#BnS101 - Five by FiveEntry List (continued)Expert (continued)https://forums.thesims.com/en_US/discussion/comment/16693942/#Comment_16693942
FORUM ID: Karababy52
ORIGIN ID: Karababy52
LEVEL: Expert
LOT: https://www.ea.com/en-gb/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/pc/gallery/C8026896A69711E88EF4E4B33953C835
LOT COST: 1500
LOT NAME: Comfy Cubby
LINK TO ENTRY SLIDESHOW: https://imgur.com/a/ra95YHH
The name & colors I gave Faith’s new home have significance. In my eyes, her life resembles lyrics from the song, Blue on Black by Kenny Wayne Shepherd. I put her story in a spoiler, so you can skip it if you want. It’s just a little something I quickly thought up, probably full of plot holes. But it was fun to write anyway.
Faith & her boyfriend, Jon, were once the picture perfect couple until one day he disappeared. She was distraught, angry and confused, wondering what could have happened to him. She along with help from friends, family and the authorities searched for him, but he was nowhere to be found. The Police believed he had left under his own free will and soon dropped the case.
Faith refused to believe he’d willingly left her and continued to search on her own when family and friends also abandoned searching, secretly siding with the Police.
Arriving home late one evening after another futile day of searching, Faith was horrified to discover her entire family had been brutally killed by what must’ve been some kind of animal judging by the condition of their mutilated bodies.
The Police theorized a cougar or perhaps a bear had come down from the mountains of Windenberg, became disoriented, lost and eventually hunger drove them to attack humans for food. They also now believed Jon could’ve perhaps been dragged away and eaten too. They advised her to lock her doors and left promising to issue an all-points bulletin to be on the lookout for any wild animals not indigenous to the area.
Late that night Faith lay sobbing in bed when she heard something strike a nearby window. Watching carefully she saw a pebble bounce off the glass and got up to investigate. She gasped in disbelief to see Jon smiling back at her gesturing toward the front door to be let in.
Faith quickly raced to unlock the door and opened it wide, but stopped short of letting him in. Despite needing the comfort of his love and being so happy he was alive, she wanted to find out what had happened to him first. He looked fine except a bit pale and his clothes were muddy, torn and stained with…something. Had he been in an accident?
He told her an unbelievable tale of going for a walk and being robbed, kidnapped, caged, starved and beaten by assailants wearing Ski masks. He said only thoughts of her and their love gave him the will to survive and eventually escape to come back to her, his one true love.
He begged her to believe him, shivering from the chilly autumn night air, and asked if he could come inside to warm up. Searching his face for truth, Faith decided to believe him and reached over the threshold intending to pull him inside.
She jumped back, rearing her head in confusion when he refused to be pulled inside the house and said she had to invite him in.
“But why?” She asked.
He only snarled at her saying, “Just do it!”
When Faith raised her eyebrows at his harsh tone of voice, he softened it to a pitiful plea instead. “Please? I’m just so hungry!”
The inexplicable feeling of fear filled Faith’s entire being when she noticed Jon’s eyes were slightly glowing red.
“Why are your eyes glowing? What really happened to you?” Faith whispered.
“What? You’re just seeing things, I told you what happened, now, come on Faith, invite me in!”
“I don’t believe you. I think you should leave.”
“You’re sending me away? Don’t you love me anymore? How can you be so cruel after I just told you what I’ve been through? I’m all you have left now,” he chastised.
Alarm bells rang loudly in Faith’s head. How could he know she was all alone in the world now if what he said was true?
“How do you know that?”
“Faith, look into my eyes and you’ll see. Everything will be alright now, okay? Just invite me in and we can be together again, forever.”
“NO. You haven’t explained yourself and you’re acting very weird. I don’t even want to look at you right now. I just lost my family, which you somehow seem to know about. Just… go away.”
Faith turned her back on Jon and pointed towards the street making her wishes clear. Jon began growling low his throat causing Faith to whip her head around and gape at his face which had transformed into something terrifying, like…a…beast. Oh My God! HE had killed her family and came back intending to kill her too. She just knew it!
Slamming the door in his handsome face, Faith ran upstairs to her Parents’ bedroom to retrieve the pistol her Father kept in a nightstand. Jon hadn’t come back out of love, he had lied.
Grabbing the loaded gun she quickly ran back to the front door and threw it open, aiming the gun at Jon’s chest. He was still in the exact spot as before, looking at her with the saddest eyes she’d ever seen.
“Don’t do this Faith. It won’t work anyway and just make a big mess. I didn’t mean to do it. I only wanted to see you, but, I was just so hungry. I couldn’t help myself. You have to let me explain.”
“You didn’t MEAN to kill them? How does that make any sense? They loved you, I loved you. How could you do that? Who are you? WHAT are you?”
“I am Vampire and I will always love you,” he said and then disappeared in a blindingly fast blur, like some kind of cartoon character.
Stunned, Faith collapsed to the floor and dropped the gun. She sat there for a long time with hands covering her face and wept.
Since then Faith has tried to learn everything she can about Vampires, but she still has a lot to discover. She knows that Jon will come back again for her and when he does, she’ll be ready. She loved him, and a part of her always will. But, she can’t forgive him for murdering her family and his heartbreaking lies of love.
He has to pay…
I wanted to build a two story house for Faith right from the beginning. I knew it wouldn’t be easy, but I love a challenge. I originally had the stairs inside the house, but put them outside when I realized there just wasn’t enough room for everything. Downstairs includes; a garlic scented mirror just inside the front door, a tiny living room area with a TV & bookcase, a full kitchen which includes a dishwasher and a miniscule bathroom featuring a shower and commode.
Upstairs is accessible by a staircase around the back of the house. They’re purposely designed to be creaky so she can hear anything, man or beast, coming up them. A braid of garlic hangs above the door to ward off any unwanted and/or unliving visitors. Faith’s bedroom includes a single bed, dresser and standing mirror.
Outside landscaping includes; a mini fountain, umbrella covered table & four chairs, a loveseat/bench underneath the staircase, fishing pond, easel, windchimes and a birdbath. I wanted Faith’s new home to feel secure, yet have a peaceful, serene and beautiful area to spend time outdoors during the daytime.
First Floor = 17 tiles
Second Floor = 8 tiles
Total = 25 tiles
CREDIT FOR CC/RECOLORS: NoCC, but I did use MOO & Debug items
TWITTER: N/A I have an account, but posts are 99% non-Sims related
FACEBOOK PROFILE: N/A Private (Personal account)
TUMBLR LINK: N/A I have an account, but posts are 99% non-Sims related
ADMIN NOTES: No clear counter for cooking on, can’t upgrade TV, can’t empty interior trash bin
Sim Challengehttps://forums.thesims.com/en_US/discussion/comment/16669799/#Comment_16669799
FORUM ID: BreeMiles
ORIGIN ID: BreeMiles
LEVEL: Expert
HOUSEHOLD: https://www.ea.com/it-it/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/pc/gallery/F585DE179D8511E8890FD8E8C921040E
LINK TO ENTRY SLIDESHOW: https://breemiles.blogspot.com/2018/08/faith-tomlin.html
ENTRY DETAILS: Meet Faith, Born in the city married to a wonderful man named Tom, till unforseen events happened and she lost the love of her life! Now she is looking for a small place away from the city, so she can cope with her lose and start her writing career! Enjoy my Faith, By BreeMiles! #BnS101, #TheSims4, #NoCC, #TS4, #BreeMiles, #ShowUsYourSims,
TWITTER TAG: https://twitter.com/Bree_Miles
FACEBOOK PROFILE: https://facebook.com/Bree.Miles.39566905
TUMBLR LINK: breemiles.tumblr.com/
FORUM ID: Ninnster
ORIGIN ID: Ninnster
LEVEL: Expert
HOUSEHOLD: https://www.ea.com/en-gb/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/pc/gallery/2C8374E1A57B11E88F95A2A491BEBAA4?category=all&searchtype=ea_origin_id&sortby=newest&time=all&searchquery=Ninnster&max=50&maxis=false
LINK TO ENTRY SLIDESHOW: https://imgur.com/a/UuAaCPv
Faith came to earth at a young age. She grew up in a loving human family. Her world changed however when her mother was brutally murdered by a vampire. This left her with a deep seeded hate for the vampire culture. Scared the ones behind her mothers death would come for her, Faith ran away. She tends to keep to herself and has developed a distrust of others. If needed though she will fight back. To more easily move unseen among others she uses a human disguise which is kept as plain and inconspicuous as possible so as to avoid attention. The drawback of this disguise is that it doesn't cover up her alien tattoos. For this reason she tries to cover them up with clothing.
TWITTER TAG: @Ninnster00
FORUM ID: Corwim
HOUSEHOLD: https://www.ea.com/it-it/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/pc/gallery/9640AD93A66E11E888B9D63D27D2DDD7
LINK TO ENTRY SLIDESHOW: https://forums.thesims.com/en_US/discussion/comment/16692281/#Comment_16692281
ENTRY DETAILS: As for my build, I was inspired by the character Faith from the Buffy the Vampire Slayer tv show. Faith is a tough, no nonsense slayer with a dark streak when she's pushed too far. But on the other side she is also a young girl who's been given a lot of responsibility, so inside her she also has a softer side. I based most of her outfits on what I remember from the tv show. Her outfits consist mostly out black and purple colours, with a bit of silver and red thrown in there, together with blue for jeans. She also wore a lot of simple, yet tight tops, so she got those as well. As for make up, she mostly only had dark lipstick and eyeliner on, never anything too fancy. For her swim wear and sleep wear, I had to wing it a bit more, as they never were on the show lolz, so hopefully they fit in with the rest. Also, my sim doesn't really look like the actress portraying Faith (not really good at celebrity sims ), but I do hope her character comes across. I gave her the traits Loner (as being a slayer is a secret, it's a lonely life), Self-Assured (she's tough this one) and Athletic (quite necessary if you want to face plenty of vamps )
ResultsStarting Out -:
Comments1st Place: @Sbodine89
Sim Challenge: @JojoMOMSTER
Established -:
Comments1st Place: @sawdust
2nd Place: @Cebu2cool
3rd Place: @4Sanne
Sim Challenge: @SimsIslandheart
Expert -:
Comments1st Place: @linday
2nd Place: @Corwim and @WrathofCath
3rd Place: @Ninnster
4th Place: @Oliana and @kilra0
Sim Challenge: @Ninnster