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MamaBearJade's avatar
6 years ago

The Cursed Legacy - Generation One Casting Call

Hello, I am MamaBearJade, or Jadekadoa. I have been itching to get a new story out that has been bugging me for months. Finally I have most of it ready, I am just struggling with making characters for it. I would love to have some help. I plan to do this every generation. I will update this with each generation so multiple houses/sims may be used.

1- Each household must have at least 1 person.
2- Each household must have at least 1 adult.
3- Absolutely no CC. Please. I struggle with getting CC to work at times.
4- You can use any or all of the Game Packs/Expansions
5- Each member of the household from teen up, must have a background.
6- If I use the sim in my story, they may be abused, tortured, or killed to progress my story
7- If I use the sim in my story, I reserve the right to change them to fit my story. However, to avoid this, make sure you read my synopsis for each generation for each casting call.

Full Story Synopsis
He had to take her life, that was what he desperately wanted. And he did. He killed her, but with her dying breath, the witch cursed him. "N-Never...will your line...find happiness." Her eyes stared at him as her last breath escaped her throat and she lay still. As he walked away, he felt a chill down his spine. Such foolishness. He soon wandered to the university, looking for his next victim. He never realized his life was about to change, forever.

Follow the bloodline of the serial killer Julius Craven as they desperately try to break the curse on their family. Death and heartbreak is never far behind in this family. How many generations will it take to break this curse?

Legacy Link
You can read the legacy by following the link below!

Generation One Casting Call
Call End Date: February 7th
Looking for one of each of the following
Household of either one or two members (siblings if two). With a male or female. Must be a young adult or adult who has completed at least one degree, and is currently enrolled in University. This character must not have a current spouse or love interest. This character will play an important role with the Gen One Founder.

Call End Date: February 10th
Household of at least two members. One must be a parent or elder sibling, the other must be a child. The child character will play an important role with the heir(s) of Generation One.

6 Replies

  • I plan on submitting some households for this, one for each of the descriptions.
  • Household fitting the Adult in College

    Household Name: Yang
    Member: Chiharu Yang
    Bio: Chiharu Yang is passionate about music and had a full scholarship to Britechester Accademy to get a degree, which she got with honors. Unfortunately after all of this, she ended up with little in job prospects; since by this point record labels wanted pretty faces that they can market, not actual musicians making music. Chiharu worked for years struggling to make ends meat working as a bartender and DJ for Weddings, Bar Mitzvahs, Irish wakes, and surprisingly a few Viking Funerals to boot. Her DJing and the equipment maintenance led to a 2nd passion of hers, working with computers. As a result, now a middle aged adult, Chiharu is going back to college to get a degree in Computer Science at Foxbury Institute with the hopes that the second time is the charm in getting something that can lead to a stable career.

    Chiharu can be found in th link above as well as with the hasgtags #Jadekadoa #CursedLegacy #BackToSchool #Musician #ComputerProgrammer
  • Have the family with children ready to go...

    Household Name: Albertsford
    Members: Drake Albertsford, Jake Albertsford, Andre Albertsford
    Family Backstory: Thomas and Donna Albertsford are self entitled sims on the verge of retirement with an adult son that was born when Donna was a teen and twins from just before Donna hit menopause. Because the two of them are selfish, vain, and self centered, Thomas and Donna decided to flee the country without so much as a good bye to their kids, saddling Drake to take care of his brothers Jake and Andre when he should be at the point of starting a family instead of being saddled with being a de facto parent to his younger brothers.
    Bio: Drake Albertsford was just barely getting by on his own when his brothers he never met were dropped off at his apartment by an Uber driver demainding he pay for the ride for said brothers. Since then Drake found out his good for nothing parents deserted his brothers so they can live in Costa Rica. Now Drake is stuck being for all intensive purposes a single father to his brothers with out any of the fun parts before having kids. On top of having no relationship with his brothers before becoming their guardian, Drake has to deal with Jake's behavioral problems and Andre's Gender Idenity Disorder, not to mention his brothers constantly fighting one another all while working as a meager office assistant. (Also, Drake wears a toupee everywhere except to bed where his baldness is on display.)
    Jake Albertsford was once your typical All-American boy but then his parents deserted him and Andre, dumping them off with their brother they never met. Jake then started getting extremely moody and extremely angry, outright being mean for the sake of being mean (though there were signs of Jake being this way even when his parents were around). When taken to a therapist, it was initially for Jake's behavioral problems ranging from lashing out at school and trying to fight anyone adult or kid just to prove how tough he is. Jake's interests when not being deplorable is riding bikes (used to be with his friends back when mom & dad still loved him), video games (online first person shooters being his favorite), and watching Pro Wrestling (he always cheers on the Heels for they are more entertaining to him.)
    Andre Albertsford was always the total opposite of his brother Jake. While Jake was always rough and tough, Andre was always soft, gentile, and delicate. While Jake liked blue, Andre perfected Pink. While Jake played sports or rough housed with his friends, Andre preferred dolls and dress up. While Jake's friends were all boys, Andre always was friends with girls and views himself as one of the girls. Andre was diagnosed with Gender Identity Disorder by a therapist when he and his brother were taken to said therapist. Andre is thankful that Drake is letting him wear girls clothes instead of just ditching him like his parents did. Andre is cheerful for the most part but after what his parents did never wants to see them again and if he does after hearing them out his response will be "Okay, Boomer!" Andre likes fashion, romance movies, make-up, and boy bands (particularly K-Pop bands). Andre is better adjusted and can make friends easier than his ill tempered brother Jake.

    This messed up reminant of a family can be found with the link above as well as the hashtags #Jadekadoa #CursedLegacy #MessedUpFamily
  • Doesn't look like many people are making sims for this so here is another Adult in College one...

    Household Name: Svenssen
    Member: Olaf Svenssen
    Bio: Olaf Svenssen has a past fitting of an origin story for an anti-hero or anti villain. When Olaf was 6, he witnesses his mom's tragic untimely death due to a mugging gone wrong becoming murder. He then was subjected to the harshness of his abusive grandparents who would torture him constantly claiming that Olaf was responsible for his mom' death. After years of abuse, Olaf was legally emancipated at the age of 13 and inherited his mom's life insurance upon being emancipated. However, due to his grandfather's gambling addiction and his grandmother's addiction to buying items off of home shopping channels (when they weren't beating and abusing Olaf), the amount was about 20% of what it should've been. Olaf luckily was an absurdly smart kid and got into college as a teen graduating with honors with a degree in History. Olaf is now back in College to get a second degree in something that will help him get a job and start a family of his own. Olaf has a dark mysterious aura that many are intimidated by so he doesn't make friends as easily as his cheerful demeanor should allow him to.

    Olaf can be found in the link above as well as with the hashtags #Jadekadoa #CursedLegacy #DarkTroubledPast

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