Forum Discussion

KittHaven's avatar
New Scout
6 years ago

The 100 Baby Challenge

Hello! I have decided to do a 100 Baby Challenge in the Sims. I have tried to do these challenges before and always failed so hopefully I can keep with this one. I’m feeling optimistic!

My first matriarch, Celeste Shiki, decided to move to Willow Creek in order to start a very large family. Nothing much is known about her life before this decision. She will do anything to get the family she feels she deserves… including seducing married Sims! No man is safe when she’s on the prowl, and she won’t stop until she has a long-standing legacy to look back on.

I made a modified version of the classic challenge for me to do because I felt I wanted to make it more casual and less strict. (Though there are still a bunch of the original rules!) You can read the rules I will be following here, and the original rules are here. (Both links lead to Tumblr) Feel free to use my rules if you want to!


My Sims 4 Tumblr
My Rules
Original Rules
Family Tree
My Challenge Homepage

I will be posting the parts here within spoiler tags in groups of about 4, as I queue parts to release throughout the day on my blog. Feel free to follow me on Tumblr if you want to read the story as and when it releases, and not wait!

This is also a modified challenge, if you haven't read the rules I will be following. instead of making a Sim have as many babies as possible I will instead be having 10 per generation. (No more, no less. Any extra kids will have to be put up for adoption or let go!) Then the youngest female will take over and have the next 10, until 100 have been born in total.

I hope you enjoy following along!

9 Replies

  • PARTS 1 - 4

    Click the spoiler tags to read each part, there are also links to read each part on my Tumblr!

    -Part One-

    Moving In + First Baby Daddy!

    Celeste has just moved into her new house in Willow Creek, with wild dreams about the new family she wants to start…

    The first thing she does, however, is head to watch TV… after a short while, she decides that she wants to walk down the nearby path and see if she can spot any potential baby daddies.

    As soon as she leaves she meets this older gentleman, Dennis Kim! She wastes no time in saying hello to him, and soon they’re both flirting. Dennis can’t believe that such a pretty young girl is giving him this much attention, and it comes out of nowhere! There he was, minding his own business, when she rushes up to say hello all flirty… this is definitely something to tell all his mates.

    -Part Two-

    Nothing But Flirt!

    Celeste comes onto Dennis very heavily and kisses his hands. He has no idea what she has planned for him and is very flattered by all the attention.

    She strikes a sexy pose! At this point, Celeste is preparing to hit home with her intentions and proposition Dennis for a WooHoo!

    They hug each other for good measure before Celeste swoops in for their First Kiss… she feels her heart flutter in her chest, both from nerves and excitement. It won’t be long now before she manages to get a baby from him…

    -Part Three-

    Getting Down and Busy!

    Celeste asks Dennis if he’d like to, you know, WooHoo… and he readily agrees! He feels as if he’s on cloud nine and no one will believe him when he tells them that he managed to get with such a pretty Sim!

    He is feeling a little tired, though… but we all must make sacrifices, mustn’t we?

    While Dennis naps in her bed, Celeste sneaks to the bathroom to take a pregnancy test. She’s full of hope, but no luck! She isn’t pregnant this time!

    “Hey, want to go for round two?” She whispers as she gets back into bed. Dennis readily agrees and soon they’re both having another WooHoo. Celeste hopes she isn’t tiring him out too much… she doesn’t want to be responsible for his death after all!

    -Part Four-


    After their second WooHoo, Celeste heads back to the bathroom for another pregnancy test and yay! She is indeed pregnant!

    She tells Dennis, because she doesn’t want to deceive anyone, and he is horrified. “What?! But- what- how?! We’ve only just WooHooed!”

    “Accidents happen I’m afraid!” Celeste is ecstatic her family is under way and promptly asks him to leave. Can’t have him moping around for the rest of the night. She decides she wants to head to the local park and see if she can meet some new potential baby daddies…

    She starts to get a bit hungry while walking around so she stops to grill some hot dogs.

    Thanks for reading, until the next part!
  • PARTS 5 - 8

    Click the spoiler tags to read each part, there are also links to read each part on my Tumblr!

    -Part Five-

    Fun at the Park + New Potentials!

    While enjoying the hotdogs she made, Celeste meets a new man called Geoffrey Landgraab. She is very quick to say hello and add him to her future daddy list! While chatting, she asks if he’s single but finds out that he is actually married… never one to let that deter her, she tries to spark a romance with him but he rejects her every time. Celeste decides it might be best to work on their friendship first!

    After sitting on a bench (her feet were hurting, it isn’t easy being pregnant!), a teen came over and sat next to her. He was called Andre Brown. Celeste decided to file his name away for a later date, such as when he’s a young adult! She decided to get to know him a little first, though Andre was soon put off by her constant flirting with Geoffrey and decided to leave.

    Geoffrey stuck around for a little while and Celeste decided she definitely wanted to make him one of her next targets, if only she could actually get his romance up! She took a selfie with him to celebrate their new friendship.

    -Part Six-

    Morning Sickness

    Celeste and Geoffrey did some star gazing next to the gazebo in Magnolia Blossom park, before Celeste decided to call it a night. It was about 2AM after all…

    She headed straight for bed when she got home, and had a great night sleep! The next morning, however, she wasn’t feeling too good… all a side effect of being pregnant, she assured herself.

    -Part Seven-

    Love Day - Part 1!

    When Celeste woke up it was Love Day! Being a Romantic, this is one of her favourite holidays! She decided to do some early morning baking, as is tradition, but she isn’t very good at cooking yet so it took a few tries for the brownies she made to be any more than ‘poor’ quality…

    When she finally had some that were good, she decided to eat a few and then rang Dennis to see if he’d like to go on a date! It seems he’d gotten over the shock of soon being a father as he readily agreed.

    Celeste brought along a rose to give him, another Love Day tradition, and then they decided to hang out at the library for a little while. It was a nice change of pace for Celeste, who was never really one for going on dates. There was a lot of flirting, and she had to remind herself that Dennis was only there to put a baby in her!!

    -Part Eight-

    Love Day - Part 2!

    The date was drawing to a close, so Celeste offered Dennis a nice massage as a final goodbye. That was a gold star date if she’d ever had one! It was time to say goodbye not soon after, however, and she headed home to rest and put her feet up…

    As it was still Love Day, Celeste sat down to eat some of the brownies she’d made earlier and watch some romantic TV. Love Day was a huge success! She managed to do everything she wanted to do!

    The next morning, as she was sat eating some leftover grilled cheese sandwiches, Celeste realised she needed to devise a way of earning some money, and soon! So, she decided to give painting a shot. The beautiful view from her upstairs study affords the most wonderful inspiration! She even managed to get a collector to buy some of her work…

    Thanks for reading, until the next part!
  • PARTS 9 - 12

    Click the spoiler tags to read each part, there are also links to read each part on my Tumblr!

    -Part Nine-

    New Friends + Nearly Time!

    After painting, Celeste decided to give Geoffrey a call and see if he wanted to come over for a while. He agreed and promptly came running! Celeste still couldn’t get him to accept any advances but she did manage to deepen their friendship quite a bit…

    She invited him to feel her baby after a while. He didn’t stay for long in total, but Celeste was tired so she didn’t mind too much.

    And then, in the middle of the night, it happened… Celeste woke up when she went into labour. It’s time!

    -Part Ten-

    Baby Time!!

    Celeste headed to the hospital with Dennis, who then promptly freaked out and turned around and left… (I think I dawdled too long outside the hospital and he decided to go home as it’s the middle of the night…)

    So, she braved the journey herself and made sure she was all checked in. She met a lovely Assistant Nurse who would be the one delivering the baby. Celeste decided she might make him one of her future baby daddies…

    As the baby was delivered, the Nurse turned out to be a little negligent as he removed her heart twice during surgery. Why he was in that part of her body, she does not know.

    But finally… she- oh- oh no… triplets!

    -Part Eleven-

    Triplets Are Hard Work

    Meet Jade, Melody, and Alex.

    As soon as Celeste got home from the hospital, all 3 babies needed feeding and their diapers changing. They will not stop crying. Celeste is starting to regret that she had triplets, even if she does love them!

    She started struggling to care for all three of them because it seemed like every 5 minutes another one needed a nappy change or a feed. Social services kept threatening to take them away, but she doesn’t want to give up!

    Celeste decided to have a power workout in the garden while all 3 of them were asleep, but they were soon awake and yowling… again.

    -Part Twelve-

    Small Moments of Peace & Quiet

    Over the next few days, the triplets took up all of Celeste’s spare time. So much so that she never seemed to have any time for herself… her needs suffered because of it. She was always hungry, always tired, nearly always needing a shower… so when she found she had a day where the babies were all asleep, she decided to get back to her painting.

    It wasn’t long before Geoffrey called and asked to hang out, so Celeste said yes. He wasn’t helpful in the slightest and ignored the children when they inevitably started crying again. He kept standing in the way so Celeste had to ask him to leave…

    Once he had gone, she climbed into bed and promptly fell asleep. However, once again she was soon having to get up to care for the 3 children.

    She managed to do a little bit of cooking, as well. Just enough to make a large serving of mac and cheese for herself!

    Thanks for reading, until the next part!
  • PARTS 13 - 16

    Click the spoiler tags to read each part, there are also links to read each part on my Tumblr!

    -Part Thirteen-


    Happy Birthday to the little ones! All 3 aged up with terrible fashion sense so I gave them a makeover, but kept their generated features, including hair and eye colour.

    They were given randomly assigned traits for their first one. Jade is independent, Melody is inquisitive, and Alex is clingy.

    Jade has been a toddler for 5 minutes and is already making a mess…

    Now so is Melody… meanwhile, Celeste is exhausted and starving. The kids keep being threatened to be taken away from her due to starvation because she never has time to feed them all, clean them, teach them things, without any help. The occasional visits from Dennis help a little, he manages to get in the way more often than not, however…

    Attempting to potty train them, and Alex is being very resistant.

    -Part Fourteen-

    National Cat Day

    It’s National Cat Day today! So, to give herself a little break, Celeste hires a maid to come and help clean the house. There is so much mess, including puddles from the bath and the potties, that she has had no time to clean while caring for the kids. She also managed to get ahead and cook a few meals, so at least the kids had full bellies now.

    Celeste called the adoption agency and arranged for a pet viewing and soon 3 little kittens arrived to celebrate the holiday. The kids had never seen a cat before so they were eager to say hello.

    The holiday was interrupted at one point by a phone call. It’s sad to say that their father, Dennis Kim, passed away… we’ll miss you, Dennis!

    All seemed peaceful for a short while after that, though all 3 were sad from the news… but of course that didn’t last. Soon everyone was hungry, smelly, and tired again. Celeste kept passing out. She is starting to realise that this will be harder than she thought…

    -Part Fifteen-

    Happy Birthday!

    It was finally time for the toddlers to age up, all their skills were finally at level 3 (which was not easy…) but Celeste somehow managed to cope and get them all to the next stage of their lives.

    Unfortunately, none of them managed to get their personality traits levelled up because their toddler life had been so hectic. There was never any time for boosting traits and teaching them things while avoiding them being taken away! But, there is still time while they’re children to raise them properly, so Celeste hopes it will be easier now they’re more independent.

    As usual their traits were randomised. Jade is squeamish and wants to be a social butterfly, Melody is mean and a rambunctious scamp, and Alex is a creative whiz kid.

    -Part Sixteen-

    Remembering Those Lost

    Even though it is the kid’s birthdays, they can’t help but still feel sad over the loss of their father, Dennis, a few days ago. As such, they’ve been moping around the house ever since aging. The only comfort is with each other!

    Celeste doesn’t know what she can do other than just let them mourn and hope their moods pick up soon.

    Thanks for reading, until the next part!
  • "poptarts_;c-17242117" wrote:
    Im really enjoying this so far...poor dennis cant believe his luck lmao

    Aw thanks! And I know, and now his ghost is texting me all the time haha! He is a good dad though so there's that :D
  • PARTS 17 - 20

    Click the spoiler tags to read each part, there are also links to read each part on my Tumblr!

    -Part Seventeen-

    Dates, Dates, Dates

    Now that the terrible trio have aged up to children, and can hopefully be more independent, Celeste decided she wanted to do it all over again! (What is she thinking?!) So, she decides to hit up the SimDa dating app and go on a blind date. The man who shows up wasn’t who she was picturing so she hasn’t called him again since, though she did do some flirting while there… they went to the gym for their date. (And got stuck on the yoga mat so I had to end the date early as she couldn’t get herself free)

    The next guy she went on a date with she chose from a list of potential candidates! To her surprise, the guy who turned up was actually a B-Lister celebrity! She was a little uncomfortable with the paparazzi attention and the fainting fans that had followed him, but she soon got over that and started to enjoy the attention.

    Celeste felt that she had a connection to Dustin Broke, so after a little flirting, and kissing, they decided to make it official and become boyfriend and girlfriend (they actually did this autonomously without my say-so… she has a mind of her own haha!)

    Celeste is eager to take him home and begin the baby making, but she is a little worried about how many she will have… she doesn’t want triplets ever again!

    -Part Eighteen-

    Eating For Two! Or More?

    Celeste had such a good time on their date, that she invited Dustin to come over and stay the night. He readily agreed, glad to have met someone with whom he shared a special connection. They were very quick to WooHoo, while the kids all busied themselves doing their homework for the day, and Celeste rushed to take a pregnancy test when they were done.

    Victory! She’s pregnant! Celeste is ecstatic and filled to the brim with excitement to have more children in the house. (Has she forgotten how difficult the first 3 were??)

    She goes to tell Dustin the good news, and he doesn’t take it that well… but after a while he perks up and realises that he is quite looking forward to having a baby to dote on. But is Celeste in fact having MORE than a single child? Her stomach is looking surprisingly big for only being in her first trimester…

    -Part Nineteen-

    Talk Like a Pirate Day

    Today was talk like a pirate day for the Shiki family! They all love the talking like a pirate tradition, and it fell on the weekend so all the kids were off school too!

    The triplets decided to all play together on the pirate ship in their garden and it wasn’t long before their mother decided to come and see how they were. Things are very peaceful at the moment… but the new baby is sure to change things.

    Especially if Celeste has more than one!

    -Part Twenty-

    Relaxing Weekend

    While Celeste is getting ready for her next child, the whole family decided to have a relaxing time out by the pool! The three triplets swam together while their mother lounged on the float. It was a very relaxing time! One of the rare moments when all their needs are cared for and they’re happy. Remembering their dad made the kids sad, however…

    Soon it became too chilly to be outside, so they all headed in for a relaxing end to their day.

    Thanks for reading, until the next part!
  • I THINK I'm caught up now - the kids are so cute! She's very fertile isnt she hahaha! I don't think I've ever had triplets in any game yet.
  • "poptarts_;c-17243013" wrote:
    I THINK I'm caught up now - the kids are so cute! She's very fertile isnt she hahaha! I don't think I've ever had triplets in any game yet.

    She definitely is! I have the lot trait 'on a ley line' to increase twin chances and I'm not allowed to change it (per the original rules). I now regret setting that as one of the traits because I struggled enough with triplets and now have 5 in total! I'm just glad that the triplets are a little more independent now! :D

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