#BnS129 - Solving the Seniors Situation Part IIThe deadline for this challenge is 27th October 2019Everyone has gone home for the evening, and you are about to close up when two people rush up to the door and knock. You recognize the young woman who you talked to in the park, but the man you cannot place. You open the door wide, saying, “You just caught me! Come in, please”
“We won’t take up much of your time then, “ says the lady as they sqeeze in. “My name is Avery Schwing, and I teach the children who were collecting for the senior sims. This is the journalist who agreed to help our cause, Mack Riccardi. He did a segment on our cause last night on the local news, and we have had an overwhelming response! People are even calling from other areas and donating!”
“I sent the story to a few friends in other cities and countries,” Mack says modestly. “It seems to have gone viral.” He smiles.
“We came to hand over the first check for materials and labor,” Miss Schwing explains, handing you a very generous check. “I expect we will have even more in a few days.”
“Wow!” you exclaim at the size of the check. “This is far more than I even thought possible!”
“The news station is also getting calls of people wanting to help with the building, including skilled laborers offering plumbing, electrical, and heating and cooling installations,” Mack adds. “What should I tell them?”
“Send them out to the construction sites, and we will find work for everyone,” you assure them, feeling the tears coming into your eyes. “We have many more houses to build!”
THE BRIEF*choose ONE of the three senior sims couples to build a house for, making to sure include all their needs/wants in the build.
*to prevent future flooding, the houses need to be built on stilts or foundations at least 8 steps high. No basements, please.
*since the houses were near the river, try to have a water view (ocean or river ) or add a strip of water down one side of the property.
*The budget is $125,000
*Gunter and Norberaht Ausman—they need a master bedroom and ensuite, a guest bedroom, a guest bathroom, a study, a large kitchen, and a separate living space. They like to chart the stars at night. They prefer modern styles.
*Candy Noren and Sofia Banks—they need two master bedrooms with ensuites, a half bath, a small library, and a kitchen/living room combination. They both like to garden. Candy prefers classical design while Sofia hates any shade of brown.
*Mikael and Birgitta Olsson—they need a master bedroom with ensuite, a separate bathroom for guests, a craft room, a man cave, and a combination kitchen/living room. Mikael likes fishing and sports while Birgitta loves floral designs.
Room Challenge*create a master bedroom room combination for ANY of the three senior sims couples listed.
Sims Challenge*create the senior sims couple you chose to build for (or any of the three if you are not doing the build challenge). Show them enjoying their new home. Include their likes and skills where applicable. Also show pictures of their clothes.
Entry ListStarting OutHere's my house!
FORUM ID:Wendyology
ORIGIN ID:Wendyology
LEVEL: Starting out.
SIMS 4 LOT NAME: Tail's End (will also fit on the Summer Home in Windenberg)
NEW LOT LINK: https://www.ea.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/pc/gallery/2F7DDF88EF9C11E9879F303966EC7D90
LOT COST: 3000
TOTAL COST: 124,072
LINK TO ENTRY SLIDESHOW: https://imgur.com/a/oOgP7gR
ENTRY DETAILS: The Ausmans might be seniors but they've kept their edge, and they want everyone to know it. The top floor features a master bedroom with skylights and a #telescope patio. There's drama throughout including a glass dining table on a glass floor overlooking the swimming pool. Thinking of the future, there's space reserved for an elevator, Gunter and Norberhart insist they won't need it.
ORUM ID:sgemm
SIMS 4 LOT NAME: Factory One, Windenburg
NEW LOT LINK: https://www.ea.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/pc/gallery/2297F406F22711E98A1B7A1175479295
LOT COST: $2,000
GALLERY COST: $106,304
TOTAL COST: $108,304
LINK TO ENTRY SLIDESHOW: https://imgur.com/gallery/YcOvywZ
ENTRY DETAILS: Riverbend Colonial is a classical/colonial home in the heart of Windenburg, overlooking the river. With marble flooring, large windows, and clean white walls, it gives the impression of status while also being cozy. It's grown backyard, a home library, large kitchen, and well styled parlor give it it's character. There are 2 bedrooms and 2.5 baths.
CHALLENGE #129: Solving the Seniors Situation Pt II
Forum ID: MaryKup
Origin ID: MaryKup
Level: just starting out in BnS
Link to lot: