Meet Plumeria Dapple, the matriarch of this challenge! She's got a long way to go, because right now all she has is a starting house in Willow Creek and no friends around.
We're starting off pretty well with a little money leftover from buying the house, but that won't last forever, especially when Plumeria becomes lot-bound. So, I've had her get a job in social media for now, and decided to send her to the library to do the first assignment she got, as it would be a good opportunity to meet people.
Behind them, Judith Ward came in, drawing a crowd of fans and paparazzi. Plumeria said hello to a few of them, but stayed chatting with Seiji as everyone else crowded around Judith.
After a while, Plumeria and Seiji headed back to her house, and started getting to know each other (though he mostly told her his dislikes.) It was going well...
After chatting with the neighbours for a while, Plumeria was eventually able to shoo them away, and ended up making a move on Seiji. He seemed a bit surprised, but hey, that's the name of the game!
As for what happened round of toilet confetti later, I made an extension to the house and did a little decorating. I figured we could go with a flower theme overall, and I think this is a very cute way to start.
Learning to run your own household is never easy, and right now, Plumeria is having a hard time with cooking. I was wincing a little whilst she was scrapping her food off the pan, but hey, that's life sometimes. Her failures now will help her learn, I suppose.
During all this, she did get invited to Alien Night at the bar, and got to meet quite a few people, which I'm very happy about. Her contact list is quite long at this point, but hey, it's a special tool that will help us later. It was a very lively night, and a lot of fun.
And I wouldn't be me if I didn't also have her working hard on a garden! It's actually doing pretty well, and she's currently managing to take good care of it, though I suspect that will definitely get harder as time goes by.
Plumeria is definitely happy with her babies! I was pretty surprised by getting twins right away, but Wisteria and Rose are so cute! Plumeria definitely agrees.
I ended up reworking the nursery/bedroom into two separate rooms, and man, am I proud of the nursery! It has everything a toddler could want and maybe a little more, too.
A lot of this is possible because Plumeria has been working very hard in the garden. We've got some really nice flowers there, which sell for really nice prices, and I've been subtly expanding it, too.
He pretty much came in and used the computer before leaving, but he'll be our second donor! Maybe we'll get lucky and get twins again! Only time will tell...
So, Uriah and Plumeria have been spending a lot of time together, and she's been flirting quite a lot. With everything else she has to do, he kind of ended up sandwiched into her crumbs of spare time, but that seemed to suit him.
He did eventually spend the night, however, which was how Plumeria and I both found out he was an alien. Welp. Chances of twins were also pretty high, according to the moodlet. Fingers crossed once again!
Pretty soon, she was noticeably pregnant, though she was still working on her garden. (More plants did indeed die at some point, though I'm not sure if I got a screenshot.)
As for the twins, Rose has turned into the fussy one, but Plumeria is taking very good care of both girls despite being rushed off her feet. I'm pretty sure it'll get harder from this point, but for now, we have a lovely kind of peace.
The girls have also been skilling up quite well, thanks to their shared Wabbit Tablet - which is a bit of an expense, but oh well, it's definitely worth it for these things!
I also made a tiny upgrade, as Plumeria's been bringing in a little more cash these days thanks to her social media job. Look at our new kitchen table!
Rose and Wisteria, on the other hand, just grabbed their food and went to sit down. They are getting so smart, these girls! Their skills are through the roof.
Plumeria took Azalea out to the yard to play in the paddling pool, which was just adorable. It's the heat of summer, so I figured it would be nice for the kids to cool off, and Azalea had an absolute blast! I definitely want to get more toys like this for the kids when we're not, uh, flat broke.
Azalea and Linden also get along pretty well, which is good! They love playing together in the tent, or just napping in there. They're such little darlings, honestly.
So last time, I introduced to Cole, who was an alien that Plumeria met at the very start of this challenge. As she already knew him, she invited him over to the house to get to know him and make him into Donor #3 (pretty cool considering we already have four little ones running around the house!)
And boom, toilet confetti! I was really psyched for this, and I think she got the same moodlet due to the lot traits about high chances of twins. Is this going to happen every time?
Either way, she was happy, and so am I, as this is fantastic for the progression of the challenge. We're on a roll! And now, time to cook for the other kids, so they don't starve.
In other important news, Wisteria and Rose will soon be aging up, so I had Plumeria working absolute overtime to afford this private little room for them away from the main toddler room. I need to start saving up so we can expand the house a little, of course, but for now this is the best we can do.
Part of working overtime was to practice mischief, and so the local food vendor got to be the first to hear an unbelievable rumour. He's kind of on a shortlist, if I'm honest, just because she gets to talk to him a lot.
I feel a little sad that they're not toddlers anymore, but I'm definitely glad to have at least two kids in the house who can independently look after their needs. Also, they look so much like their dad! Wisteria is currently the 'heiress' of the house, but I'm unsure if that will last, honestly. I'll be leaving it there for now, but the next update will be pretty fun!
Say hello to the newest member of the household! Nope, not a baby, this wonderful drone! This will help with Plumeria's social media career, and also just be a fun little feature to test out.
Plumeria ended up streaming while helping Wisteria with her homework (and look at how cute those pyjamas are!) I wonder what category that stream would be in, but she's still eating the twins' birthday cake.
Having two of the kids be children now is a lot more relaxing, because they're a little less reliant, but that doesn't mean that Azalea and Linden have chilled out any. It just means I have a brief reprieve from having so many toddlers around the house. But with the incoming baby, I decided to have Plumeria work hard at her job for a little while. Part of this was again practicing mischief.
Funnily enough, she got along with Nancy Landgraab - the only Sim in my 100 Baby Challenges ever to have done so.
For some reason, L came and just...knocked over the bin. Which, thanks for that, L, it's not like we have a bunch of kids in the house keeping Plumeria low on needs.
Azalea, like I hinted before, still needs lots of attention and cuddles - she is just a baby, after all - and Plumeria is still giving her that! She's such a good mom.
This was another lovely shot of Wisteria and Rose! Wisteria needs the activity table for her aspiration, but she's having a great time with it at the moment just playing around. The toddler room is slowly being filled with holiday decorations thanks to her.
Also, things keep breaking, and poor Plumeria keeps getting stuck fixing them. Luckily, we'll be able to start upgrading them soon, but as you can see, she's just trying her best while low on energy almost constantly.
Probably this will end up as something of a long episode. I've been playing a lot of this, and I've actually played quite a bit ahead at this point. I guess because it's very easy to just play this one at this point! However, I'm still putting in the work for the others behind the scenes.
Azalea has been getting along well with her sisters, although her side of the conversation is likely just babble at this point.
Linden, on the other hand, is quite bright, and has been working on his skills. Or rather, is happy to work on his skills. I don't have very many pictures of him interacting with his older sisters.
As for Plumeria, she has been about ready to pop, and quite tired, but smiling through it all. I've got Wisteria and Rose focusing hard on their schooling, and I've been trying to build their skills too - but that's kind of hard with two toddlers needing attention. It does not, in fact, get better.
Also, because we have cheap sinks, toilets, etc, poor Plumeria has needed to rush in to keep fixing things. Which, of course, doesn't improve her mood at all.
They're not aliens, but they do have their dad's skin colour - so like Azalea and Linden, they're hybrids. However, Aspen and Yarrow ended up as adorable little blueberries! They're so cute!
Oh, and poor Wisteria got sick while this was all happening! I really feel like my Sims have been getting sick a lot more often lately. I wonder what's causing it?
So, yes, the boys are our third set of twins in the game. Something tells me it won't be the last time, either... But for now, I'll wrap up this episode, and hope to see you all soon!
Wisteria has been hard at work on her school project again. School projects are one of those things I have a love-hate relationship with in Sims - they're fun, but they take so long, and if you don't have an adult to really assist you then you're toast.
Plumeria ended up getting sick as well just after the babies were born, which, fantastic. I don't know why my Sims have all started getting sick suddenly, but we're dealing with it.
Aspen and Yarrow aged up shortly after, and they are absolutely adorable! Like all the other kids, each of them has a themed colour - yellow for Aspen, and blue for Yarrow. Here's Aspen:
And of course, with four toddles at once in the house and only one adult to look after them, the fun really begins. But that's the 'challenge' aspect of the 100 Baby Challenge!
(And isn't Aspen adorable with his little backpack?)
Along with the other skills she's begun to build, Plumeria's gotten very good at cooking! It's fun watching her learn things and skill up in all these different areas. Of course, with how many kids there are, everything has to be Party Size.
To my surprise, Plumeria is handling four toddlers at once fairly well. I remember the first time I tried this challenge, I was very overwhelmed, and didn't enjoy it one bit. Nowadays, it's a lot more fun, and I can really relax!
Rose ended up angering one of them, but two out of three ain't bad, overall. I was feeling pretty good about my chances, honestly, and we could definitely benefit from the seed packets you get from happy gnomes.
See, this is why I'm not such a big fan of Harvestfest - that, and the 'grand meal' was nigh impossible with Plumeria's needs swinging back and forth due to four toddlers. Hey, she's managing it, but Harvestfest on top of that definitely wasn't happening fully.
Once Harvestfest was over and done with, it was back to our usual routine, which now includes things breaking Every Single Time. See, the shower.
And, in exciting news, it was time to upgrade the house adding a whole new bedroom! Yes, it's time for Azalea and Linden to age up! I feel both happy and sad about this, but I scraped together as much as I could to give them a nice bedroom. It's not much to look at, but it's still quite good.