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behindthename.com (for character names)
Simming ResourcesFamilyEcho.com is a site that helps you make a free family tree graphic! The game doesn't have an internal family tree, and even if it did, it's still nice to be able to share a graphic with your readers if the family tree is a major element of the story (like a Legacy story, for example).
Here is an example of a Family Tree made by one of the members of the Sims 4 Storyteller Group using this service, if you want to see how it looks. Thanks to @aroseinbloom for sharing this resource! Here are
some additional tips that might help you with your family tree graphics as well.
If you know of other resources that should be listed here because they would be helpful to other Sims 4 Storyteller Group members, please post in this thread and let us know your recommendations for resources that you use!