The Do It All Challenge: I am starting a challenge that is all about doing everything in the Sims 4. I am hoping by completing all the Objectives I will have done everything there is to do. It's more...
Aspirations: Friend of the Animals Bodybuilder Extreme Sports Enthusiast Master Actor/Master Actress Painter Extraordinaire Musical Genius Bestselling Author Master Maker Lord/Lady of the Knits Public Enemy Chief of Mischief Vampire Family Successful Lineage Big Happy Family Super Parent Master Chef Master Mixologist Grilled Cheese Fabulously Wealthy Mansion Baron Master Vampire Renaissance Sim Renaissance Sim Computer Whiz Archaeology Scholar Spellcraft & Sorcery Academic Serial Romantic Soulmate City Native StrangerVille Mystery Beach Life Mt. Komorebi Sightseer Fabulously Filthy Perfectly Pristine Freelance Botanist The Curator Angling Ace Outdoor Enthusiast Jungle Explorer Purveyor of Potions Eco Innovator Country Caretaker Joke Star Party Animal Friend of the World Leader of the Pack Good Vampire World-Famous Celebrity Galactic Privateer Hope VS Order Paragon of Hope Enforce of Order
Childhood Aspirations: Artistic Prodigy Rambunctious Scamp Social Butterfly Whiz Kid
Other Objectives: Complete All Collections Build/Craft one of everything (robotics, woodworking, painting, knitting, cross-stitch, canning, fabrication, flower arrangements, science career ect) Earn Every University Degree Earn a Gold Level on Every Event Type Max Out All Skills at least once. Have Fun!
Personal Challenges Added with Mods: Menstrual Cycle Pregnancy Mood Swings Made everything Autonomous that I can (includes flirting, engagements, marriages etc)
Spouses: After the 2nd Generation my sims will have find love the hard actually meeting sims I have not made for them. Spouses can get makeovers but no changing of hair color, eye color, and freckles or moles. Skin color can be changed since their are some very odd ones but you must stay in the same color range. I can change any facial/body features as long as it is done by hand (no changing the presets) I can change one trait of the spouse after marriage
Gameplay Settings: Autonomy = Full *Except Selected Sim* Lifestyles = Enabled Build/Buy Grant Effects = Enabled Lifespan = Normal with Custom MCCC Settings Auto Age all sims
Weather Settings: Rain & Thunderstorms = Enabled Snow & Blizzards = Enabled Temperature Effects on Sims = Enabled 7 Days per Season Thundersnow Storms = Enabled Icy Conditions = Enabled
Pack Settings: Sims Being Opted Out Of Fame = Off Enable NPC N.A.P. Voting = Off Enable Eco Footprint Gameplay = On Enable Dust System = On Farm Animal Aging = On
Age Span (used MCCC): Baby: 2 days Toddler: 5 days Child: 14 Days Teen: 14 Days Young Adult: 56 Days Adult: 28 days Elder: 21 Days
Misc: I am playing with Autonomy on Full *Except Selected Sim*. My stories will be mostly about the past/current/future Matriarch/Patriarch.
All Crops, Collectables, Photographs, Crafts and Books move with the next generation.
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