That too, would be neat if traits might determine some stuff there so it can be more than just a slight debuff.
Like a hot headed or envious sim could want a rematch, while a lazy sim could just be pretty chill about losing, not really caring.
I feel like there could be some sort of sword master aspiration too, there's not many athletic aspirations and this could involve both crafting swords and winning duels, maybe including finding the rare metals and full handiness skill required to craft the rarest sword around.
Could also be great to decorate walls with your sims own swords. Pistols could maybe be displayed on a rack or something.
They could also toy with the idea that maybe each supernatural could be weak to a specific metal, making it easier to beat them when wielding a sword with it. Like a silver sword against a werewolf, and maybe some alien material against aliens.
I honestly also see possibilities for a pistol vs spellcaster duel, in a cross over. In that case the mage has to choose their spell like the pistoleer has to pick their bullet. Could have some very unique possibilities there with how different spells and bullets can interact. Throwing soot against a fireball could maybe cause a bigger fire that makes it end in a draw.
Shooting a water bullet against an ice spell, could cause the ice spell to create a bigger chunk of ice around the pistoleer, thus staying frozen for longer.