@RobinsonFam - thank you! I had fun writing that caption. That's my SimSelf who's journaling her life with her roomies, and she's a lot like me when I was young--only smarter, more accomplished, and way more confident and socially adept than I was then or now! Anyway, that dress is like something I would never wear, but I was imagining what it would feel like to wear! That's Tanisha with the red hair in the photo above. Tanisha! Wow! What a Sim! She's Maxis-made, and I think she's one of most beautiful and accomplished Maxis-made Sims I've had in a game. Of course, TS4, the Maxis-made Sims are really interesting and fascinating! Isn't the dancing in TS4 the best? Sometimes I can just sit and watch them dance forever, like you with watching LeSean play music, right?