#BnS102 - The Hawthorne Project Part VIIIIThe deadline for this challenge is 12th September 2018You are reading the local section of your online newsfeed when an article grabs your eye.
“Local Philanthropist and Old Time Movie Starlet Passes Away.”
Reading on:
“Ms Emmeline Hawthorne passed away peacefully at her home last night. Ms Hawthorne was quite the startle back in Starlight Shores during the roaring 20’s. At 110, she was Willow Creek’s oldest resident. As far as we are aware, she leaves no family with which to bestow her substantial legacy and we expect this to be handed over to the residential housing initiative The Hawthorne Project with which her name has become synonymous.”
Stunned, you sit back in your chair, you can feel tears welling behind your eyes, but you put it down to the harsh sunlight blinding you and you raise your hand to shade your eyes. You can’t quite believe that Ms Hawthorne has actually died. You, mistakenly, thought she would outlive everyone in this town through sheer strength of will. You can’t help thinking of her illegitimate son, who has no idea that his birth mother has passed away. But, you were sworn to secrecy, so there is nothing that you can do, only hope that Kieran will somehow be remembered in her will in some small way.
As you sit lost in thought a ping from your laptop brings you back to the present.
You look at the sender's address, The Hawthorne Project.
Warily, you open the email, unsure as to what will happen to, perhaps, the favourite part of your job. What you read next sends shivers down your spine.
“My Dear,
It seems that I have passed on from this world, I asked dear Mammy to ensure that you receive this note on my death.
I wanted to take the opportunity to thank you for your help in soothing an old woman’s conscience. Watching the homes go up for all those poor souls who so badly needed a second chance in life has greatly lifted my spirits, I can tell that your Grandmother would have finally been proud of me as well.
The Hawthorne Project
must continue long after I am buried and forgotten about. And no, I need no consolitary words that I will always be remembered, I know how fickle people are. As long as The Project is remembered and revered, I will be happy. So, I have instructed my attorney to adjust my will and leave half of my estate to you, on the proviso that you take over the running of The Project. There is no one else I could trust to carry on with this project the way in which we envisioned it..
You will be pleased to know that I have left provisions in my will to ensure that Kieran and his family are well looked after, I am still not willing to be completely honest, but now that I am gone, I don’t get much say in the matter do I? If my dear boy does find out the truth, I know that I can trust you to be there for him and his family, and that you can try to explain to him why I made the most difficult decision of my entire life, the day I decided to give his father up for adoption.
Well, I trust that you have a vast amount of work to do, I believe that there is another well deserving client awaiting your help. So goodbye my dear, live your life to the fullest, enjoy each and every day and don’t miss out on any opportunities for fun!
You sit back in your chair, truly stunned this time. There are thoughts whizzing around your head and you have no idea what they are, where they came from or indeed what to do with them. You go to press the intercom to ask Karl to come in, before realising that you are at home and that Karl is at least 5 kilometers away. Your mind is still whirling when you notice the attachment that was appended to the email. Opening it you see the details of the next Hawthorne Project recipient.
Name: Harvey Wallbanger
Traits: Slob, Lazy, Goofball
Aspiration: Serial Romantic
Occupation (Or Former Occupation): Former apartment superintendent
Please tell us a little bit about yourself, and your family if appropriate, and why you are applying to The Hawthorne Project.Dear Hawthorne People,
My name is Harvey Wallbanger and I used to work as an apartment superintendent in San Myshuno. Yah, I know, you think I was named after a drink, but that is not the case. My family has been in the apartment superintendent maintenance business for years, and the name "Wallbanger" is our trademark because we are always banging on the walls, fixing things with our hammers and fiddling with electrical things. I really didn't want to follow in my family's footsteps. I wanted to branch out, be a rebel, but when I found out you got a free furnished apartment, heck, I was in!
Life was good. Oh yah, in my younger years, I was known as quite the ladies man. In my blue tux, I was a head-turner. I still have that blue tux and wear it sometimes when I go out to some fancy, smancy restaurant, and I am still a head turner, although I often hear sims chuckling when I walk through the door. Youngins', they know nothing. Well, what I was trying to say was that the ladies loved me, but I never found that "someone special"..know what I mean. I kind of wanted to give all the gals a chance at me, you know. So, yes, I am still single and available. I know, hard to believe.
Well, everything was going great, I had worked for the Llamarcins apartment building for nearly 30 years. Yep, count them. 30 years at one job! Can you believe it? All the neighbors just loved me and were always bringing me things, like gourmet fruitcake, to thank me for rescuing their goldfish from the toilet, you know, normal things superintendents do. Well, then I get this letter the other day, that the Llamarcins apartment building was going to be sold to some highfalutin bigshot who is going to renovate all these old, historic apartments into modern, new condos. And, get this, they don't want me to be part of the "new" look. They said I was dated....more like stale dated.
So, here I am nearing retirement with no job, nowhere to live, no one to give me gourmet fruitcake and no furniture even. I have no idea what to do. I've tried to find a new job, but even though I have years of experience, they all want someone "younger", more hip and with-it and computer literate with their new fangled on-line security systems. So, I am writing to you, dear Hawthorne People for help.
Tell us about your ideal home space:You know I've been thinking that maybe down south in one of those "over 55" retirement communities would be ideal. You know what I mean...be in charge of a mobile home park. One level. I have had it with stairs and elevators. And decorate my outdoor space like I want with a plastic flamingo or 2. Yah, that's the ticket. There are always sims needing some help with something and I heard that there are a lot of lady sims living in these places just looking for a single, handy guy like me. Maybe it's time for me to settle down. Oh yah and those places have community centers right in the complex, too, with things like card games, and dances, and even bar-b-qs. Can't remember the last time I had a bar-b-q 'cause of the fire code, they weren't allowed in apartments. And movie nights under the stars...with an outdoor big screen tv...I can see it now...just like those drive-in movie theatres I used to love. Ahhh....that would be the life. Well, thanks for reading and I hope you can help me. Park benches are getting awfully hard to sleep on.
Harvey - always ready to fix something wearing his trusty tool belt.
Harvey's middle name is Sparky. I wonder how he got that...
The last look of Harvey in his apartment. He has nowhere to go.
Look at this face. How can you say no?
This is Ms Hawthorne’s Swan Song, the last client that she will personally choose, as such the budget will be adjusted accordingly
THE BRIEFCreate an over 55’s retirement complex on one with at least 5 units (3 doubles and 2 singles)
Each apartment/trailer must have the usual Hawthorne Project accoutrements; chess table, PC, piece of fitness equipment (not a yoga mat), easel and one musical instrument.
Harvey’s apartment/trailer must have flamingos in the yard
Ensure that there is a community center on the lot, with card game, somewhere to dance, BBQ and a setup for watching movies under the stars.
There must also be a community garden for growing fruits, veggies and flowers.
BUDGET: Your budget is §600,000 (including the lot cost)
Room Challenge: Create Harvey's trailer, see this
tutorial for making 'apartments', i.e. being able to upload more than one room as one room. Your budget for the room challenge is §50,000.
Sim Challenge:No Sim challenge this time around, but why not take a stab at your own entry to the next phase of the
Hawthorne Project: Sims.
For more background information on the Hawthorne Project check out these challenges from our archives:
The Original Hawthorne ProjectThe Hawthorne Project Part IIThe Hawthorne Project - Disaster PlanThe Hawthorne Project Part IIIThe Hawthorne Project Part IVThe Hawthorne Project Part VThe Hawthorne Project Part VIThe Hawthorne Project Part VIIPlease use the whole of hashtag #BnS102 when you upload your creations, any build, room or household without this hashtag will not be judged.Entry ListStarting OutN/A
FORUM ID: ohSnap
ORIGIN ID: fwoomage
LEVEL: This is my first entry!
LOT: Can't find it on the Gallery... https://ohsnap-sims.tumblr.com/post/177602417859/dusty-canyon-retirement-park
LOT COST: $10,000
LOT NAME: Landgraab Affluista Mansion, Oasis Springs
GALLERY COST: $235,513
TOTAL COST: $245,513
LINK TO ENTRY SLIDESHOW: https://www.flickr.com/photos/160424649@N02/albums/72157694904300070
ENTRY DETAILS: See my Tumbl post for more info: https://ohsnap-sims.tumblr.com/post/177602417859/dusty-canyon-retirement-park
TL;DR - I had distinct personalities for the residents of each trailer in mind as I built and decorated them.
As well as Harvey, there's Mina and Trevor Wallace, a couple who have been married for 48 years and are still very much in love - they just want their own trailer and their own space now that they're retired and both at home all day! Mina likes gardening (she's been looking after Harvey's garden, since she can't bear opening her curtains in the morning and seeing a messy lot). Trevor likes fishing (Mina HATES the smell of fish).
Then there's Ricky Finnsbury. He's not great at looking after his trailer, but he is great on the DJ decks. Shame the other residents don't share his taste in music!
Maggie and Millie Taylor are sisters who live in the last trailer. It's big... but it might not be quite big enough for two people who are so different, especially when one's a neat freak and the other.... isn't. At all.
CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM: I'd love some constructive criticism
CREDIT FOR CC/RECOLORS: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RAQq63A-ZEiwbJajb72LeEwtvVSJmTAQcHdPPWSMP5U/edit I hope it's ok to link to a Google Doc with all the links... Let me know if it's not, and I'll change it.
TUMBLR LINK: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/ohsnap-sims
FORUM ID: TinkPlays
ORIGIN ID: TinkMagoo
LEVEL: Starting Out
LOT: Hawthorne Retirement https://tink-plays.tumblr.com/post/178038381184/buildnshare-photos-from-my-sims-4-forum-entry-for
LOT COST: 12.000
LOT NAME: 64x64 Windenburg
TOTAL COST: 371,083
LINK TO ENTRY SLIDESHOW: https://imgur.com/a/Hyu7tMt
With an onsite coffee shop and parking, this retirement community is excellent for the over 55s and their visiting families. With a games room, art studio, laundry services, outdoor movie screenings, BBQ area, scenic pond and gardens plus fruit and veg patch this lot has it all. Take your pick of trailer and start living your best retirement live.
CREDIT FOR CC/RECOLORS: Mostly for decor and plants, will add credits under each photo on my album
TUMBLR LINK: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/tink-plays
FORUM ID: iampes23
ORIGIN ID: iampes23
LEVEL: Established
LOT: the search is not working for me for this one build--too much CC?
http://www.mediafire.com/file/crttxhxwxf1vayf/BnS102_price_shot.docx/file (and use zoom in to see price)
LOT COST: $12,000
LOT NAME: Windenburg/Dresden House lot, now Flamingo Crossing Park 64x64
GALLERY COST: $555,454
TOTAL COST: $567,454
LINK TO ENTRY SLIDESHOW: https://imgur.com/a/IM3WSWC
ENTRY DETAILS: Harvey has gotten his wish, and he now lives and works in sunny Windenburg at Flamingo Crossing Park! Due to new technology, all trailers are secured below ground level, so there are no stairs to hinder Harvey or any disabled Sim! He has added responsibilities, but his new home has plenty of perks because he was given the model/admin trailer. And this is only the beginning phase of the park, which is slated to hold nearly 30 trailers in all. Harvey will have plenty of ladies to "help."
FORUM ID: ShadowFairy74
ORIGIN ID: ShadowFairy74
LEVEL: Established
LOT: Park at Willow Creek
LOT COST: $12k
Gallery: https://www.ea.com/it-it/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/pc/gallery/3642E715B6CB11E88752B573E4FD424D?category=lots&searchtype=ea_origin_id&sortby=newest&time=all&searchquery=shadowfairy74&max=50&maxis=false
GALLERY COST: $556,725
TOTAL COST: $568,725
LINK TO ENTRY SLIDESHOW: https://imgur.com/a/fT86dhi
ENTRY DETAILS: Senior living apartments each with a bedroom, kitchen, living space, office area and bathroom. Clubhouse has a gym, gameroom formal dining area for parties, outdoor movies and a DeeJay. Perfect for the 55 plus crowd that likes a sense of community, fun and relaxing in a beautiful environment.
FORUM ID: Cebu2Cool
ORIGIN ID: ElderJymm
LEVEL: Established
LOT: https://www.ea.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/pc/gallery/CFE6F028B6E211E8820DD5C4434B406D?category=all&searchtype=ea_origin_id&sortby=newest&time=all&searchquery=elderjymm&max=50&maxis=false
LOT COST: §25,000
LOT NAME: Magnolia Blossom Park
GALLERY COST: §250,456
TOTAL COST: §275,456
LINK TO ENTRY SLIDESHOW: https://imgur.com/a/4gl3IDe
ENTRY DETAILS: I thought trailers at first and then an idea struck me why not join trailer-like units together connected by a common area...under a dome. To make it look right I made seven units and then the fun began. The yards were a trip and find a place for the community garden, BBQ and movies were fun too. The rolls I used on the two separate walls out front may drop to the ground and the columns there disappear. Grrr. BUT It all came together and took longer than I thought (maybe trailers was a better idea?)
Oooops no inside close ups...oh well. Too late for that.
CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM: Constructive Criticism is always healpful.
CREDIT FOR CC/RECOLORS: None Used, BUT a lot of Move Objects though.
FORUM ID:lin-zlulubell
ORIGIN ID:lin-zlulubell
LEVEL: Established
LOT: https://www.ea.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/pc/gallery/A9A409ABB6FF11E880B0B573E4FD424D?category=all&searchtype=ea_origin_id&sortby=downloads&time=all&searchquery=lin-zlulubell&max=50&maxis=false
LOT COST: 12,000
LOT NAME: vonwindenburg estate?
TOTAL COST: 329,392
LINK TO ENTRY SLIDESHOW: https://imgur.com/a/Ri90QPj
ENTRY DETAILS: Okay. I wanted to keep the park colorful and fun yet updated and sophisticated. Every pull behind trailer has its own yard and bbq area and matching landscaping. Community Center has everything required plus some extras like a pool and kids room. Trailer one belongs to _______, I designed it with a softer tone to attract future girlfriends and match the flamingos. I tried to keep the crisp, clean, modern look throughout the park. Trailer 2 belongs to a single mother with a teen daughter. I have created these sims and hope to load them. The way they look gives good insight to their design. Both mom and daughter like to dance, along with everyone living in the park. Trailer 3 is my personal favorite! It belongs to a young, eclectic couple, The Taylors! Trailer 4 belongs to Jason, who's older sister lives in trailer 5. He is a hooligan criminal and she is a sweet, romantic that loves to cook. Her kitchen has the best of appliances. Large community garden is behind her pull behind. Wish I could write more but I'm down to the wire on this one, my pics aren't even done loading, I've worked non stop to finish things up and I'm exhausted!
FORUM ID: Talea12345
ORIGIN ID: ATalea1230
LEVEL: Expert
LOT: ea.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/pc/gallery/8B5D6E7CB08811E88FFD723CFA3504F3?category=lots&searchtype=hashtag&sortby=newest&time=all&searchquery=bns102&max=50&maxis=falseLOT NAME: Twin Oracle Point
LOT COST: 8,500
BUILD COST: 405,036
TOTAL COST: 413,536
LINK TO ENTRY SLIDESHOW: https://www.flickr.com/photos/134740023@N04/albums/72157673073426658
-> i hope this works. Turns out editing this on my phone is ridiculously complicated
DETAILS: I can't believe I finished this!
So this is my lot with retirement community trailers and me and my niece are working on filling up newcrest with just normal trailers. So one big trailer park at the end
Because the Hawthrone Project requires certain things to be added I thought that the trailers probably look similar. So I designed a trailer layout. Every resident is allowed to change the floor and wall slidings/colors.
Captain Davey North and his wife Bay - Ma'am Bay, she insists - live in the first trailer. They decided to move to this trailer park after Captain North came home from sea for good. To ensure he would still feel like he is close to the ocean, Bay added water features in front of the porch. The anker next to the front door is a replica of the one from Captain Norths last ship. The couple likes to go fishing - all those fish in their kitchen are from their own collection.
Lady Eleanor van Berger lives next door. She is originally from Great Britain, where she grew up on a large estate. The lady thought she had married advantageously, but it turned out that her husband left her in debt when he died. She sold their mansion and used the remaining funds to furnish this little trailer to her specifications. Of course, only the best for her cats!
Mikkii is a passionate painter, but also dabbles in woodworking. He also has a slight case of dementia, so most of his art remains unfinished - like the two paintings that were supposed to go onto the kitchen wall. His daughter made sure he had a room just for his paintings and lots of easels all over the place.
Pistol Pete is an old school cowboy, that still goes out and rides his horses. To that effect he has a personal gym in his trailer. The inside is done in lots of wood to remind him of those little shacks he used to sleep in in the field. On the outside one can clearly see that Pistol Pete is more interested in spending time with a guitar at the campfire than in gardening: lots of rocks and desert plants ensure he doesn't have to do any upkeep.
Gnomina Meier and "that young guy" live in the trailer with, you guess it, a lot of gnomes in the front yard. Nobody knows Gnominas real name and she isn't talking about the identity of "that young guy". Trailer park residents know that there is only one bedroom in her trailer, so speculation and gossip is rife.
Luna and Duke Havaneser are the final two residence of this part of the trailer park. They breed the little dog breed Havaneser. One can recognize their trailer mainly because of the full-blown dog agility course in their front yard. Inside their trailer there is a room just for the dogs - done in tiles so if their dogs have puppies the room is easy to clean. Luna is the one that loves the colour yellow, so that is the main one in the trailer.
Harvey Wallbanger is the superintendent of this part of the trailer park. You can find his three flamingos in the front yard. He is barely able to keep his front porch and kitchen clean, so don't step into his bedroom/bathroom. However, he takes his lady friends into his own cinema and that usually works for impressing them. The only thing Harvey keeps in meticulous order are the residents files right next to his entrance door.
There are various public areas for older residents: a community garden, a pool with a ramp, an outside cinema and a community cafe with a coffee bar for daytime use and a dance floor for nighttime use.
Note: I playtested most of the sports/music/art items and they should all work.