Forum Discussion

carrie266's avatar
New Spectator
9 years ago

The Bank of Mum & Dad Challenge

The Bank of Mum & Dad Challenge!

Hi everyone I have come up with a new challenge for The Sims 4. Please comment with ideas/suggestions or tweet me @PhDSimmer
Please provide a link to this post as the official rules if you create any Let’s Plays for youtube or in blog posts.



-------------- INTRODUCTION --------------

It’s time for your privileged teenagers to learn some tough life lessons! They need to get off their butts, start earning their own money and paying for their own way in life because the bank of Mum and Dad is officially closed! If your Sims want carry on living in the lifestyle they've grown accustomed to ... well they’re going to have to work for it!

---------------- THE RULES ----------------

PART 1 - The Life of Luxury

Create a new family; this must consist of one or two parents (adults or elders) and one, two or three teens, you may also have any number of younger children in the household that you wish. Genders are entirely your decision, the parents can be the same-sex if you wish. You may also include aliens. Their children/teens should have traits including: snob, materialistic, foodie, music lover, art lover, lazy but this is not mandatory. Dress your Sims to reflect their upper-class, privileged lifestyle! The children/teens cannot have the aspirations of Mansion Baron or Fabulously Wealthy in order to avoid the bonus traits of Thrifty and Shrewd (parents may have these aspirations). Adjust the household size to suit the level of difficulty you wish to play in this challenge (see comment section below) but do not use cheats to have more than 8 Sims in your household.

Start with a 50 x 40 or larger lot and build the grandest house using as many money cheats as you like. The bigger the better! The fancier the better! Use the most expensive items you can. Download a house from the gallery or use an existing lot if you are not a confident builder.

Purchase and place the Knight of the Octagon Table Suit of Armour in your family inventory and keep it there for the duration of the challenge.

Move in your family and set the family funds to £50,000.

Hire a recurring gardener, butler and maid. You can also hire additional services as often as you like including pizza delivery, caterer, mixologist, DJ, massage therapists etc. If any objects break then either replace the object or hire a repairman, do not repair them (your privileged Sims would not want to get their hands dirty!)

The children/teens think they’re going to have their parent’s money to fall back on for the rest of their lives and so have no real drive to improve their skills or do well at school! Therefore the teens are not allowed to have jobs and you should refrain from actively building the children/teens skills (such as reading skill books). However, if they build skills naturally that’s okay e.g. your sim goes swimming and their fitness skill increases or you have a party and they gain the dance skill. You should also not encourage the children/teens to progress at school; they are not allowed to do homework and should avoid going to school focused. You should send them late to school every now and then and let them call in "sick" or take a vacation day occasionally. When they are at school don't choose for them to work hard, instead make them socialise or slack off or just leave it set at normal.

The parents are retired and therefore have no jobs, they just want to enjoy life (they reached the tops of their careers and retired early).

Play until at least one teen becomes a young adult (YA), you can wait until your teens natural birthday or play a few sim days and then age up as many of the teens as you like. I suggest you enjoy this stage and hold some big house parties to show of your wealth! After one teen is a YA you can age up the remaining teens and children as and when you prefer. When at least one teen has become a YA move the parents out of the house or kill them off in any way you like. Perhaps a mansion fire? Or terrible pool accident?

All children must be left behind, you cannot move out any of the children/teens with the parents.

You can use money cheats in Part 1 if you use up your £50,000 starting funds whilst playing but no money cheats are allowed in Part 2.


PART 2 - The Bank of Mum & Dad is now CLOSED

After the parents have moved out or been killed off reduce your family funds to zero. Make up your own back story for what happened – perhaps the parents got sick of their children’s lazy lifestyle and cut them off completely? Or maybe they died and all their money went to charity, leaving only the house to their children? No money cheats are allowed from this point on.

The remaining household must now try to keep the house in it’s all its glory by ensuring they earn enough money to pay the bills, the gardener and the maid (which you must keep throughout the duration of challenge -these are privileged Sims after all!). You may get rid of the butler at this point if you wish. Warning - Your bills will be very high as the house is so grand!

The YA(s) can now get jobs or make money anyway they can such as fishing, painting, programming and collecting. YA(s) will have to support any other children or teens in the household as they cannot get jobs. However, remaining children/teens can help earn money in other ways as described above.

Sims can (and probably will have to) sell items from around the house to make money but all items must be bought back by the end of the challenge (you may wish to make a record of what you sell, I suggest taking a screenshot or making a note of the object name!). You can only sell decorative objects and furniture, you cannot delete anything structural such as walls / rooms / stairs / windows / doors / pools etc to make money.

The YA(s) can marry, have children or adopt but all of the children/teens that were there at the start of the challenge must stay in the house for the duration of the challenge unless they have died either naturally or by accident (you cannot purposely kill them). If any of the YA(s) get married the spouse must not bring any money into the house with them when they move in, but they can contribute after this by getting a job. Only spouses may move in, no other Sims can move in (such as other family members or friends).

The YA(s) should struggle at first in their jobs since they’re not used to hard work! So until they reach Level 3 of their career do not let them complete their daily tasks or achieve their performance goals. Perhaps make them late for work a few times too! Spouses may complete daily tasks/goals from Level 1.

The YA(s) should refrain from tidying up after themselves, repairing objects and gardening (they may plant, evolve and harvest plants). The rest is left to the maid, gardener, repairman etc. Spouses are allowed to do these jobs.

The Sims must pay the bills to keep the house. If you have your power cut off more than once you automatically lose the challenge.

The challenge ends when the household balance reaches £50,000 and all sold items have been bought back. i.e. the house returns to its former glory! If your first generation of Sims die before the challenge is over it must be taken up by the next generation until the challenge is won.


Additional Rules:

If a Sims dies they cannot be brought back by any means.

Life span must be set to normal. Do not use cheats/potions/cow plant milk to prolong a Sim's life.

If a Sim is stuck, you can use cheats to free them.

Do not use cheats to remove negative moodlets, disable need decay, improve a Sims mood, skills or career level.

Do not use mods/cheats to reduce the value of satisfaction point rewards or give a Sims more satisfaction points.

Cheats to move and unlock objects are allowed.

Mods that do not help to win the challenge can be used.

Get to Work careers are allowed.



Can't wait to see what you guys think!!!!