Welcome to the Sims 4 Storyteller Group (now a subset of the SimsWriters.com community), where anyone who uses Sims 4 for their stories is welcome to join the discussions and promote their stories. T...
http://www.starwingdigital.com/sims/media/UPav.jpg Uncertainty Principle by Starwing6/enkeli63 http://www.starwingsims.com/sims-stories/uncertainty-principle/ "A quantum mechanical serial drama that follows several families and powerful Dynasties. Some high strangeness is abound in this Sims 4 tale." Genre: Sci-Fi
https://thegamingrose.files.wordpress.com/2014/11/kaley-avatar.png The Life and Times of.... by Celiria http://forums.thesims.com/en_US/discussion/782113/the-life-and-times-of/p1 "Follows the Green family line in the style of a narrated television series which bounces between their lives and my odd sense of humor." Genre:unknown
http://i.imgur.com/iN5JI6c.jpg The Spirit's Truth by Springfairy556 http://spiritstruthremake.weebly.com/ "A story based on Disney's Haunted Mansion attraction(romance story)" Genre: Romance
https://casusbella2.files.wordpress.com/2014/11/150x150.jpg Casus Bella 2: Chapter One by Billmonaghan http://casusbella2.wordpress.com/ "One good thing about sharpening your video-gaming skill: It gets you out of housework!" Genre:unknown
http://i60.tinypic.com/30w6zah.jpg Mint Legacy Challenge by Candy_Ellen /littleblackcat http://hicandyellen.blogspot.co.uk "Follow Pepper Mint and hopefully her family in quirky adventures, legacy challenge style." Genre: Legacy
http://www.hinsides.no/ts4/gloomville/graphics/gloomville-button-150x150.jpg Gloomville Diaries by Simmerville http://simmerville.blogspot.com/p/gloomville.html "Legacy founder, Ochana Mox, won a house. There's just one catch: the Secret Mission requires her descendants to unveil Gloomville's secrets." Genre: Legacy
Robinson Family by RobinsonFam http://www.robinsonfamts4.com/ "The Robinson Family follows the daily lives and generations of a creative family in Willow Creek." Genre:unknown
O'Malley Tales by Silvereyes83 http://omalleylegacy.blogspot.com "The ups and downs Rachael O'Malley faces after losing her mother and becoming Head of the Family." Genre: Legacy
http://i.imgur.com/y0T8tDH.jpg The West Legacy by SimClara https://awestlegacy.wordpress.com/ "Does this even need a description? Come on guys, it's a Legacy Challenge, just read it. Nowwww. (I'll write you a poem, I promise)." Genre: Legacy
http://i36.photobucket.com/albums/e27/luxconant/avatar_zps2f132b7e.jpg Big Brother The Red House by Lux Conant http://luxsimsworld.blogspot.com/p/bb-red-house.html "8 strangers living together under one roof for 7 weeks. Making friends and enemies. Only one gets to live in the house until the end." Genre: Challenge
http://imageshack.com/a/img912/4858/z1V6RG.jpg The Waite Legacy by Jufanzaly http://renplaysthesims.wordpress.com/tables-of-contents/ "Just a legacy chronicle, nothing too fancy, some comedy thrown in. ;) Maybe a hint of drama. MAYBE. Not really." Genre: Legacy
https://cathytea.files.wordpress.com/2014/12/cedar2.png CathyTea's Sims 4 Blog by CathyTea https://cathytea.wordpress.com/ "This Sims 4 blog presents a collection of stories, including a legacy and various other challenges." Genre: Legacy
http://i.imgur.com/1YHXH4H.png Sisi Aset's Ascension by Jy-Mhan http://simcronomicon.blogspot.com/ "Sisi Aset possesses the Simcronomicon, a book that contains rituals that promises power. But can she sacrifice her heart for her longevity?" Genre: Horror
http://i.imgur.com/V4b1MTh.jpg?1 Ana Pringle by Carewren123 http://carewren123sims4.weebly.com/ "Sometimes life takes a turn for the unexpected. Ana has had to face tragedy. Through it all Ana is a loving mother to all her children." Genre: Drama
http://oi61.tinypic.com/m8ckms.jpg A Song of Heirs and Spares by SummerSnows https://heirsandspares.wordpress.com/ "This story sees Aegon the Conqueror, of A Song of Ice and Fire, mistakenly teleported to Willow Creek, where he decides to found a legacy" Genre: Legacy
http://i.imgur.com/Y4ARDcW.jpg?1 Wren's Nest: An Apocalypse Story by Carewren123 http://wrensnest-ts4apocalypse.weebly.com/ "A strange disaster leaves Wren McDaniel alone struggling to survive. Can she build a new life? Or is this the end?" Genre: Challenge
http://i58.tinypic.com/23hvjux.jpg The Quinn Legacy by Euan Del Rey (EuanSim) http://thequinnlegacy.wordpress.com/ "The Quinns are a big, yet closely knit family established solely by matriarch Tanja. They're from humble roots, but what fortunes lie ahead?" Genre: Legacy
http://i.imgur.com/A1hs8ce.png From the Ashes by candace92 https://ashesnevermore.wordpress.com/2014/12/24/1-1-ashes-nevermore/ "After the Annihilation, the daughter of the Saviour took it upon herself to rebuild the society her mom died to protect." Genre: Post-Apocalypse
https://thegamingrose.files.wordpress.com/2014/12/avatar.png Two Masks by Celiria http://forums.thesims.com/en_US/discussion/806844/two-masks/p1 "The story of the Two Masks Acting Troupe primarily focused around members Jessica St. Clair and Genesis Mills." Genre: Drama
https://simmerariadne2001.files.wordpress.com/2014/12/29-12-14_18-16-copy.png Trust by Ariadne2001 http://simmerariadne2001.wordpress.com/sims-stories/trust/ "It follows the lives of several young adults. It shows how trust decides what choices you make in your life. Did they do the right thing?" Genre: Sci-Fi