6 years ago
The Cursed Legacy - Generation One Casting Call
Hello, I am MamaBearJade, or Jadekadoa. I have been itching to get a new story out that has been bugging me for months. Finally I have most of it ready, I am just struggling with making characters for it. I would love to have some help. I plan to do this every generation. I will update this with each generation so multiple houses/sims may be used.
1- Each household must have at least 1 person.
2- Each household must have at least 1 adult.
3- Absolutely no CC. Please. I struggle with getting CC to work at times.
4- You can use any or all of the Game Packs/Expansions
5- Each member of the household from teen up, must have a background.
6- If I use the sim in my story, they may be abused, tortured, or killed to progress my story
7- If I use the sim in my story, I reserve the right to change them to fit my story. However, to avoid this, make sure you read my synopsis for each generation for each casting call.
Full Story Synopsis
Legacy Link
You can read the legacy by following the link below!
Generation One Casting Call
1- Each household must have at least 1 person.
2- Each household must have at least 1 adult.
3- Absolutely no CC. Please. I struggle with getting CC to work at times.
4- You can use any or all of the Game Packs/Expansions
5- Each member of the household from teen up, must have a background.
6- If I use the sim in my story, they may be abused, tortured, or killed to progress my story
7- If I use the sim in my story, I reserve the right to change them to fit my story. However, to avoid this, make sure you read my synopsis for each generation for each casting call.
Full Story Synopsis
He had to take her life, that was what he desperately wanted. And he did. He killed her, but with her dying breath, the witch cursed him. "N-Never...will your line...find happiness." Her eyes stared at him as her last breath escaped her throat and she lay still. As he walked away, he felt a chill down his spine. Such foolishness. He soon wandered to the university, looking for his next victim. He never realized his life was about to change, forever.
Follow the bloodline of the serial killer Julius Craven as they desperately try to break the curse on their family. Death and heartbreak is never far behind in this family. How many generations will it take to break this curse?
Legacy Link
You can read the legacy by following the link below!
Generation One Casting Call
Call End Date: February 7th
Looking for one of each of the followingHousehold of either one or two members (siblings if two). With a male or female. Must be a young adult or adult who has completed at least one degree, and is currently enrolled in University. This character must not have a current spouse or love interest. This character will play an important role with the Gen One Founder.
Call End Date: February 10th
Household of at least two members. One must be a parent or elder sibling, the other must be a child. The child character will play an important role with the heir(s) of Generation One.