Forum Discussion
The Legacy Challenge - the very first, original legacy challenge by @Pinstar1161
Uglacy (try to breed uglier Sims over time)
Prettacy (start with an ugly Sims and try to make prettier) -OR- Breed Out the Ugly
Perfect Genetics (maintain a unique hair and eye color combination through the generations)
Alphabetacy each generation of children have names starting with a certain letter of the alphabet (children of the founders start with A, their children start with B )
Legendary Legacy play to 100 generations
The Alphabet Legacy Challenge
CAS Stories Legacy Challenge
New Lives, Big Dreams Legacy Challenge
7 Dwarves Legacy
Alice in Wonderland 7 Generation Legacy Challenge
Disney Neighborhood Challenge
Disney Princess Challenge
Disney Princess Challenge – Revised
Disney Sidekick Legacy
Disney Villains Legacy Challenge
Into Woods Legacy Challenge
Pixar Legacy (Sims 4 Edition)
Parks and Recreation
Silver Screen Sims Legacy Challenge - 80's Movies
Silver Screen Sims Legacy Challenge - Classic Films
5 Year Celebration Legacy
Achievement Challenge
Bad to Good Legacy Challenge
Collection Legacy Challenge (Contact HERE)
Colour Legacy Challenge
Department Store Dynasty Challenge
Destiny Challenge
Endure the Trials
Lifestyle Legacy Challenge
My Sims Legacy Challenge (Google Doc HERE)
Rainbowsin Challenge
The Decades Challenge (Updated)
The Great British Sim Challenge
The Careers Challenge: A Legacy
House of the Occult
Pac(k)-Man Challenge
10 Generations/10 Ghosts Challenge
Ancient Bloodline Legacy Challenge (Realm of Magic)
Bewitched Legacy
Cursed Vampire’s Legacy Challenge
Dark Victorian Legacy Challenge
Season of the Witch
Vampire Dynasty
Sh0wtig3r's Vampire Takeover Challenge
Vampire Legacy Adoption
Accidental Time Traveler Legacy (5 generations)
Apocalypse Challenge
Apocalypse Challenge Version 2 Rules by @Pinstar1161 and @@ImaginingMystic
Bunker Legacy Challenge
Build NewCrest Legacy Challenge
Build Newcrest Legacy Challenge 2.0
The Pioneers Challenge
10acy challenge whim controlled challenge
A-Z Legacy Challenge Rules
ABC Achievement Challenge (CONSOLE ONLY) Forum Link HERE
Alternative Music Legacy
Alternate Realities
The Apartment Switch Challenge (forums)
Avengers Legacy Challenge
Bloodline Challenge
Born to be Poor
Box of Chocolates Random Legacy Challenge (original)
Box of Chocolates Random Legacy Challenge ***UPDATED***
The Bromance Legacy: A challenge for Best Buds
Challenge Mash-Up
Change Legacy Challenge
Combo Challenge
Complete the Family Tree Challenge
Cult or Commune Challenge
Decades Challenge
Differences in the Family Tree
Differences in the Family Tree Challenge (updated for expansions)
Differences in the Family Tree (another one)
Differences in the Family Tree (different rules)
Double Life Legacy (blog) (google doc)
End My Suffering
Extreme Legacy Challenge
Fairytale Legacy Challenge
Flower Legacy
Furry Challenge
Gem Stone Legacy
Generation Challenge
Generation Challenge by RoggieBear
Genesis Challenge
Going Solo Challenge (includes TS4 rules under the TS 3 rules)
Happily Ever Never Challenge (Updated for City Living)
Harry Potter Legacy Challenge
Highlander Crest
History Challenge
Holiday Mini Legacy Challenge
Hurry up Legacy
I'm a Lover Challenge
ISBI (I'm Surrounded by Id_iots) updated by lynnwood for ts4
Immortal Dynasty Challenge
Into The Woods
Just the way I am
Legacy Renovation Challenge
Life & Death Legacy
The Lord of the Rings Legacy Challenge
Making it Big Challenge
Marvel Superhero Legacy
Master Simmer Challenge (Forum Discussion Post)
Maximum Five
Medieval Legacy Challenge
Months of the Year Legacy Challenge (TUMBLR LINK)
My Little Pony - Friendship is Magic
Netflix Legacy Challenge
Not So Berry Challenge (website)
The Notebook Legacy Challenge
Packs Legacy Challenge
Parentcy Challenge
Parenthood Challenge
Perfect Genetics Challenge
Persephones Underworld Challenge
The Pillars of Character Legacy Challenge
(YouTube channel)
Pointers: An Easy Legacy Challenge
Random Legacy Challenge (random numbers are used to create goals per generation)
Random Legacy Challenge #2
Random Legacy Challenge #3 (most recently updated) - The Rules / The Rolls
Rebuilding Worlds
Rival Dynasties
Royal Challenge
Royal Kingdom Challenge
Royal Kingdom Challenge (version 2 - rules more closely based to the original Sims 2 challenge by enbliththefair)
Settler's Challenge
Seven Wizards
Sim Bloodline / Eco Challenge
Sim Crossing Legacy Challenge
Sims 4 Marvel Challenge
Speed Legacy
Ten Gen Townie Dynasty Challenge
Through the Ages Legacy Challange
Timeline Adventure Challenge (website)
Trinity Challenge
Unknown Legacy
UpGrowth Challenge
Victorian Living Challenge
Victorian Servants Challenge
Vongola Legacy Challenge
Walk of Life Legacy Challenge
The Wayward Wasteland Challenge
Who Wants to be a Superhero 10 Gen Challenge
Witches Legacy Challenge
Work Hard Play Harder Legacy Challenge
Z Legacy Challenge
Zodiac Legacy
100 Baby Challenge (updated for toddlers)
Snow White & Seven Dwarves
Toddler Mania Challenge
Who's Your Daddy Challenge (updated for toddlers)
- rdorka3474 months agoRising Adventurer
So some of the links that pointed to the old forum do not work anymore. But I saved some of the challenges for myself before it went down. All credit goes to the creator.
7 Dwarves Legacy
Generation 1: Doc - You are the founder of your legacy, smart and kind, career focused but love your family life too. You want to help people and so have used your brains to get through medical school and join the medical career.
Traits: Genius, Ambitious and Self-Assured
Aspiration: Successful Lineage
Career: Medical
Rules: You must reach the top of the medical career and max either logic or programming. You must also complete your aspiration and have at least two children.
Generation 2: Sneezy – Your parent is a successful doctor but you still manage to always be ill. Perhaps it’s because you spend so much time outside? You love the outdoors, animals and collecting all sorts of interesting things. You’d never dream of eating meat and your favorite thing in the world is to go camping with your family/friends and play your guitar by the campfire. One day you hope to meet the mysterious Hermit of Granite Falls.
Traits: Vegetarian and then pick two from Loves the Outdoors, Cat Lover or Dog Lover.
Aspiration: Choose either The Curator or Friend of the Animals
Career: Choose either Gardening or Run a Vet Clinic
Rules: Complete your aspiration and at least one collection (e.g. frogs/insects). You must also meet the Hermit of Granite Falls. You must max the veterinary skill or gardening skill depending on your career choice and either the flowering arranging or herbalism skill.
Generation 3: Happy - You’ve always got a smile on your face and look on the bright side of life. Every cloud has a silver lining after all! You want to be the perfect parent but also strive to make a difference in the world and so decide to adopt and join the politics career.
Traits: Cheerful, Family-Orientated and Good
Aspiration: Super Parent
Career: Politics – Charity Branch
Rules: Max the parenting, home-style cooking and charisma skills. You do not have to finish the career but must at least reach level 5 and choose the Charity Branch. You must complete your aspiration. You must have a minimum of three children and at least one must be adopted.
Generation 4: Bashful – Being the middle child you’ve always been ignored but it doesn’t bother you as you hate being the center of attention. You don’t have many friends, but do have one best friend who you have a secret crush on. You are creative and spend your time doing creative things.
Traits: Un-flirty, Perfectionist and Creative
Aspiration: Choose either Painter Extraordinaire or Bestselling Author
Career: Choose either Painter or Writer
Rules: Heir must be the middle child. You must max either the painting or writing skill as well as the photography skill. You must complete your aspiration. You must marry a childhood friend and become BFFs. Your heir for Gen 5 must finish high school with a C grade.
Generation 5: Sleepy – Your parents were pretty laid back and you’ve adopted that lifestyle. You hate the 9-5 rat race and have never tried hard at school. With only a C grade your career options are limited. You get a job at a local restaurant as a dishwasher but soon find you have a love of food and decide you want to be a Master Chef! But when things get tough you decide to switch career paths and join the Food Critic career so you can work from home to the hours that suit you.
Traits: Lazy, Slob and Foodie
Aspiration: Master Chef
Career: Culinary then Critic (Food Branch).
Rules: Max gourmet cooking and writing skill. Reach level 8 of culinary career then switch to critic career and reach level 5 and choose Food Branch. You do not have to finish the Critic Career. You must complete your aspiration. You must have only one child.
Generation 6: Grumpy – You’ve grown up having the best of the best! As an only child, you’re used to getting what you want and always being the center of attention … and so when you’re not you get angry and frustrated. The only way you can keep calm is through your hobby of music. You work hard in any career you decide to take but more than once a bad day at work has caused you to quit or walk out in a fit of rage.
Traits: Hot headed, Mean and Snob
Aspiration: Renaissance Sim
Career: Any 3
Rules: Max at least one musical instrument skill (violin, piano, guitar) and then the DJ or singing skill. You must complete your aspiration. You must get married, have at least one child and then get divorced.
Generation 7: Dopey – You’re a child from a broken home but have always been able to make people laugh … they just don’t realize you use comedy to hide your insecurities. You love to bake and dream of opening your own café, but instead you decide to do what you are good at and join the entertainment career. However, your dreams only become stronger and one day you decide to quit your job and take the plunge and open your business!
Traits: Clumsy, Glutton and Childish
Aspiration: Joke Star
Career: Entertainer (Comedian Branch). Then restaurant/business owner.
Rules: Max Baking and comedy skills. Reach level 5 of Entertainer career and chose the comedian branch. Quit your job at some point, open a restaurant or bakery and get 5 stars. You do not have to complete your career or aspiration.
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