#BnS139 - Remote EducationThe deadline for this challenge is 31 July 2020You stroll through the park, sipping a cooling cup of lemonade. Although the wind has a bite to it, the breeze does not blow enough to cool the hot sun beating down on everything. The dogs pant in whatever shade they can find. Even the kids are not playing as energetically as usual. You finally sit down at the picnic table by the monkey bars and greet your new client.
"Hello, Mr. Quakenshaker?" you ask with a huge smile.
The man opposite you laughs out loud. "Yes, I sure am. But, please, call me Jim."
"Okay, Jim," you say congenially. "How can I help you?"
"Well, I dare say you have heard of my employer, Fairbanks and Folders Publishing?"
You nod as he draws breath to continue.
He nods at you as he starts his story.
"Perhaps you might also have heard that every five years we do a large community project of some sort, mainly to help the underprivileged. Our projects ultimately help everyone in the community. In the past, we have opened mobile libraries, created free educational software, and even built learning playgrounds. This year, we have decided to be even more ambitious. We have decided to mimic a missionary approach to reach those who need the most help, often in the most remote areas of the world."
"That certainly does sound like an ambitious plan. Is it a religious project?" you ask, extremely interested to hear more.
Jim laughs heartily. "No. Our project is still based in education, not religion. We are going to send about 25 teachers into these remote areas to teach those who may never have even seen a book before."
He pauses, hands clasped on the picnic table as he watches the youngsters at play.
"What we would like from you is a sort of portable classroom environment with very few walls, so that set up can be as fast as possible. It can be long or square--whatever shape you think is best."
Again Jim pauses while you take notes about the project.
"We, of course, would like a model unit before we order all 25 units. It is a bit difficult, you see, what we are asking for. First, it must be portable enough to build and tear down easily and quickly for travel, but not wheels. We will be moving them by trucks, boats, and the like."
Jim consults his notes. "Second, it has to, in a way, function as a sort of village centre. It should have two bathrooms for the villagers to use. Since some of these areas don't have sanitary bathing facilities, we need a shower in each bathroom. A small laundry area, a small kitchen area, and an area for four computers are needed. It will also need a library/book area for study and research. A large majority of the space should be a flexible space dedicated to learning. And this space may be a little tricky. You see, we will be teaching multiple life skills as well as math, writing and all the normal skills. We will also be teaching all ages. So, we will need tables for cooking classes that can be somehow put up if we are doing story time for the children, for example, where the children would be sitting on the floor."
"That all seems easy enough to do," you say, looking back at your notes. "It looks like you probably need plenty of storage for supplies and tools as well as educational materials."
"Yes, we do require a lot of storage. Maybe shelves or cabinets. I will leave that for you to decide. So, these are the kind of spaces we need on the first floor. Oh, before I forget, these units will be going from very cold to very hot areas, so they will need air conditioning as well as a source of heat. Learning is always easier when people are comfortable."
You scribble down even more notes.
"And now, for the third part, we also need another area for our teacher to live, semi-separate from the school room. Maybe a loft or separate suite of rooms. The teacher will need a large closet, someplace to sleep, and a complete bathroom. And a desk to use their own personal computer, which they will provide themselves. Oh, and their own personal refrigerator. For cooking, the one kitchen area should be enough."
"Would you like any particular style or colors for these units?" you asking, again scanning through your notes.
"I would say a modern style," Jim replies. "And the colors...a dull, neutral color on the outside--gray, brown, that sort of thing. Clean lines and understated colors on the inside. We want people to focus on learning, not the walls."
"Oh, I agree with you," you respond cheerfully. "What kind of budget did you have in mind?"
"We are prepared to spend up to $150,000 per unit. Will that do?" Jim asks, peering down at his hands.
"That is a very generous budget," you say. "I can have the model done by the end of the month. Will that work for you?"
Jim's eyes came up to meet yours. "That is even faster than we anticipated! And that timeline will be appreciated greatly. We are all eager to get started as early as possible. Jim gets up and shakes your hand. "I am very pleased that you were recommended to me. I feel we are in good hands with you!"
You blush as you shake his hand.
THE BRIEF*The model's budget is $150,000.
*There should be a huge, flexible space for a class room with a small kitchen, space for tables, plenty of storage, a small area for books and research, and an area with 4 computers.
* 2 complete/full bathrooms for the villagers/students to use.
*A separate space for the teacher with a large closet, sleeping area, desk, refrigerator, and a complete/full bathroom.
*There can be more than one level if you want the teacher's area to be upstairs. Use as few walls as possible.
*Landscape the outside as it might be found in any region(in other words, pick a region where you want the unit to be placed and landscape accordingly).
*A small laundry room and AC and heating for the unit.
Sim Challenge*Create a teacher and some students and show them using the unit. Please include their clothing options and likes, traits, etc.
Room Challenge*The budget is $20,000.
*Create a bathroom for either sex or unisex.
*It must have a toilet, sink and shower.
Entry ListStarting OutN/A
EstablishedBUILD OFFICIAL ENTRY FORM (please copy and paste into your entry post)
CHALLENGE #139 Remote Education
FORUM ID: KitelDesigns
ORIGIN ID: KitelDesigns
LEVEL: Established
SIMS 4 LOT NAME: Belomisia Field Station
NEW LOT LINK: https://www.ea.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/pc/gallery/20870418BE7D11EA84A26E1322EB88F3?category=all&searchtype=hashtag&sortby=newest&time=all&searchquery=KitelDesign&max=50&maxis=false
LOT COST: 1000
TOTAL COST: 115700 (Lot cost and gallery cost added together - total should be at or BELOW the challenge budget)
LINK TO ENTRY SLIDESHOW:https://imgur.com/a/fgymzJ8
ENTRY DETAILS: I took my inspiration from the remote education building I was in when I worked in remote alaska teaching native youth. When I worked up there, we had one main space to teach K-12, and was used as a community gathering space as well. Each area in the main space is designed to able to have 2-3 classes at once. The coloring fits the Salvadoradian area. This is mainly powered by solar (not pictured as i haven't gotten that pack, and can't due to financial constraints). Large flex space with a kitchen area. The large prep tables can be folded and hung on the walls when not in use. poof chairs are available for story time, and the young kids learning. This space is also designed to encourage natural/familial learning occurs (where the older kids help teach the younger). The teacher area up in the loft. This space is designed for a couple to live in. Although small (although spacious to compared to the 150sqft apartment i lived in while teaching remotely) The main living area in the teacher's home is one large space, with movable room dividers to allow the teachers to rearrange the space to fit their needs. The stairs to the teacher's loft are retractable to close off that area when not in use, and to give the teachers a feeling of more privacy.
CHALLENGE #139 - Remote Education
LEVEL: Established
SIMS 4 LOT NAME: Yuma Heights
NEW LOT LINK: Yuma Heights Remote Edu https://www.ea.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/pc/gallery/C875379EC31711EA8290514E9323BCCC?category=all&searchtype=ea_origin_id&sortby=newest&time=weekly&searchquery=PINKUSFAMILY&max=50&maxis=false
LOT COST: $ 8,500
GALLERY COST: $ 104,948
TOTAL COST: $ 113,448
LINK TO ENTRY SLIDESHOW: REMOTE EDUCATION https://forums.thesims.com/en_US/home/leaving?target=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fpg%2FMoms-Sims-3-4-Creations-1652411471645604%2Fphotos%2F%3Ftab%3Dalbum%26album_id%3D2756654437887963
ENTRY DETAILS: Built according to Mr. Quakenshaker's Guidelines : A portable classroom environment has been created. Using Modular buildings . Our modular school buildings have all the features that are required. Several classroom spaces, a librarie, A cafeteria, with plenty of flexible space dedicated to learning. Vertical sliding windows that allow for natural light.Vinyl tile or carpeted floors depending on the area’s purpose ,Diffused fluorescent ceiling lights. Eco Electric heating and cooling systems for learning and teaching comfort. Restrooms with sanitary bathing facilities. An area for a teacher to live,with 2 large closets, a place to sleep, and a complete bathroom. a desk , a small personal refrigerator. semi-separate from the school rooms.There is plenty of storage through out. Exterior siding. Using Clean lines and understated colors
FACEBOOK PROFILE: Mom's Sims 3 & 4. Creations
CHALLENGE #139 - Remote Education
FORUM ID: hilaritee
ORIGIN ID: hilaritee48449
SIMS 4 LOT NAME: Sprucewood Square in Evergreen Harbor
NEW LOT LINK: https://www.ea.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/pc/gallery/4A21034CBD3611EA839C0EF682150483?category=all&searchtype=hashtag&sortby=downloads&time=all&searchquery=bns139&max=50&maxis=false
LOT COST: $4,500
GALLERY COST: $144,248
TOTAL COST: $148, 748
LINK TO ENTRY SLIDESHOW: https://www.flickr.com/photos/67040265@N05/sets/72157715163959268/
ENTRY DETAILS: My build along with #BNS139 Designed to be a portable community classroom that can be replicated anywhere. It features a small home for the teacher and a large space for cooking classes and any other classes as well as a library, bathrooms, computer space and laundry space for the community. Outdoor painting classes, gardening and recycling and maker trades are also available. I took the "Use as few of walls as possible seriously. I tried to make a wide open area with movable room dividers so the space could be opened wide up for various community activities.
TWITTER TAG: @birdinginmi
This is my first time trying to officially enter one of these challenges! I've been building along with them for years, but usually don't do them in time and have never gone through the whole process. I really hope that I got all of the elements here correctly. I put the space in the links so I'm hoping you'll be able to update them. I'm excited!
FORUM ID: @icanhasims
ORIGIN ID: icanhassims
LEVEL: Starting Out
SIMS 4 LOT NAME: Jungle Bungalow
NEW LOT LINK: Selvadorada International School https://www.ea.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/pc/gallery/A5F6BA27C24311EA81A9514E9323BCCC
LOT COST: 57,477 (what the internets told me anyway)
TOTAL COST: 139,643
LINK TO ENTRY SLIDESHOW: https://icanhassims.weebly.com/139-remote-education.html#build
In the remote jungles of Selvadorada there are few opportunities for children to receive a solid education. With that in mind, a large community project was undertaken to build a series of community center schools. The school also serves as a center where adults are also welcome to shower and eat a meal in the small kitchen.
The school itself is an open plan floor design to allow maximum access to the space. Desks and tables can easily be folded up and pushed to the side. Although it may not be the biggest school or community space it is jam packed with opportunities for learning, including a computer lab, research library, learning through play areas, and several different activity desks.
There is also a small room on the second floor for a teacher to live. The room contains a kitchenette as well as a small desk and computer. The suite also has a full bathroom to ensure maximum comfort and relaxation after a day of teaching students and welcoming community members.
CHALLENGE #139 Remote Education
FORUM ID: KitelDesigns
ORIGIN ID: KitelDesigns
LEVEL: Established
Household Name: BNS139RemoteEducation
LINK TO ENTRY SLIDESHOW: https://imgur.com/a/tj3oI70
ENTRY DETAILS: Meet Janet and Nawwaf Gillette.. This young couple have taken a giant leap, to move to Nawaaf's home country of India to teach in remote underprivelaged areas. Although their home will be small, their hearts are big to help the young eager children. The first four kids they meet upon arriving are Divit, Maanika, AArav and Mia.
See full descriptions for each sim in the slideshow link
CHALLENGE – 139: Teacher and Students
FORUM ID: @icanhassims
ORIGIN ID: icanhassims
LEVEL: Starting Out
HOUSEHOLD: Teacher and Students https://www.ea.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/pc/gallery/66258ADEC24411EA84E0514E9323BCCC
LINK TO ENTRY SLIDESHOW: https://icanhassims.weebly.com/139-remote-education.html#sim
Maria is dedicated to education, both her own and that of her students! She is a cheerful and good-natured person who loves to read. Her kind personality works well for working with kids. Anna is the class social butterfly. Cheerful by nature, she is easy to get along with. Diego is the class adventurer. No physical feat daunts him and you can usually find him in the backyard playing on the play equipment. Isabella is a budding artist and her creativity shows in all her activities. She loves to draw and paint especially. Rodrigo loves tinkering with and figuring things out. He's gained the reputation as a bit of a geeky kid but the other students love him for his uniqueness.
CHALLENGE – 139: Bathroom Sanctuary
FORUM ID: @icanhassims
ORIGIN ID: icanhassims
LEVEL: Starting Out
ROOM: Bathroom Sanctuary https://www.ea.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/pc/gallery/414EE6B9C24311EA801B514E9323BCCC
LINK TO ENTRY SLIDESHOW: https://icanhassims.weebly.com/139-remote-education.html#room
ENTRY DETAILS: After a long workday, this bathroom is the perfect place to unwind and take a relaxing bath.
ResultsStarting OutN/A
EstablishedComments1st Place: @KitelDesigns
Room Challenge: @icanhassims
Sim Challenge: @icanhassims