, of course, every grand manor is haunted. I tried to default to a more georgian style, which still seemed rather dominant the regency era style, with pictures EVERYWHERE and fireplaces and rugs in basically every room, and the larger bathrooms upstairs. Candles are the only source of light, and I tried to keep the tubs as accurate as I could in keeping with the general style. There seemed to be a lot of balancing of open space with somewhat cluttered decor which I found interesting and tried to recreate in the appropriate rooms. Almost everything is gilded in gold, and red is represented without being overpowering (again, except for the ridiculous "Red Room.")
Forum Entry Link - https://forums.thesims.com/en_us/discussion/comment/16534272/#Comment_16534272
FORUM ID: MagsTheMagpie
ORIGIN ID: magsthemagpie
LEVEL: Starting Out
LOT: https://www.google.com/url?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ea.com%2Fgames%2Fthe-sims%2Fthe-sims-4%2Fpc%2Fgallery%2FFEDC59096F6211E8892E9B2B195DFD36%3Fcategory%3Dall%26searchtype%3Dea_origin_id%26sortby%3Ddownloads%26time%3Dall%26searchquery%3Dmagsthemagpie%26max%3D50%26maxis%3Dfalse
LOT COST: §3,000
LOT NAME: Tail's End
BUILD COST: §469,133
TOTAL COST: §472,133
LINK TO ENTRY SLIDESHOW: https://imgur.com/a/V66vSFY
ENTRY DETAILS: This is my first ever entry to any kind of real building challenge, and I had a lot of fun with it. Okay, so the Jane Austen fan-woman wanted six bedrooms and there's seven, but it came under budget and that's all that matters. I'm pretty proud of the faux-four-poster bed as well as the basement kitchen and larder. The maze is easy but adds a little extra class, and the kitchen garden is ready to go.
TUMBLR LINK: My username is "jewishmagpie"
Forum Entry Link - https://forums.thesims.com/en_us/discussion/comment/16534415/#Comment_16534415
FORUM ID:audrhll
ORIGIN ID:audrhll
LEVEL: starting out- my first build, and my first time using imgur, uploading and linking stuff, etc. As you can see, there were still things I haven't figured out... help!
LOT: Hartfield (in gallery under my ID name) I can't figure out how/where to link it here (Lot cost checked by Kitkat - they are under budget)
LOT COST:8500.00
LOT NAME: Twin Oracle Point
BUILD COST:491,499.00
TOTAL COST: 499,999.00
LINK TO ENTRY SLIDESHOW: https://imgur.com/a/9JKr7gB
ENTRY DETAILS: Going into this, I thought I had a pretty good grasp on the regency style, but I soon realized I was jumbling up quite a few different "literary time periods" in my mind.. E.M. Forster, Jane Austen, P.G. Wodehouse, John Fowles... However, I figured Jane is probably an anglophile at heart, and has room for more than just Jane Austen in her home. Plus, I pictured her live-in nurse as a much younger, more modern girl, so I had to make her living space something that she would enjoy. Overall, I didn't want something too imposing- I wanted more of a country feel for Hartfield; something that might fit into a small village.. if Newcrest were to qualify as a small village.
I made the formal spaces on the first floor, and decided to give Jane a separate living space near the library and study. The modest amount of money" was inherited from her father, who was a bit of an eccentric, and quite a collector of "curiosities".. . which she also inherited. I imagine she'll spend quite a bit of time sneaking across the hall to filch books to read in bed, or to pore over some rare shell or piece of seaweed in the study.
The upstairs space is mostly for guest use... so, there are a few more TVs up there than you'll find on the first floor. There are still plenty of spaces for curling up with a good book, tho! And Beatrice, the nurse, is tickled pink with her mod cons... she's really more of a Stephen King fan, if she's going to be honest.
CREDIT FOR CC/RECOLORS: This was hard.. I'm a big ol' softie for cc. But I limited myself to rugs and my garden pavers. I also used cc for the dress that Sara is wearing in the garden, but I didn't mention that, since she's really not part of the challenge.. I just wanted to make her! Both are from MTS, the floor pavers are are by Blackgryffin (old grassy floor pavement) and the rugs are from nafSims (Art Deco & Art Nouveau Rugs and Colors & Stripes Rugs) and BibiDoubleZero (Animal Rugs). Also, I used MOO and resizing throughout the build.
TWITTER TAG: I don't really twit.
FACEBOOK PROFILE: I think I had one of those.. at some point long ago....
TUMBLR LINK: umm.. yeah. not really.
Forum Entry Link - https://forums.thesims.com/en_us/discussion/comment/16534461/#Comment_16534461
FORUM ID: glenkatko
ORIGIN ID: glenkatko
LEVEL: Starting Out
LOT: https://www.ea.com/en-gb/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/pc/gallery/06CA97136F6B11E88314DD7B85E7E8FA
LOT COST: $3000
LOT NAME: Optimist's Outlook (Newcrest)
BUILD COST: $ 471,120
TOTAL COST: $ 474,120
LINK TO ENTRY SLIDESHOW: https://www.flickr.com/photos/glenkatko/albums/72157697424982084/with/27916729247/
ENTRY DETAILS: I have done a lot of building in Sims 3, but this is my first build in 4. (And probably my last, lol!)
I was drawn by the idea of the classic regency style. I did a lot of research and looked at lots of pictures online. I wanted to be as historically accurate as possible, within the limitations of the game. So my “bath” rooms are separated from the toilet rooms, which are mostly tucked away under staircases. And there are no modern conveniences in the kitchen or anywhere else.
My build is based on a terraced house, which is why there are no windows on either side. So the backyard garden is divided into two parts, the formal flower garden for relaxing and a separate vegetable and herb garden area which leads into the kitchen entrance.
TWITTER TAG: glenkatko
EstablishedFORUM LINK: https://forums.thesims.com/en_US/discussion/comment/16517841/#Comment_16517841
FORUM ID: Talea12345
ORIGIN ID: ATalea1230
LEVEL: Not sure. This is the second time i've entered a challenge
LOT: https://ea.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/pc/gallery/6A69084B69C111E885EC11D77608EF1A?category=all&searchtype=item_name&sortby=newest&time=all&searchquery=Dresden&max=50&maxis=false
LOT COST: 25,000 simoleons
LOT NAME: Sorry, I no longer have the original names, but it is the 50x50 lot towards the back of Willow Creek
BUILD COST: 474,996 simoleons
TOTAL COST: 499,996 simoleons
LINK TO ENTRY SLIDESHOW: https://imgur.com/gallery/kCOE3Dw
ENTRY DETAILS: Mrs. Moore's Regency Era House. I am not 100% sure how to count the floors, so there is 1- Basement, 2 - Ground Floor and 3 - First Floor. Also, if I mixed up what a parlor, a sitting room and a drawing room is - I am sorry!
I like to think of Mrs. Moore as a widow, so there are some paintings of her late husband (a captain maybe) and of her children in their teens around. In her youth Mrs. Moore was a ballett dancer, the stature in the entrance hall depicts her on her first performance as a prima. She has had the guest bedrooms done in neutral colours, through one of them is slightly pink and reserved for her daughter. The nurses room is more sleek, seeing as "Schwester Luise" quiet likes her modern comforts - there is however a hidden entry behind a bookcase to Mrs. Moore for nighttime emergencies. The garden is well stocked and reachable through a hidden exit from the house... the way from the kitchen to the dinning room is also hidden. In Mrs. Moore's word: "Help is not to be heared or seen."
Hope you enjoy, I liked building this challenge!
FORUM LINK: https://forums.thesims.com/en_US/discussion/comment/16518116/#Comment_16518116
FORUM ID: TresaofPern
ORIGIN ID: TresaofPern
LEVEL: Established
LOT: https://www.google.com/url?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ea.com%2Fgames%2Fthe-sims%2Fthe-sims-4%2Fpc%2Fgallery%2F70952871691011E880C559B32C46482C
LOT COST: 2,500
LOT NAME: It's A Good House (Heckings lot in Brindleton Bay)
BUILD COST: 276292
TOTAL COST: 278792
LINK TO ENTRY SLIDESHOW: http://imgur.com/a/8IvLvLJ
ENTRY DETAILS: This house and its gardens were an attempt to combine several ideas and images into one. I tried to stick to a Regency era layout and color sheme. The hallways are green because that was the color of the house that gave me ideas about how to do the stairs, entry and ground floor layout. Most of the lighting is from candles as it would have been then. The gardens were based on a combination of different actual English gardens.
FACEBOOK PROFILE: https://www.facebook.com/cindy.cherry1
Forum Entry Link - https://forums.thesims.com/en_us/discussion/comment/16534030/#Comment_16534030
FORUM ID: cebu2cool
LEVEL: Established
LOT: https://www.ea.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/pc/gallery/63824A286F5411E88F04017DA1D56E7E?category=lots&searchtype=ea_origin_id&sortby=newest&time=all&searchquery=elderjymm&max=50&maxis=false
LOT COST: §12,000
LOT NAME: Dresden House
BUILD COST: §487,486
TOTAL COST: §499,486
LINK TO ENTRY SLIDESHOW: https://imgur.com/a/pVdf83W
ENTRY DETAILS: As I said in another post I fell in love with the look of the real life house and was determined to make it work. This was a bit outside my comfort zone and I ran out of simoleans (well almost out) at the end! I will probably do the modern build in the near future...love to get cool stairs first though!
CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM: Please I would like to receive constructive criticism
FACEBOOK PROFILE: Okay this once Jay Moonchild...oh wait it's in my Twitter profile
TUMBLR LINK: I have one but it's just there
FORUM LINK: https://forums.thesims.com/en_US/discussion/comment/16519394/#Comment_16519394
FORUM ID: jhgkjhgkjh
ORIGIN ID: kjhgkjgkjhgk
LEVEL: Established
LOT: https://www.google.com/url?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ea.com%2Fde-de%2Fgames%2Fthe-sims%2Fthe-sims-4%2Fpc%2Fgallery%2F35980F596A6111E88959423CAD8BB32F%3Fcategory%3Dall%26searchtype%3Ditem_name%26sortby%3Ddownloads%26time%3Dall%26searchquery%3DBarton%2520Hall%26max%3D50%26maxis%3Dfalse
LOT COST: 3000
LOT NAME: Coorinberg Cottage
BUILD COST: 397.359
TOTAL COST: 400.359
LINK TO ENTRY SLIDESHOW: https://imgur.com/a/8t6lqga
ENTRY DETAILS: Never was a Darcy and a "Pride and Predjudice" fan. I know, I am odd. But I was alwas more fascinated by "Sense and Sensebility". To me the characters are more witty and clever. So I tried to give Elinor and her sisters not Barton Cottage, but kind of "Barton Hall". The place they would have deserved...
I tried to be as close to a regency house as I could floorplanwise. So I added a servants staircase with a direct door to Ms Moores abth, just in case she needs the sudden help of her nurse - apart from that I stick to a cream - red colorscheme except for the bedrooms which I colored in a brighter variety but still I tried to include splashes of red.
I took as many pictures as I could, but I forgot two bathrooms on the second floor and I couldn't manage to get decent shots of the other bedroom in the attic, well because.. it is in the attic and the camera glitches there but it is visible in the bird's eye view.
CREDIT FOR CC/RECOLORS: nocc/no recolors, only moo mainly for the garden
TWITTER TAG: (entirely optional but makes it easier for us to tag you)
FORUM LINK: https://forums.thesims.com/en_US/discussion/comment/16527086/#Comment_16527086
FORUM ID: avimileth
ORIGIN ID: avimileth
LEVEL: established
LOT: https://www.google.com/url?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ea.com%2Fde-de%2Fgames%2Fthe-sims%2Fthe-sims-4%2Fpc%2Fgallery%2F35980F596A6111E88959423CAD8BB32F%3Fcategory%3Dall%26searchtype%3Ditem_name%26sortby%3Ddownloads%26time%3Dall%26searchquery%3DBarton%2520Hall%26max%3D50%26maxis%3Dfalse
LOT COST: $3,000
LOT NAME: Brook Bungalow, Willow Creek
BUILD COST: $484,365
TOTAL COST: $487,365
LINK TO ENTRY SLIDESHOW: https://www.google.com/url?q=https%3A%2F%2Fimgur.com%2Fa%2FaXlaZxh
ENTRY DETAILS: I dont know much about the regency era and getting the right definition of each of the rooms was really hard but I did some research on google and had a look at rooms and pictures and this is what I came up with. I didnt want to build a huge mansion cos then I hate how long it takes to my sim to get to objects i want them to use but also i thought it needed to be kind of big speacially with so many rooms required.
CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM: Yes please, if possible focusing on my use of MOO since this is the first time i decide to use it
TWITTER TAG: avimileth
FORUM LINK: https://forums.thesims.com/en_US/discussion/comment/16529108/#Comment_16529108
FORUM ID: Rostri-Jodu
ORIGIN ID: Rostrijodu
LEVEL: Established
LOT: The Fyres Dresden Lot in Windenburg
LOT COST: 12,000
LOT NAME: https://www.google.com/url?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ea.com%2Fgames%2Fthe-sims%2Fthe-sims-4%2Fpc%2Fgallery%2FC6B2CB1B6DA711E88425423CAD8BB32F%3Fcategory%3Dlots%26searchtype%3Ditem_name%26sortby%3Dnewest%26time%3Dall%26searchquery%3D%26max%3D50%26maxis%3Dfalse
BUILD COST: 487,999
TOTAL COST: 499,999
LINK TO ENTRY SLIDESHOW https://www.google.com/url?q=https%3A%2F%2Fimgur.com%2Fa%2FLbUmkKk
ENTRY DETAILS: Jane Austen Society president, Lady Moore, has requested a Regency-style estate with not only the elegance and charm expected of such a classic setting, but all of the bells and whistles to match. Therefore, this six bedroom, eight bath manor certainly has it all, including, but not limited to, a sunken rose garden, a drawing room with a grand piano, and a kitchen large enough to cater the most lavish dinner parties in town!
Sim ChallengeFORUM LINK: https://forums.thesims.com/en_US/discussion/comment/16530565/#Comment_16530565
FORUM ID: Lisabee2
ORIGIN ID: Lisabee2
LEVEL: (established)
HOUSEHOLD: https://ea.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/pc/gallery/A03085C36B0211E88107ABCD6D081A09?category=all&searchtype=ea_origin_id&sortby=newest&time=all&searchquery=lisabee2&max=50&maxis=false
LINK TO ENTRY SLIDESHOW: https://lisabeesims.wordpress.com/2018/06/12/jane-moore-co-w-regency-build-challenge-bns96/
ENTRY DETAILS: Jane and her colorful staff .. Live in nurse, cook, gardener and housekeeper.
TWITTER TAG: https://twitter.com/lisabeesims1
FACEBOOK PROFILE: https://facebook.com/lisabee2
TUMBLR LINK: https://lisabee2.tumblr.com/