@DeeWraynged - I really enjoy your legacy! I love the red heads. Your Sims are very interesting - lots of personality! And it's always fun to see how Sims (and Simmers) handle the challenges at the different stages of legacy living! I love your writing style. I like your literary references (first title chapter, for example), and I love the commentary style of writing. I always enjoy hearing how Simmers are feeling as they play, no matter what the feelings are! I also think that the dialogue in the later chapters is effective. For me, it's interesting when the writing style of legacy stories shifts--I like shifting view points (yours and the Sims), I like some exposition and commentary and reflection, I like some immersion and scene. I like both the global and limited narrative style, and combining the two makes the story really interesting to me.
The only tip I have is to put the walls up for photos. (I'm always forgetting to do this and needing to retake the photos!) When I'm looking at photos, I love the way it looks when the walls are up, for then it seems more real to me and I feel like I'm part of the scene.
You're already letting your Sims express their own personalities and identities--that's the biggest key for me!
You asked about using my approach to Sim romance--absolutely try it if you want! I find it kind of challenging, for I need to watch how my Sims interact with the others. I like to wait for them to roll the want to interact with the others (or marry or kiss or woo-hoo with them), and so far, that hasn't happened much! But I can usually tell from their faces how they feel about the other, when I have Sims near their romantic interest, I give them lots of autonomy so they can flirt on free will if they want. I spend a lot of time reading though and conversation bubbles, too!
I actually don't miss toddlers. I thought I would, for I loved them TS3. But so much work! Plus, I really love the weird bubble-bursting-out-of-the-bassinet animation!
Good idea not to write a story for Three Little Sims! It's always so refreshing to have a non-story game to be able to relax with!
I'm looking forward to reading more of the Thorny Legacy! It will be fun to see how these redheads develop!