@DeeWraynged - With the quoting, once you've commented enough (not sure if it's 25 or 50 times currently) then you'll be able to quote and post links. At that point, "Quote will show up at the bottom for you. Just click that and in your "Leave a Comment," you'll find the quoted portion which you can even trim down, if you want. (You'll see the code, so just leave the quote code and trim the quoted text as you wish.)
I haven't tried tab mode yet! I'm excited to give it a shot! And sort of scared, too. I remember getting all mixed up with it back in TS2!
Thanks for your kind comments about the Goofy Love Legacy. I've spent a lot of time reading and enjoying Candi's Uglacy and Prettacy and ephemeraltoast's Ugothlacy (all with TS2), and I've been inspired by the way they give their Sims lots of autonomy and play within their Sims' personalities (The Reading List page at my blog links to these, for those who want to glance back at the classics). That's the approach I aim for my play and storytelling. Sometimes, I get Sims that I just don't relate to or understand--I always think of life when that happens, and all the people I know that I don't really understand! And this gives me curiousity about them and empathy for them.
How neat that you're trying Three Little Sims--I'm eager to start a Three Little Sims game. (I'm waiting until I complete the "Mooch Off Your Sims" Challenge or winter break comes--whichever comes first!) Will you be writing a story with it?
I loved doing the Wonder Child Challenge (rules on Pinstar's site). It was so fun to concentrate all the development on just one Sim, and it really has given me great experience for bringing up the legacy kids!
Looking forward to hearing more about your game play and storytelling!