Forum Discussion
7 years ago
I'm a Storyteller, and Supernatural, Generational, player. and there is a balance of realism.
Sure there are Daemons(Vampires), Sorcerers, Werewolves, Humans and Magic Hunters but they all have their own Goals, both far fetched and Common we share.
I was actually going to talk about Werewolves next. I need them because My Simself's best Friend is suppose to a werewolf. In fact his Grand Parents built, the World I made up my fake City of Briarwood.
In the Spring of 1858, 3 Ships set sail from Paris led by Adam Jordan of age 21, and Diane Fengári of 16, and landed in the North East part of America, that became the City of Briarwood (New York City on a Smaller Scale). With their combined wealth they funded and invested in almost every prospect the city. The Fled fro Europe because the two fell in love when Diane was betrothed to another rich man. so to be together Diane murdered her fiancé on the night of their marriage (during a full moon), had Adam temporarily steal his identity and fled Europe to Start a new.
They developed the Briarwood Elite (At the time Briarwood was built on Aristocracy, Not Democracy), a club of 5 Lords, Adam of House Jordan, Graham of House Montgomery, Oliver of House Bourbon, Jaques of House DuVal, and Carlos of House Navarro. that was until briarwood received an outside threat during the American Civil War. Adam had taken an apprentice, and teamed up with a young Dillon Dior, among other citizens to face the threat that laid siege to their city. However Adam thought he could trust his apprentice with the same secret he trusted his 4 closest friends. When the time came, cowardly Dillon betrayed Briarwood, and left Adam to die by the hands of the enemies.
Underestimating the werewolf, Adam completed the mission. days later he and his followers located the traitor, and did away with him.
Not fearing the repercussions. In 1881 there was a Raid at the Jordan Mansion. Led by 16 Year old Amara Dior. the Raid was an Act of Vengeance. Amara seemingly wiped out the Jordan Family, Adam, Diane, and their three kids, Bruno, Isabelle, & Caleb, and made it look like the House simply caught fire.
Amara failed when she learned two members of the family escaped. Diane and her youngest son Caleb. Diane Died few days later, leaving Caleb to inherit a new burden no 13 year old boy should face learning to control your powers alone. when his first full moon came, he succumbed to the wolf. and for the next 95 years Caleb will remain a Beast.
(Cue Beauty and the Beast Prologue theme music)
In 1975, a lady by the name Roxanne was on her morning jog, when she stumbles across the ruins of the Jordan Mansion. She decides to explore the estate. Blissfully unaware that she's intruding on someone's home. From the over grown grass, to the actual mansion that was crumbling.
Roxanne could feel the place was charged with bad history.
the grand doors creaked open. the place was in shambles. curtains torn, glass broken. The marble staircase cracked. the grand chandelier that hung over the room was shattered on the floor.
Heading into the east wing of the Mansion it was dark and eerie. The cool draft, faint wind howling, the wood creeping. Until She came to the end of the hall, a Door. that was left a jar. it was a kid's room. Navy Blue walls. clothes and toys all over the floor. unaware she was now being stalked, Roxanne went back down into the foyer. Upon leaving, at the top of the grand staircase there stood a large wolf with brown fur and cold blue eyes burning with anger.
She ran in fear, but noticed the beast didn't chase.
She went back a few days later, to find the beast in the court yard. Defensive the wolf rose, with care Roxanne pulled out an old newspaper article. set it on the ground. Her suspicions rung true, this was no regular wild pup.
when he looked at picture was of a family, the Jordan Family, His long dead family.
Roxanne was a friend of my mother's and she helped Roxanne revive and restore Caleb Jordan's Humanity. Over time Roxanne fell in Love with Caleb, and he did too, when he was brought back into society as Caleb II Jordan. His cover "Missing story" was that his "Dad" escaped and left Briarwood. Roxanne will marry and have 6 werewolf sons with Caleb, rebuilding his pack.
Therefore, Werewolves, for game play I want Werewolf shifting to depend on the 4-6 Phases of the Moon. each night as the full moon grows closer/drifts further, werewolves will start to feel more/less Tense and Anger. Also, on the night of the full moon, the Sim's hunger Need will start to deplete (Sim will not die of hunger but will become less obedient to the player. the fun is the player has to come up with a way to satisfy the wolf. so they don't go on rampages. If you want to go on rampages, you don't satisfy the wolf and you will be able to guide the wolf so you can revenge the city together.
so they need to Patch in Lunar Phases.
Werewolves I can see benefiting the Most off of Vampires Strengths and Weaknesses System
Lycan Points: (LP)
Omega (Lvl 1): Costs ( 1-2 LP)
Howl I - you call that a howl? Pathetic!
Strength I - Your Lycan will win fights more often and work out more efficiently with each additional rank.
Agility I - Speed is key get to places faster and be a few steps ahead in fights. grows more efficient with every rank.
Empathy - the power too elevate extreme pain off another, Physical and Emotional.
Beta (Lvl 2): Costs ( 3-4 LP)
Howl II
Strength II
Agility II
Control I - Full Control except during a full moon.
Wolf Form - the power to turn into a Full Wolf.
Alpha (Lvl 3): Costs ( 5-6 LP)
Howl III
Strength III
Agility III
Control II - as the an alpha you have full control, During full moons, and at will any other time
Imbued Claws - a new way to "dig up" information from other sims, Learn their Traits, Relationships, who is most important to them. As well as "Bury" making them forget, all it takes is a small incision in the back of the neck.
The Bite - the Power to turn, Gift/Curse, a Human into a Werewolf, or revoke the Gift/Curse.
Delta (Lvl 4): Costs (6-7 LP)
Control III - Full control over self, and your underlings,
Nemean Fur - Sim's fur is impregnable, protecting from harmful elements, such as fire, and keep warm during the winter.
Vulnerable - Werewolves by default have Super healing, usually never fall sick, or feel the effect of "Juice/Nectar/Brew."
Senseless - Lose the ability to sniff for poison (wolfsbane, meals that have been spiked with curses.) (Messes with strength and agility because sim is a littler disoriented)
Impulsive Canine Disorder (ICD): Lycan with ICD tend to have urges to behave like a common house dog, The love to "Roll in trash," "Sniff Inappropriately." I thought it would be a good way for players who want their wolves to remain awesome, and respectable, or those who want their werewolf to behave as a dog would.
Beast Form - the form you see in Scary movies, a 6 foot+ tall Beast. Conflicts with Wolf form, Sim will forfeit their Human form and will only be able to shift back as far as "Werewolf Form"
I'm a Storyteller, and Supernatural, Generational, player. and there is a balance of realism.
Sure there are Daemons(Vampires), Sorcerers, Werewolves, Humans and Magic Hunters but they all have their own Goals, both far fetched and Common we share.
I was actually going to talk about Werewolves next. I need them because My Simself's best Friend is suppose to a werewolf. In fact his Grand Parents built, the World I made up my fake City of Briarwood.
In the Spring of 1858, 3 Ships set sail from Paris led by Adam Jordan of age 21, and Diane Fengári of 16, and landed in the North East part of America, that became the City of Briarwood (New York City on a Smaller Scale). With their combined wealth they funded and invested in almost every prospect the city. The Fled fro Europe because the two fell in love when Diane was betrothed to another rich man. so to be together Diane murdered her fiancé on the night of their marriage (during a full moon), had Adam temporarily steal his identity and fled Europe to Start a new.
They developed the Briarwood Elite (At the time Briarwood was built on Aristocracy, Not Democracy), a club of 5 Lords, Adam of House Jordan, Graham of House Montgomery, Oliver of House Bourbon, Jaques of House DuVal, and Carlos of House Navarro. that was until briarwood received an outside threat during the American Civil War. Adam had taken an apprentice, and teamed up with a young Dillon Dior, among other citizens to face the threat that laid siege to their city. However Adam thought he could trust his apprentice with the same secret he trusted his 4 closest friends. When the time came, cowardly Dillon betrayed Briarwood, and left Adam to die by the hands of the enemies.
Underestimating the werewolf, Adam completed the mission. days later he and his followers located the traitor, and did away with him.
Not fearing the repercussions. In 1881 there was a Raid at the Jordan Mansion. Led by 16 Year old Amara Dior. the Raid was an Act of Vengeance. Amara seemingly wiped out the Jordan Family, Adam, Diane, and their three kids, Bruno, Isabelle, & Caleb, and made it look like the House simply caught fire.
Amara failed when she learned two members of the family escaped. Diane and her youngest son Caleb. Diane Died few days later, leaving Caleb to inherit a new burden no 13 year old boy should face learning to control your powers alone. when his first full moon came, he succumbed to the wolf. and for the next 95 years Caleb will remain a Beast.
(Cue Beauty and the Beast Prologue theme music)
In 1975, a lady by the name Roxanne was on her morning jog, when she stumbles across the ruins of the Jordan Mansion. She decides to explore the estate. Blissfully unaware that she's intruding on someone's home. From the over grown grass, to the actual mansion that was crumbling.
Roxanne could feel the place was charged with bad history.
the grand doors creaked open. the place was in shambles. curtains torn, glass broken. The marble staircase cracked. the grand chandelier that hung over the room was shattered on the floor.
Heading into the east wing of the Mansion it was dark and eerie. The cool draft, faint wind howling, the wood creeping. Until She came to the end of the hall, a Door. that was left a jar. it was a kid's room. Navy Blue walls. clothes and toys all over the floor. unaware she was now being stalked, Roxanne went back down into the foyer. Upon leaving, at the top of the grand staircase there stood a large wolf with brown fur and cold blue eyes burning with anger.
She ran in fear, but noticed the beast didn't chase.
She went back a few days later, to find the beast in the court yard. Defensive the wolf rose, with care Roxanne pulled out an old newspaper article. set it on the ground. Her suspicions rung true, this was no regular wild pup.
when he looked at picture was of a family, the Jordan Family, His long dead family.
Roxanne was a friend of my mother's and she helped Roxanne revive and restore Caleb Jordan's Humanity. Over time Roxanne fell in Love with Caleb, and he did too, when he was brought back into society as Caleb II Jordan. His cover "Missing story" was that his "Dad" escaped and left Briarwood. Roxanne will marry and have 6 werewolf sons with Caleb, rebuilding his pack.
Therefore, Werewolves, for game play I want Werewolf shifting to depend on the 4-6 Phases of the Moon. each night as the full moon grows closer/drifts further, werewolves will start to feel more/less Tense and Anger. Also, on the night of the full moon, the Sim's hunger Need will start to deplete (Sim will not die of hunger but will become less obedient to the player. the fun is the player has to come up with a way to satisfy the wolf. so they don't go on rampages. If you want to go on rampages, you don't satisfy the wolf and you will be able to guide the wolf so you can revenge the city together.
so they need to Patch in Lunar Phases.
Werewolves I can see benefiting the Most off of Vampires Strengths and Weaknesses System
Lycan Points: (LP)
Omega (Lvl 1): Costs ( 1-2 LP)
Howl I - you call that a howl? Pathetic!
Strength I - Your Lycan will win fights more often and work out more efficiently with each additional rank.
Agility I - Speed is key get to places faster and be a few steps ahead in fights. grows more efficient with every rank.
Empathy - the power too elevate extreme pain off another, Physical and Emotional.
Beta (Lvl 2): Costs ( 3-4 LP)
Howl II
Strength II
Agility II
Control I - Full Control except during a full moon.
Wolf Form - the power to turn into a Full Wolf.
Alpha (Lvl 3): Costs ( 5-6 LP)
Howl III
Strength III
Agility III
Control II - as the an alpha you have full control, During full moons, and at will any other time
Imbued Claws - a new way to "dig up" information from other sims, Learn their Traits, Relationships, who is most important to them. As well as "Bury" making them forget, all it takes is a small incision in the back of the neck.
The Bite - the Power to turn, Gift/Curse, a Human into a Werewolf, or revoke the Gift/Curse.
Delta (Lvl 4): Costs (6-7 LP)
Control III - Full control over self, and your underlings,
Nemean Fur - Sim's fur is impregnable, protecting from harmful elements, such as fire, and keep warm during the winter.
Vulnerable - Werewolves by default have Super healing, usually never fall sick, or feel the effect of "Juice/Nectar/Brew."
Senseless - Lose the ability to sniff for poison (wolfsbane, meals that have been spiked with curses.) (Messes with strength and agility because sim is a littler disoriented)
Impulsive Canine Disorder (ICD): Lycan with ICD tend to have urges to behave like a common house dog, The love to "Roll in trash," "Sniff Inappropriately." I thought it would be a good way for players who want their wolves to remain awesome, and respectable, or those who want their werewolf to behave as a dog would.
Beast Form - the form you see in Scary movies, a 6 foot+ tall Beast. Conflicts with Wolf form, Sim will forfeit their Human form and will only be able to shift back as far as "Werewolf Form"
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